Gunnison Plains Geographic Location in The | World Anvil
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Gunnison Plains

The Gunnison Plains is a vast region that consumes almost all of the eastern half of Wren. Consisting of vast plains of fertile soil, their are hundreds of miles of open plains that are completely untouched by civilization. There are a handful of large towns and cities throughout this vast area, but they are few and far in between. When traveling through the open plains of the Gunnison Plains, many travelers can often have mystical encounters that are only experienced within the plains.


The center of the Gunnision Plains consists of grasslands that stretch hundreds of miles. These plains are populated with small villages and large farmers, as well as an occasional dense and lush forest. In the eastern plains the largest city of the plains, Stargrada, city at the meeting point of three large trading routes.

Localized Phenomena

The open grassland, and rare thick forest are known to contain phantasmic phenomena that can materialize in an infinite amount of ways. People often see sparks and surges of arcane energy surge through the air.


For much of the second age The Gunnison Plains has been almost entirely undeveloped, consisting of small nomadic groups as well as more permanent settlements. There are minor conflicts that occur throughout the plains, as well as feuds between people within the Vastran Kingdom. Over the last several hundreds years there has been a large increase in the amount of people who flocked to the two big cities in the plains, but aside from that the plains remain most unpopulated.
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