The Expanse Geographic Location in The | World Anvil
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The Expanse

All of the area north of the Blood Peak Mountains is referred to as The Expanse. Occupied by only the hardiest of people, the land here is unforgiving and the beasts that roam the wilds are some of the most fierce in all of The Reach. The land here is mostly useless for things like farming, meaning people here need to fight to survive. It often comes down to fighting other people, or the monsters that roam all across these badlands.


The expanse has two prominent features within it's landscape. The first s the Blood Peak Mountains that begin to form at the the most northwestern part of The expanse and reaches all the way to the Gunnision Plains. The second are the myriad of rivers that give quick access to the innermost parts of the expanse, offering a rapid form of transportation that is not easily replicated in other parts of The Reach. Aside from those two features, The Expanse is mostly made up of thick forests separated by small valleys.


The Expanse has always been home to some of the toughest peoples of The Reach. Now mostly dominated by factions of either Orcs or Goliaths, even this wild territory is beginning to see the stamp of ever expanding civilization begin to creep through it. For hundreds of years only scattershot clans of people existed throughout these fridged and unforgiving lands. This all changed after the founding of the Vastran Kingdom, when King William demanded that some of the largest clans of goliaths at the time bend the knee to him. Instead of starting a war, these goliath clans moved north of the Blood Peaks and settled the lands around the mountains which would slowly turn into an iron grip on the region. Conflicts often arise between goliath tribes and orcish raiding parties that keep tensions in the expanse high even between people who have no existing rivalries with one another. People here never feel safe, as a town or village made need food and decide to attack a settlement for what they need.
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