Draconia Settlement in The | World Anvil
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Draconia is a chain of islands just off of the southeastern coast of Wren, just off of the shores of both the Vastran Kingdom as well as the Gunnison Plains. It is covered in a dense tropical forest, that is broken up by rocky terrain as well as numerous villages, towns and cities spotted throughout the landscape. The densest parts of the jungle still remain a source of danger, but otherwise there is peace and tranquility among the people here. Draconians live in Dumas of (settlements) of varying sizes which are all independently run, but join together to enact laws and form plans to work together for mutual benefit. The Draconians have long been protected by the Vanguard, which is made up of Draconians who have been trained in ancient combat techniques as well as modern weaponry. Under the protection of these warriors, Draconia flourished into a stable and thriving state in the Reach, and has remained one all throughout history. In that time, the Dragorn was discovered and the Order of Bones was formed around it in order to disseminate the teaching of the five primeval dragons.  With the guidance of these five dragon saints, Draconia has come to be seen as a protector of the weak in vulnerable through the Reach. For thousands of years refugees from all across the Reach have made their ways to the Islands of Draconia, and been welcomed with open arms and a place to join the Sovereign Collective of Dumas.


Draconia is one of the oldest civilizations in all of the Reach, only being a few centuries younger than the Anorian Empire. The original people of the islands were Dragonborn who primarily lived on the edges of the island near waterfront, building small villages to support fishing crews that would tred out into the water. As these small villages grew they needed more food, and that meant one of two things; they could either push further onto the land, which would require fighting back against the dangers of the jungle, or venturing out further into the water where threats from the deep lurked below eyesight. It was this need for survival that would become the inception of Draconia , and mark the founding of the Sovereign Collective of Dumas . A handful of villages joined together with a vision that all of their members would be trained for a role that would allow for the collective to thrive in their islands. Initially they set out to train better warriors, fisherman, and scouts, but soon that grew into carpenters, healers, and farmers. Draconia began to expand into the jungles of the islands, and it would be there that the nation would gain it's seminal name. Deep in these jungles of the island, scouts would uncover skeletons of dragons that would each stretch for hundreds of feet, so large that even mostly covered they protruded into the upper canopy in places.   Once the Sovereign Collective had a foothold over their lands, other villages and towns from neighboring islands began to join them. For hundreds of years Draconia grew and expanded across the island cluster that it is known to control today. During this time, they began to lay the groundwork for their collectivized society going forward. Dumas began to collectively think how they could allocate larger pools of resources together in order to accomplish greater and greater goals. Before long, Draconia was formed into well organized sectors devoted to providing for the basic needs of all of those in the Collective. It was not long into the second age when Draconia had established itself as one of the more successful civilizations to from out of the chaos of the Second Age. Before the millennium would finish Draconia would even further it's renown; first by sending hundreds of their noble warriors to fight and die to stop the rise of the Kraken in Old Salt, as well as defend a small consortium of mages in town near their coast called Stargrada. Although these deeds were done for their own motivations, the Draconians did not refuse the rich rewards gained from these ventures. Crossing into the third millennium Draconia had some of the finest ships that could be found in all of the Reach, and they had also been granted a boon by the mages of Stargrada.   The Draconians had sent their Vanguard to protect the mages and aide them in settling their town on the coast of Wren, just north of Draconia. Like many before them, they fought valiantly and won the day alongside the mages, and for their service the mages offered them a gift. They offered to send teachers back with them to Draconia, and have them teach some of their peoples in the way of one school of magic. The Supreme Duma requested that the mages send their teachers of divination, for the Sovereign Collective swas in agreement that the benefit of foresight would be the most useful to all of the people. This magical divination would go on to change the landscape of Draconian society forever. Leaders and authorities were educated in the ways of divination, and overtime a handful of individuals have even become orcales. This alone would have been enough to change the direction of Draconia together, but it would be what the Draconians would learn about the ancient skeletons that lie deep in their lands that would truly change the island nation.   The divination taught to the Sovereign Collective not only allowed them to see into the future, but also look back into the past. Channeling this power through the ancient skeletons of hundred footlong dragons, they discovered who the Dragorn were, and what they stood for. These five dragons sought to protect the Reach from threats so great it promised to destroy it. This discovery of metaphoric ancestors from the 1st Age sparked a fast growing pantheon in Draconia. Without explanation, people found themselves invigorated with new power. The Dragorn had began channeling the Draconians belief back into the people, but they still did not understand enough about the nature of their new gods to comprehend what this all meant. The first group to establishes itself for the purpose of worshipping and understanding the Dragorn was the Order of Bones, and since then the pantheon of the Dragorn has flourished.    The Order of Bones would carry the mantle as the great diviners of Draconia, and their first order was to see if there was anything to learn from the Dragorn. As the Order divined more about who they were, they began going to them with questions about what Draconia should do. These messages were often cryptic or vague, but have served as useful tools towards creating consensus among Draconians who interpret these various statements in different ways.  These teachings were not false promises, and helped usher Draconia into a new age. Not only had they built a strong nation together, they now had the power of their own divine pantheon to further cement their status as a flourishing nation of the Reach.    It was not long before this new Draconia become a hotbed for many of the refugee groups that were emerging during thousands of years that were plagued with some of the most constant conflict the Reach has ever seen. For almost three thousands years people from every corner of the Reach would find their way to Draconia seeking safe harbor from the dangers of the Reach. In this era, Draconia defended these people as the Dragorn did in the 1st Age. Although Draconians were quick to defend those who could not defend themselves, they never officially entered into a war with any of the larger nations during this time. People from the Iron Hills in O'Valir had made their way to Draconia, and with them brought the engineering knowledge to begin expanding the living space of the Islands. Over time Dumas began not only expanding outward, but also above and below ground. This has continued to modern day, and Draconia is now teeming with life in large pockets all throughout their island chain.    Up to this point in their history, Draconia had been sending the warriors to fight the most dangerous foes the Reach had to offer. Dragons in the Blood Peak Mountains, and Giants roaming through the Colossus. Never once had the Draconians ever declared a war against another nation. That would all change when the Vastran Kingdom attempted to conquer wide swaths of the Gunnison Plains. Knowing that the free people had no chance of escaping conquest on their own, the Draconians marched their Vanguard into the Gunnison Plains, and in two separate wars have help defend it from Vastran Invasion. This shift has coincided with an increase in the worship of Tiamat, as many Draconians are attempting to understand more of the wisdom that she has.
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