Miquala Snaw

The White Death

Miquala Snaw was a Purudian necromancer and leader of Black Snow. She was taken to Maronja at an early age and adopted by the witches of North Market, where she would learn the dark art of the dead. Miquala is one of the only recorded necromancers in the realms history, being able to summon four undead at a time, an unheard of feat. Many feared Miquala due to her reputation and wouldn't dare to cross her, allowing her to create solid bonds with the criminal underworld once she returned to The Isles of Isaiath.   Before becoming involved in the underworld, Miquala would briefly work for the mercenary group known as the Bright Talons. Which would further increase her fearsome reputation, wielding a hooked dagger in battle, then commanding those she felled, against their former allies. Unfortunately for Miquala she along with her two associates Jaquaries Bareios and Jaquese Bareios were hunted down by Atra Hasis. The blonde haired man was told by the Director of Justice to give Miquala a death so gruesome that those she had previously brought back from the dead could laugh at her in the afterlife.   Although Hasis never directly agreed to the Directors request, he did spend three long days and nights tending to the "White Death." After dispatching her associates he would employ a variety of painful techniques against her. Across the first 24 hours Miquala would be:  
  • Beaten
  • Burnt
  • Frostbitten
  • Forced to Eat her Former Associates
  • Melted
  During the process Hasis and Snaw would conversate and in a strange way, began enjoying each others company. This led Atra to decide to stop the brutality and allow Miquala to die from her already inflicted wounds. Talking about a variety of current topics amongst one another, Hasis would explain to her that he did not wish to expose Miquala and her associates to such vulgar torture. Throughout the second day, Hasis would tend to Miquala's wounds, making her death less painful and explaining his past to the leader of Black Snow, promising to give her any piece of knowledge she wished as a parting gift into the afterlife, which she accepted. On the last day, the necromancer would thank Atra for the time they spent together and forgive him for the pain he had caused her, explaining that she understood the burden he carried with his reincarnation was worth more than a single life. In her dying breaths, Atra would embrace Miquala and whisper into her ear, the knowledge he promised. A single tear would stream from the "White Death's" eye and along her cheek, only to be wiped away as Hasis ran his fingers down her face, closing her lifeless eyes forever.   Once he returned to the capital, Hasis was questioned for the whereabouts of Snaw's body by the Director. Atra would dismiss her, saying that her body shall rest uninterrupted and remain where he buried it, those who have earnt his approbation are promised that. Dron did not press the matter any further, but instead asked what earned the mans respect, in which he responded that Miquala, not in appearance but in mind, caused him to reminisce about Enhuanna. Not another word was spoken and the conversation ended.


Jaquese Bareios


Towards Miquala Snaw


Miquala Snaw


Towards Jaquese Bareios


Jaquaries Bareios


Towards Miquala Snaw


Miquala Snaw


Towards Jaquaries Bareios


Miquala Snaw

Short Lived Equal

Towards Atra Hasis


Atra Hasis


Towards Miquala Snaw


Current Status
Former Leader of Black Snow
6209 AE 6230 AE 21 years old
Circumstances of Death
Tortured by Atra Hasis
Place of Death
Cave System Near Coalfell
Short, White


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