
Snowdown is the small isle in the southeastern corner of the Moonshaes, directly south of Alaron, and was only recently freed of the Amnian grasp. Its location affords Snowdown the luxury of being the warmest and the most fertile island, as well as the Moonshae location furthest away from the predation of the Northlander raiders.   Residents of Snowdown had the reputation for being the least friendly and most aloof members of the Moonshae nation. While other Moonshavians fought hard and sacrificed much to overcome obstacles and attain their national identity, Snowdowners talked much but did little.   When merchants representing Amnian interests established homes and extensive trade relations on Snowdown, many on the other islands warned of potential treachery. Snowdown scoffed and enjoyed the luxuries the Amnian vessels brought them. When a civil war threatened to depose House Kendrick and Amn was rumored to be involved, other Moonshavians were furious. Snowdown, however, refused to believe the rumors and allowed Amnian interests to remain. Then finally, when Amn annexed Snowdown and drove out the High King’s forces, most Snowdowners shrugged and accepted their new rulers.   Those who allowed the annexation were called traitors, while a few bid their time with the hopes that High King Derid would soon muster his forces and drive the Amnians and their sympathizers into the sea, so their bodies may someday wash up in the shores of Amn as a warning against future incursions.   Now having been freed, Snowdown has encountered new problems and its not just the fact that every family not labelled a traitor is vying for Lordship of the Isle. But also due to the decree of the High King; all those deemed as traitors lost their lands and titles while trade from the isle now must be sent to Callidyrr before heading to overseas markets. There are many on the island who find this new freedom and its rules less than an ideal change.


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