Sanya Blade-Bearer

Sanya Tosolf (a.k.a. The Blade-Bearer, Sanya of Tarhurth)

Sanya Blade-Bearer also known as Sanya Tosolf or Sanya of Tarhurth is a Cellius Aberration defending Tarhurth. She is well aware of the Ruination Mark theory and the Advocates. She is the daughter of Cid, The Vanquisher and thus a vital member of The Old Sovereignty. The Blade-Bearer is also a large funder of the Severance Hypothesis.

Early Days of The Blade-Bearer

Sanya Tosolf grew up on the outskirts of Feltseer, essentially rendering her an outsider to Tarhurth. Living as a peasant with her family of six in a small village, she learnt how to take care of herself, cure various diseases such as Malmeg Syndrome and basic navigation when the fog was at its thickest. It was a great surprise to her family and fellow villages when the Heart Noble Riders of Tarhurth and Vide Apostolo Turrim collected her, claiming that the young girl was destined to become a Cellius Aberration of Tarhurth.   This development angered her father, who revealed himself then and there to be Cid, The Vanquisher, the wielder of the devastating fog infused sword, Noble Phantasm.
Sanya's father, would use a variety of techniques such as Flow Acceleration, Enhance Magical Resistance and God Flash to warn off the Riders and the mysterious woman also known as Mizpeh. After a long lasting battle, the Vanquisher would finally force the opposition to retreat. This was a significant moment into the development of Sanya truly becoming the Blade-Bearer as her father would begin training her for the eventual return of the Heart Noble Riders.   First her father would cast out any child like objects from their house and demand her mother to no longer coddle or treat Sanya like a daughter, but instead like a warrior.

Deciding of Destiny

Many years of rigorous training would pass with her father, it would be a controversial take to say that she passed the infamous warrior in terms of skill, but she could definitely hold her own against him and had much more time for growth. Many could assume Sanya was a prodigy with a blade, unmatched. Her defence was elegant but always would parry her opponents, creating an opening that her technical and powerful offensive skills could capitalise on. The young girls whole lifestyle changed, if a blade was in hand, it would feel no different almost like it were just an extension of her arm.
Despite this advanced development Sanya still felt as though her father was forcing his will upon her, living his life through her and deciding her destiny. The thought of becoming a Cellius Abberation was honourable to Sanya, those who defend their designated city against the ever approaching darkness, the dreaded fog. Her mother Janette Tosolf felt the same, she wished for her daughter to become strong and famous within the city of Tarhurth and live a life with no regret, grabbing at every enormous opportunity in front of her.
I was born into a world where my father decided my destiny. Why should I have him determine that, his history with the Riders is of no concern to me?
— Sanya Tosolf
In the next few years Cid, The Vanquisher would die of Betople, leaving Sanya with what she thought was the freedom of choice. However this outlook was short lived as her mother explained that despite both of them disagreeing with her fathers wishes, it was best to uphold the wishes of the dead. Janette did not wish for her late spouse to be watching over Sanya and grieving over her decisions in the afterlife.   This would cause Sanya leave her village in the next few months to travel to Tarhurth in search of the Heart Noble Riders.

Sanya of Tarhurth & The List of Unfortunates

Once Sanya gained her bearings of the colossal city, she would find the Heartstone Armoury and come into contact with the Rider known as Mansour Bell, who would officially introduce her to the Meadow Valley Council State. These events would eventually lead to Sanya become a Cellius Abberation enlisted to the great city of Tarhurth. For a long time Sanya would battle against the fog and defend her new city.   During the gruelling battle of The Hour of the Thickest Fog, Noble child Chrisiel Heartfall was captured by fog entity, Gagjawmore. The creature fled with the noble blood deep into the dark fog that surrounded the city. An individual has never taken more than a hundred steps into the fog and survived, Sanya was well aware of this potential fate when she jumped down from the walls of the city and pursued the grotesque. She would run through the dark environment for what seemed like hours until she finally was able to confront Gagjawmore, who had placed the child to the side knowing full well that his battle with the Cellius Abberation was inevitable. It is said that Sanya had a total of twelve blades equipped when she took on the dark monster, despite the speculation of others, shortly after the battle concluded, guardsmen would see Sanya emerge from the receding fog with the child in hand.   Her heroics only bolstered her reputation and she was awarded the title, Sanya of Tarhurth, many believed her to be one of the strongest Cellius Abberations in The Reelonain Constellation after this moment. Shortly after her great appointment of most trusted guardian of the city, the Black Caster would plot against her, claiming she broke various duties defending the city in order to save the child. The caster stated that if the battle were to have gone differently the lack of foresight by Sanya would be punishable by death, although the casters claims were dismissed his words boiled Sanya's blood, ultimately leading to The List of Unfortunates. A man wishing to destroy her image and everything she had work for could not be forgiven.   She would create a list for those who she promised would eventually die by her blade, whether it be to put them out of their misery due to old age or vanquish them like her father, an individual who made her list was truly unfortunate in Sanya's eyes.

The Birth of Boundless Blade Forge

Whilst managing the Old Sovereignty, Sanya was informed that the coming of Seigfeud was nearing, the creature was a fog entity responsible for the destruction of thirty villages and he was on his way to Tarhurth. This news would scare anyone who wasn't a fool, Seigfeud was a creation of Mancer, The Third Advocate, known for spawning entities with terrifying strength. By this time, Sanya was as smart as she was dangerous with a sword and left the city searching for a means to but a holt to the monstrosities advance, she would not let it destroy her Tarhurth.   Whilst travelling she would cross paths with Reeina Caraxies, a woman who had travelled the furthest reaches of the realm and beyond. Sanya would learn about Ruination Marks, Reeina would instil her with a variety of priceless information and equip her with an ancient artefact used by young members of the extinct The Clattanoia Sisterhood called a Realm Bender. Reeina would tell Sanya that the item was used as a practice tool for the newest sisters to strengthen their connection to The Power Of Kings and ultimately achieve knowledge of a spell called Dyoitch Tenkai.   Sanya would use the Realm Bender to defeat Seigfeud, shockingly activating her Dyoitch Tenkai called "Boundless Blade Forge." Many soldiers of the city were present and upon seeing this spectacle, would officially refer to Sanya as Blade-Bearer.


Sanya Blade-Bearer


Towards Reeina Caraxies


Reeina Caraxies


Towards Sanya Blade-Bearer


Teela Rialóir


Towards Sanya Blade-Bearer


Sanya Blade-Bearer


Towards Teela Rialóir


Sanya Blade-Bearer


Towards Cid, The Vanquisher


Cid, The Vanquisher


Towards Sanya Blade-Bearer


Sanya Blade-Bearer

Political Partner

Towards Jandelow Bowers


Jandelow Bowers

Political Partner

Towards Sanya Blade-Bearer


Sanya Blade-Bearer


Towards Mansour Bell


Mansour Bell


Towards Sanya Blade-Bearer


Black Caster

Political Rival

Towards Sanya Blade-Bearer


Sanya Blade-Bearer

Political Rival

Towards Black Caster


Ice and Fire, Life and Death, Fog and Existance

Currently Held Titles
Outskirts of Feltseer
Dark Green
Short, Black
Aligned Organization

Remembering The Vanquisher

Once her father had died, Sanya made an oath to return to his resting place once every six years. She has held true to her own promise and this is the only time her family sees her. Although they are disappointed that she disregarded her fathers hard efforts to prevent her from living life as a defender of Tarhurth, they still show great concern and welcome her to their table to eat Cid's favourite meal.

The List of Unfortunates

  1. Syn, The First Advocate
  2. Shynithara Hlaate
  3. Teela Rialóir
  4. Vide Apostolo Turrim
  5. Dimetry Ieva-Tasc
  6. Galient Utares
  7. Kaidan Kirei
  8. Red Caster
  9. Black Caster

Damnation of the Council State

Sanya believes that the Meadow Valley Council State was well aware of the Black Casters intentions to go public with his opinions of her decisions during The Hour of the Thickest Fog and allowed it to happen in an attempt to dampen her image to the public. Sanya was at celebrity status in Tarhurth after saving the young noble and the Council State mustn't have been fond of her influence. Rumours circulated about her displeasure of the Council and garnered the attention of a particular man by the name of Jandelow Bowers.   Jandelow was a friend of Cid, The Vanquisher and Sanya knew of him as far back as when she was living in her home village all those years ago. He came to her with a proposition, calling it The Old Sovereignty. Within Tarhurth there are multiple governments controlling different areas and citizens are to abide depending on which area they live in, most rules revolving around crime are similar but in the end the Council State reigns supreme, controlling over 60% of Tarhurth. The Sovereignty was the idea to create a direct competitor and with the influence of Sanya it was possible. Upon its official creation, Sanya was no longer just a warrior against the fog but also against multiple governments in the world of politics.  

Character Theme Song


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