Black Snow

Black Snow was a terrorist group operating in The Mountainside region for 15 years. They were a thorn in the backside of many travellers and were responsible for seizing a variety of valuables. Black Snow was led by the dreaded Miquala Snaw, also known as the Frozen Necromancer. Along with her were the Bareios Brothers, Jaquese and Jaquaries.   The three significant members would lead Black Snow for many years, accumulating wealth and a substantial amount of allies, such as The Free Miners. Their successful run would come to an end when they decided to take a risk and raid the noble carriage of Advina Titus, who was on her way to Auhren. The princess decided to take a sight seeing tour to Coalfell before proceeding to the King's Path. Shortly after entering the region entourage was ambushed by a large force of Black Snow members, killing thirty soldiers guarding her. Luckily Advina was protected by the last remnants of her men and retreated back to Sons of Titus.   King Julian Titus became furious upon hearing the news directly from his daughter and ordered the Director of Justice, Dron Vermillion to bring down the terrorist group. As soon as the order was received, Black Snow went from the headache of the Mountainside to the number one priority of The King's Court. It was no longer than three months before Black Snow ceased to exist.

6215 AE - 6230 AE

Illicit, Terrorist group



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