Wren Geographic Location in The | World Anvil
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For much of it's history Wren has been known for it's expansive wilds that are inhabited by some of the most deadly threats the civilization. One of it's most notable features is the Blood Peak Mountains that run across the northern portion of of the continent separating the lowland plains that run across the middle of the lands from the frigid wilds north of the mountains. The land south of the mountains is fertile, and is protected by the rolling hills all along the southern coats of the area. Wren also has two notable island formations that have had civilizations on them for thousands of years.   While in modern day Wren seems to be much more centrally controlled, it has taken centuries for a nation such as the Vastran Kingdom and Draconia to arise and be able to form alliances not only within Wren but with nations in O'Valir as well. For the thousands of years prior to this time of nation expansion, Wren was plagued with petty rulers who fought one another over dominance of the area. The area now known as the Vastran Kingdom was dominated by petty lords who sought to rule over larger and larger lands, sending men to die in order to gain territory they has no use for. The Gunnision Plains was full of nomadic tribes for centuries, but as travelers from Edengaard made their way into the Gunnision PLains they brought with them agricultural practices that bloomed in the region. The island of Old Salt has always been inhabited by people who need to raid to survive as the island has very little to offer in the way of natural resources. Draconia was once rumoured to be the sight of a tall mountain that was full of dragons but after the end of the first age the mountain collapsed and the dragonborn were all that was left.


Majority of the South Eastern Islands

Gunnison Plains

Vast Lands of the East


Isolated Metropolis in the Blood Peak Mountains

Old Salt

Region of Ocean and Land Near both Wren and O'Valir

The Expanse

Territory North of the Blood Peak Mountains

Vastran Kingdom

All of the Land of Western Wren, South of the Blood Peak Mountains
Included Organizations

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