Siduri Lahar

The Empress in Plain Sight Siduri Zisudra Lahar (a.k.a. Queen of Thrones, The Master of Cattrell, Secretary of Swords and The True Blade of Adapa)

Siduri Lahar, a spectral memory now woven into the tapestry of time, once breathed as the companion to Adapa, progenitor of the Zaldious Sphere's imperial dawn. Her essence, a veiled empress camouflaged amidst the glory, bore manifold honorifics that whispered tales of her grandeur. Across the epochs, her presence graced pivotal junctures, where the very skein of destiny bowed to her sovereign sway, granting her the power to reforge the course of antiquity itself. Her history is recorded by Panayiotis Makrou in "The Severance Records," long before he wrote A Monument For Her Ashes.  

A Wedding of Divinity

In the heart of the resplendent Zaldious Sphere, a momentous event unfolded that would etch itself into the annals of history as a tale of love and majesty woven with threads of grandeur. The occasion, radiant as the sun that bathed the empire's towering citadels, was none other than the union of Siduri Lahar and Adapa, the eminent sovereign of the realm, whose dominion held sway over lands stretching as far as the imagination could conceive.   The date, a convergence of stars aligned by fate, saw the realm's entirety converging upon the imperial city. It was as if the very heavens had conspired to shower blessings upon the union, their celestial bodies shining more brilliantly than ever before. Streets were adorned with tapestries of gold and azure, flowers and exotic fauna lending their fragrance to the atmosphere, imbuing it with an ethereal scent that hinted at the extraordinary nature of the event.   The venue, a palatial marvel carved from marble that gleamed like liquid moonlight, stood as a testament to the realm's opulence and sophistication. Columns that reached heavenward were adorned with intricate carvings, telling the stories of generations past, while cascades of crystal water danced through meticulously designed fountains, their song of joy harmonizing with the air itself.   As the day's splendour unfolded, Siduri, a vision draped in silken regalia that shimmered like stardust, emerged from the sanctum of her chambers. Her eyes, radiant as constellations, carried the weight of history yet bore the lightness of anticipation. Every step she took echoed through the hearts of the amassed throngs, a symphony of awe and reverence.
And then came Adapa, a colossus of regal bearing, adorned in robes of resplendent gold that flowed like molten metal. His countenance bore the marks of leadership, etched by time and experience, yet his gaze, as it met Siduri's, held the vulnerability of a heart surrendered to love's enchantment.   The ceremony itself was an intricate ballet of tradition and innovation, a dance of sacred vows exchanged under the watchful eyes of gods and stars alike. Beneath a canopy that seemed to touch the heavens, they pledged their souls, two mighty spirits interwoven in a tapestry that would transcend mortal life.   The realms beyond rejoiced in harmony with the mortal plane. The sun, a witness to countless tales, illuminated the couple's union with an intensity as if to mirror the fervour of the empire's collective heart. The very earth beneath their feet seemed to sigh, resonating with the weight of the moment.   As the wedding reached its crescendo, a collective cheer from the gathered multitudes resonated like a thunderous wave, reverberating through the empire's very foundation. The cries of jubilation seemed to touch the sky itself, and it was as if the heavens themselves smiled upon the union, casting forth a brilliant painting of colours across the horizon.   And so, in the heart of the Zaldious Sphere, amidst the embrace of their people, Siduri and Adapa became more than individuals; they became a living embodiment of the realm's spirit, an eternal testament to the power of love and leadership. Their wedding became a luminous chapter in the chronicles of the empire, a story told and retold by bards and poets across generations, a reminder that even amidst the grandeur of an empire, the essence of existence rested in the beauty of love shared between two souls.
Siduri's Wedding
As she descended the monumental staircase, her every step was a symphony of grace and finesse, a delicate dance that left the crowd breathless, unable to fathom the depths of her exquisite beauty.

The True Blade of Adapa

Years later after the bounding of Siduri and Adapa, a chapter unfolded where the once luminous Siduri Lahar revealed facets of her character previously concealed. Within the subterranean realm of South Warren, an enclave north of the Zaldious Sphere, a transformation occurred that bore witness to her indomitable will and strategic brilliance.   With the unswerving support of her people resonating like a spring song and the additional military assistance provided by her husband, Siduri embarked on a venture that echoed her newfound resolve. The subjugation of South Warren was not one of malicious intent, but rather a testament to her ability to channel her empire's energies toward an ambitious goal. The empire's citizens, enkindled by a shared vision, found themselves rallying behind her cause with an ardour that shook the very foundations of the earth.   Siduri's transformation was not a descent into darkness, but rather a revelation of her multifaceted character. She wielded her power not solely as a tyrant, but as a visionary who recognized the potential for synergy between the Zaldious Sphere and the subterranean city. The very techniques that appeared ruthless were, in essence, strategic manoeuvres orchestrated to foster a swift and bloodless integration.   Amidst the underground labyrinth, Siduri's forces operated
with calculated precision. Her blockade causing starvation was not a weapon, but a leverage, a firm nudge that brought South Warren's leadership to the negotiation table. The whispers of ailment were not the wails of despair, but rather a reminder of the need for unity to survive the harsh conditions she secretly forced upon them. The diseases she ordered her men to spread within the city, instead of a malevolent force, became a shared adversary that prompted collaboration and mutual understanding.   As the empire's banners unfurled over the city's entrance, it wasn't an oppressive conqueror that triumphed, but a beacon of alliance and progress. Siduri's masterful manipulation became a demonstration of her ability to orchestrate events to benefit not just her empire, but all those under her care. Through her careful planning, South Warren's people saw in her not a conqueror or threat, but a conductor harmonizing the aspirations of two distinct communities.   In the end, the subjugation was not seen as a display of ruthless dominance by the people of South Warren, but as a chronicle of a leader whose duality illuminated her strength. Siduri Lahar, once known for her grace and nobility, emerged as a leader who recognized that the mix of power and diplomacy could create harmony even in the most complex of narratives. The unity she forged between the Zaldious Sphere and South Warren was a testament to her people's faith and her own capacity to transcend boundaries.
Subjugation of South Warren
Crafting a web of wiles, her scheme unfurled, ensnaring a kingdom in its grasp. And as she ascended the threshold of South Warren, the fervent cheers of the citizens welcomed her, a resounding tribute to her enigmatic conquest.

The Master of Cattrell

  In the heart of her pursuits, beyond the regal façade that Siduri Lahar presented to her empire, resided a scholar's spirit ablaze with insatiable curiosity and an unyielding thirst for knowledge. Beneath the glistening expanses of her husbands empire, she delved into the arcane, where the alchemy of magic met the intensity of her determination. This was a chapter in Siduri's journey that illuminated her resilience and emphasised the depths of her commitment.   With countless tomes stacked high like towers, Siduri immersed herself in the ancient grimoires and scrolls that whispered forgotten secrets and cryptic spells. Her studies took her into the uncharted realms of magical experimentation, where she sought to unravel the mysteries that had long eluded mortal comprehension. It was within these hallowed chambers that her scholarly fervour flourished, like a flame that defied the winds of uncertainty.   Among the myriad legends that swirled through the annals of history, one name stood out like a star in the midnight sky—The Avant-Garde Eimad Imad, The Burden Bearing Weapons Prophet—Lord Cattrell. This enigmatic entity, a being of both darkness and potency, captivated Siduri's imagination and ignited a determination that would propel her through years of meticulous research and relentless exploration.   Time flowed like a river, and with each passing day, Siduri inched closer to her goal. Her labour was fraught with frustration, as the secrets she sought seemed to shy away from her grasp like elusive phantoms. Yet, she persisted, tirelessly transcribing ancient texts, decoding complex incantations, and poring over enchanted artefacts. She pursued understanding not for the sake of power alone, but to bridge the chasm between the known and the arcane, to bridge the abyss between mortal and mythic.   Years unravelled like scrolls, and with time's passage, the depths of Siduri's mastery bloomed like a rare blossom in an enchanted garden. It was amid this crucible of effort, the culmination of her relentless pursuit, that the ritual to summon and command Lord Cattrell finally found its fruition. In a crescendo of incantations and pentagrams etched in moonlight, Siduri's unwavering focus and profound connection with the arcane realms converged.   Amid a surge of energies, an entity of darkness and ethereal might emerged—an embodiment of shadows and power beyond the realm of the normality. Lord Cattrell, with eyes that gleamed like coals, wings of obsidian, and a presence that exuded both dread and awe, stood before her. Siduri's scholarly devotion, a fusion of mortal intellect and mystical essence had unlocked the gateways to the extraordinary.   With a voice that resonated like thunder, Lord Cattrell acknowledged Siduri's mastery and the tenacity of her pursuit. Her achievement was not just in summoning a demonic familiar of immense power, but in going beyond the limits of mortal understanding to forge a bond between realms that few dared to tread.  
Unlocking the Burden Bearing Weapon Prophet
A bard of weariness sung within her mind, yet she pressed on with the regal fortitude befitting her crown. The endless nights of scholarly pursuit now bore fruit, for Eimad Imad lay captive in her grasp, a jewel claimed by her sovereign intellect.

Mentoring the Ethnarch

  After unlocking Eimad Imad, Siduri's thirst for magical knowledge did not end there. A new journey led her to the hauntingly mystical Silent Marshes, a domain known for conjuring potent magic users from the mists of obscurity. Within this surprisingly peaceful swamp, she found herself in the presence of a young elvish woman, a figure shrouded in the veils of poverty, yet bearing an aura of raw magical might that resonated through the very air. It was a fateful encounter, a crossing of paths that would sow the seeds of an extraordinary bond.   In the whispering embrace of the marshes, Siduri saw beyond the surface, recognizing the gem buried within the shadows. Empathy and recognition tugged at her heartstrings, and in that moment, a decision was made. With an open hand, she extended her invitation, offering the elvish woman a chance at transformation. This silent act of benevolence marked the beginning of a journey that would create a magic user levels beyond all.   Siduri's opulent empire, with its resplendent halls and corridors, welcomed the enigmatic elvish woman within its embrace. Under Siduri's tutelage, the young apprentice blossomed, her innate talents honed and refined. The teachings flowed like a river, carrying with them a wealth of knowledge, arcane wisdom, and the essence of experience that Siduri had accumulated through her scholarly pursuits.   As time flowed onward, the bonds between master and apprentice deepened, passing the border of academia. Shared evenings immersed in spellcasting, nights spent poring over ancient tomes, and quiet conversations under the moon's embrace forged a camaraderie that surpassed the roles they initially held. A kinship of souls blossomed, creating an alliance that united their destinies.   In a culmination of events that spoke of the empire's grandeur, Siduri and her elvish protégé attended an event that carried large significance. As the melodies of music weaved through the air, they found themselves dancing upon a floor that seemed to resonate with the echoes of centuries past. In that radiant moment, beneath the gazes of an empire that hailed Siduri and her husband, the elvish woman's voice broke the silence.  
"My name," she revealed with a hint of vulnerability, "is Cybel Qway."
  With those words, the elvish woman's identity, once concealed like a hidden gem, was unveiled to Siduri, who had poured her knowledge and heart into nurturing this burgeoning magical force. The revelation marked a turning point, a deepening of their connection as friends bound not just by shared mastery of magic, but by the bonds of trust and shared experiences.   Their dance upon the floor became more than steps and movement; it was a celebration of their shared journey, a showing of the evolution of two spirits entwined by fate. Siduri, once a beacon of grace and power, found herself touched by the genuine warmth of companionship that her journey had cultivated. In Cybel, she discovered not just an apprentice, but a true friend.  
The Birth of The Ethnarch
Within the depths of her eyes, a verdant majesty gleamed, radiant with joy, as she discovered the name of her newfound companion, Cybel Qway.

Clipping Wings

Amidst the delicate balance between the snowy South Warren and the resplendent Zaldious Sphere, a shadow spread its wings— The City of the Birds, inhabited by enigmatic Kenku, winged beings whose presence cast a looming uncertainty over the empire's serenity. Siduri Lahar, while her husband Adapa negotiated the complexities of The Clattanoia Sisterhood, found herself thrust into a mantle of authority in the face of this newfound threat.   As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting a long night over the empire's tranquillity, Siduri stood at the precipice of a decision that would shatter the silence. With the weight of thousands of lives hanging in the balance, she stepped forth as a leader emboldened by responsibility, a sword bearer in the name of her people's safety. As her husband navigated the intricate dance of diplomacy, Siduri took up the burden of war, driven by an indomitable will to protect the empire's sanctity.   The conflict that unfolded was not just a clash of forces, but a war of ideologies and aspirations. Thousands, on both sides, yielded to the inexorable march of destiny, their fates entwined with the ripples of discord that permeated the battlefield. The air, once sweet with the fragrance of unity, now carried the metallic tang of bloodshed. The battlefield, blasted into the land like a scar of history, bore witness to the horrors of war—the screams of warriors, the clash of steel, and the tears of a land torn asunder.   For Siduri, it was a test of her mettle, a trial that demanded every ounce of her strength and cunning. The cost was steep, and the battlefield became a crucible that tested even the strongest willed of men. Yet, in the crucible of adversity, bonds formed—unbreakable alliances forged in the fires of conflict. Among them, Cybel Qway, a friend and
an extraordinarily powerful magic user, stood by Siduri's side, her arcane prowess illuminating the darkest corners of the war's chaos.   In a scream of magic and strategy, Cybel and Siduri's forces clashed against the Kenku's might. The very earth seemed to tremble beneath the weight of their confrontation, a tribute to the fury that burned within the hearts of both factions. Battles raged like storms, and the land absorbed the echoes of anguish and determination, a canvas painted with the sweat and blood of those who fought.   After a prolonged struggle that demanded untold sacrifices, the sun finally pierced through the clouds of uncertainty, heralding a new dawn. Siduri's indomitable spirit and Cybel's arcane brilliance led to a shift in the tides. The City of Birds, once a bastion of defiance, found itself kneeling before the combined might of their forces. The aftermath was one of sombre victory—the echoes of conflict lingering in the air like an elegy for the fallen.   In the wake of the battle's end, Siduri ventured into the newly conquered City of Birds, her steps heavy with the weight of victory and loss. Amid its unique architecture that reflected the spirit of a once-proud civilization, she found respite. The serenity of its design was a stark contrast to the turmoil that had engulfed it.   As the days unfolded, Siduri wandered through the city's avenues, its haunting beauty a balm to the wounds of war. Amid the delicate song of wind through feathers, she found solace, a momentary escape from the rigors of leadership and the horrors of battle. In the midst of restoration and reconciliation, Siduri discovered a fragile peace. The City of Birds, once a symbol of conflict, was now a tableau of unity just like the rest of Adapa's empire.
Bird's-Eye View
Amongst the fractured avenues, her gaze traversed the shattered labyrinth of streets, bearing witness to the anguish of those vanquished by her dominion. Yet even under the weight of war's burden, she unearthed a sanctuary of serenity within herself.

The Elves of Tarhurth

  As the empire's dominion extended like tendrils across the land, a new chapter of challenge emerged from the Tarhurth forests. The Elvish uprising, a rebellion against the empires growth. Adapa, the empire's formidable ruler and Siduri's husband, saw the uprising as a threat to be extinguished swiftly, a decision rooted in practicality and power.   Yet, within the corridors of the empire's power, a voice emerged that sought the wisdom of diplomacy and the echoes of a plea for understanding. Cybel Qway, the friend and powerful magic user who had stood beside Siduri in the midst of conflict, was the herald of reason in a time fraught with tension. It was her counsel that sparked Siduri's conviction to seek an alternative to the path of bloodshed, and to explore the possibilities of unity.   With Cybel's urgings echoing in her heart, Siduri approached Adapa, her beloved husband and the empire's ruler. Their conversation, gave birth to arguments and earnest appeals. It was not a discordant clash, but a dance of differing viewpoints that wove a decision. In the presence of her husband, Siduri presented Cybel's vision—a plea to avert violence and embrace diplomacy in the face of the Elvish uprising.   Adapa's gaze, a reflection of years of leadership and the weight of responsibility, met Siduri's with a formidable resolve. Yet, he recognized the merit in Cybel's reasoning, a glimpse of possibility beyond the constraints of might alone. And so, a deal was struck—a delicate agreement that would hinge on Siduri's abilities as a negotiator.   In a chamber where shadows and candlelight painted a chiaroscuro tableau, Adapa and Cybel forged an accord. The terms were clear: Siduri would be given the chance to negotiate with the Elvish uprising, to bridge the chasm between their aspirations and the empire's trajectory. Should her efforts falter, Cybel would bear the responsibility of ending the uprising herself, with whatever means necessary.  
Children of the Forest
The indomitable determination of the Elves stood as an unassailable force, a constellation of willpower destined to quell the very rise of the empire's expansion.

A Lioness No Longer

Within the verdant depths of the Tarhurth forests, Siduri Lahar's efforts to quell the Elvish uprising met a formidable barrier—a resolute determination that could not be swayed. The voices of the uprising screamed like stormy winds, their resolve unyielding against the currents of compromise. As the negotiations turned into a futile battle of wills, Siduri's hope to extinguish the fires of conflict dwindled into the shadows.   The realization of her failure cut through her heart like a blade, the weight of her inability to bridge the divide pressing down upon her. The once-bold empress, whose steps had commanded the might of armies, found herself humbled by a struggle she could not overcome. The cries of defiance remained unquenched, casting a sombre hue over the once-hopeful negotiations.   The consequences of this failure extended far beyond the confines of diplomacy. Cybel Qway, whose voice had once been a beacon of reason, now stood poised to enact the brutal resolution that Siduri had hoped to avoid. The knowledge that her own friend would bear the task of culling the uprising through violence, pierced Siduri like an arrow.   In the aftermath, as the forest roared with the sounds of battle, Siduri was overwhelmed with grief. The once defiant Elvish uprising, so steadfastly held in the face of her pleas, had left her battered and broken. And in the midst of this emotional storm, Siduri found herself
weeping—a torrent of tears that flowed like the rain that graced the forest's canopy.   The tears were not just for her failure, but for the impact her shortcomings had on her friend, Cybel. Siduri's vision blurred through the haze of tears, her heart raw with the understanding that her choices had driven a friend to a grim precipice. It was a moment of vulnerability, an emotional tempest that swept away the veneer of power and authority, leaving her exposed.   As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow upon the land, Siduri sought a way to reconcile with her own actions. Amid the chambers that had once housed her lion companions, she ventured, her steps heavy with sorrow. The lions, whose strength had once mirrored her own, now became the symbol of her perceived failures.   With a trembling hand, Siduri gritted her teeth. In a decision that showed her inner turmoil, she enacted a punishment upon herself. The roars of lions, once proud and fierce, now carried the weight of finality as they fell to the blade. The bonds that had once united her with these majestic creatures were severed.   In the wake of this emotional outburst, Siduri Lahar, wife of emperor Adapa, his true blade and the Master of Cattrell, was left with the stark realization of her own humanity. In her vulnerability, she had discovered the depths of her emotional capacity—a capacity that bore both the burden of her failures and the strength to face them.
No longer did Cybel recognize herself as a denizen of the Elven realm. The prism of her identity fractured, for she had sundered the bonds of her kin and laid waste to what once was, leaving her adrift in a sea of purposeless questions, grappling with the enigma of why the divine would weave such a calamitous juncture.

Healing Words

  Through the tumult of emotions that had taken root in the wake of the Elvish Uprising, Adapa, ever the perceptive husband, saw the toll it had taken on his beloved wife. Determined to mend the fragments of her spirit, he orchestrated a journey that would be a time of healing and rediscovery.   In an act of unprecedented trust, Adapa gave the reins of his empire to the hands of his closest advisors, momentarily leaving its fate to their capable stewardship. With Siduri by his side, he embarked upon a voyage across the continent—a voyage that would carry them through landscapes uncharted, where the wonders of the world would unfold like the pages of an epic story.   Adapa's decision to stand beside Siduri was more than a physical presence; it was an affirmation of his unwavering commitment to her well-being. Together, they journeyed through lands that held secrets and treasures, both seen and unseen, as they traversed through valleys, scaled mountains, and ventured into hidden realms, he held her hand every step of the way.   The months of travel, in the company of the one who understood her heart like no other, cast a gentle balm over Siduri's wounded spirit. The marvels they witnessed, the moments shared beneath starlit skies and beside roaring waterfalls, were stitches that mended the fabric of her soul. Her husband's presence was not just a comfort, but a reminder that she was not alone in her pain.   With each sunrise, Siduri felt a fragment of her burdens lift, the sorrows that had clung to her heart slowly relinquishing their grip. The bond between them was a salve, their shared moments serving as a testament to the strength of their partnership. And as the journey neared its end, Siduri discovered a glimmer of the light that had once illuminated her spirit.   However, as the time came to return to the empire, Siduri's heart led her on a different path. Instead of reuniting with the familiar corridors of her domain, she opted for an extended respite in the posh embrace of Pontinyo—an opulent city that offered solace through its lavish offerings. Within its walls, she crossed paths with Duimad Zayne, a figure whose selflessness mirrored the compassion that Siduri herself embodied.   In Duimad Zayne, Siduri found more than a host; she found a friend who went above and beyond to ensure her stay was nothing short of extraordinary. Lavish dinners became a nightly affair, and the famous theatre of Pontinyo opened its doors to her with a flourish. The city itself seemed to bow before her presence, its splendour a feeling Siduri longed for.   Amid the opulence of Pontinyo, Siduri's journey took an unexpected turn—an encounter with Visha Magnolia, a figure of captivating allure and undeniable charm. Their friendship blossomed. Visha's teachings of the unique sword art, the "10 Acts of the Queen," became not just a lesson in martial prowess, but a conduit for the exchange of wisdom and fellowship.   As the days flowed into nights, Siduri felt the rhythm of her life begin to shift. The pain that had once raged like a wildfire within her began to ebb, replaced by the embrace of newfound friends and experiences that whispered of possibilities yet untold. The crimson eyes that mirrored her husband's became beacons of empathy, guiding her toward healing.  
Once again, she imbibed the elixir of life's pleasures, gifts lavished upon her by celestial hands. Adorned in opulent finery, each jewel and garment became a chrysalis of resplendence, enfolding her wounded heart in a blanket of beauty and healing.

The Silver Demon

Echoes of the Elvish Uprising reached the farthest corners of the empire, carried by whispers that blended truth with the embellishments of rumour, a divisive narrative began to take root. The tales of Cybel Qway's ruthless actions, born out of the necessity to quell the uprising, took on a life of their own as they coursed through the veins of the people. In the city squares and marketplaces, discussions turned to debates, and the embers of outrage smouldered with a intensity that threatened to engulf all else.   The truth of the Elvish Uprising, a narrative laced with the complexities of leadership and the choices borne from duty, was distorted in the tumultuous waves of public discourse. The people, shielded from the harsh realities of conflict, recoiled in horror at the notion of brutal annihilation, their moral compasses unmoored by the perceived brutality of Cybel's actions. Despite the Elvish posing a tangible threat to the empire's peace, the distinction between the rightness of the empire's survival and the brutality of its methods became blurred.   Within this maelstrom of emotions, Cybel Qway, now bearing the moniker of the Silver Demon, was thrust into the public eye—a figure of both fear and vilification. The silver hues of her hair, once an aspect of her identity, became emblematic of the divide that had emerged. The very streets that she walked were
transformed into a gauntlet of scorn, where stones and jeers greeted her presence. The air itself seemed to resonate anger and rejection.   Siduri, feeling unmanageable guilty, stepped forth as a voice of reason, attempting to quell the flames of outrage that licked at the edges of their society. Her efforts to temper the tide of disdain were marked by compassion, empathy, and a plea for understanding—the understanding that the choices Cybel had made, while painful and unforgiving, were borne from the necessity to protect the very people who now condemned her.   Yet, the chasm that had been carved by the tsunami of public sentiment proved difficult to overcome. The rift between Cybel and the people persisted, a prime example of the power of perception to overshadow even the most pragmatic of explanations. Siduri's efforts, while valiant, faced the barricades of emotion and the stubbornness of preconceived notions.   Cybel's walks through the streets became a journey of peril, a gauntlet of hostility that she braved with an unwavering resolve. It was within the safety of the palace's walls that she found respite, shielded from the waves of contempt by personal guardsmen who stood as sentinels of protection. In the palace's towering walls, Cybel's presence was concealed, a figure hidden from the public eye.
No Place to Call Home
The empire Cybel had once stained with transgressions that eclipsed the very boundaries of her moral compass had now metamorphosed into a betrayer of its own accord, a treacherous reflection that shattered her essence into a myriad of fragments.

The Next Emperor

In the thick of the complex orchestration of leadership, a newfound harmony resonated within Siduri Lahar's being. Beneath the surface of her responsibilities, a secret burgeoned—a secret that carried the promise of new life, a testament to the bond she shared with Adapa. The discovery that she carried their child was a revelation that melted through her heart like the sweetest of melodies, joy and excitement that made everyday a blessing with new found feelings of anticipation.   The knowledge that she was nurturing the future within her womb ignited a flame of elation that danced in her eyes and danced within her every step. It was a secret cherished, a bond shared only by her and Adapa. Siduri revelled in the intimate connection she held with the life growing within her that bound her to the essence of motherhood.   As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Siduri's secret remained known only to her and the life that quickened within her. The empire hummed with its own rhythm, a reflection of the journey that awaited them. The whispers of courtiers and advisors merely brushed the surface, their speculations unknowing of the profound transformation that was unfolding.   Amidst the currents of time, Siduri's heart began to weave dreams of a grand announcement—a
revelation that would unite their empire not just through power, but through the shared promise of new beginnings. And so, a plan took shape—a plan that would unveil the secret to the world during a spectacular event, a celebration that would herald the next chapter of their legacy.   The anticipation that swelled within Siduri's heart matched the excitement of the empire's preparations—the flowers that bloomed in radiant splendour, the melodies that echoed through the air, and the ambiance that would embody the essence of the occasion. As the event drew near, Siduri's heart brimmed with a mixture of anticipation and joy that painted each day with a sense of purpose.   And so as the event began, Siduri by the side of her husband, stood before her people—a vision of grace and power. Her voice overcome with emotion, resonated through the grand hall as she shared her secret. The words rippled through the crowd like a chord that reverberated through the hearts of those who listened. The empire, for a fleeting moment, stood still—suspended in a harmony of awe and jubilation, then erupted with cheers.   As she embraced the applause and the tears of joy that shimmered in the eyes of those who witnessed her announcement, Siduri's heart swelled with a profound sense of fulfilment.
As an ethereal conduit, she assimilated the emotions of her people, a communion of spirits who had willingly anointed her progeny as the forthcoming sovereign, a harmonious echo of their collective accord.

And I Shall Name Him...

  With the crescendo of celebration, raging like a spell of joy, a figure stepped forth from the shadows of secrecy. Cybel Qway, once dubbed the Silver Demon, emerged into the luminous embrace of the festivities. For Siduri Lahar, the sight of Cybel standing before the empire, her silver hair now a cherry blonde, was an unforgettable moment.   Emotions, too profound to be contained, surged within her like a tidal current. The joy of unveiling her secret to the world blended seamlessly with the elation of reuniting with her friend—a friend whose journey had been defined by trials and tribulations, whose story now converged with her own.   In the midst of jubilant celebration, Siduri and Cybel's embrace was more than a gesture—it was a merging of souls, an exchange of unspoken emotions that transcended the revelry around them. As their arms encircled each other, their spirits merged in a moment of profound unity. And in the softest of whispers, beneath the clamour of merriment, Siduri's voice carried a promise.  
My child is a boy. He shall be a symbol of redemption and change, I can feel it. He will right the wrongs of the world and erase the stains of negativity, all to forge a path towards a brighter future. My son will purge the world of the emotions we both felt, he will avenge your fallen reputation. The boy will sever us from the unjust! I Shall name him Atriguss!
  Siduri's words were said with a conviction—a conviction that her son, named Atriguss, would be a beacon of redemption and change. Her words bore not just the weight of prophecy, but the depth of a mother's love—an oath that resonated with the very heartbeat of her being.   As the words passed between them, Cybel's eyes, once tinged with the silver of her hair, glistened with a single tear—a tear that held the belief of hope. She thanked Siduri for the promise, for the trust placed in her, and for the belief that their shared journey would be carried forward through the next generation.   Yet, Cybel's voice, with a mixture of determination and melancholy, revealed a new chapter in her own story. She shared her intention to disappear from the realm's gaze, to change not just the colour of her hair, but her very identity. A promise made to herself, a pledge to start anew in a world unburdened by the shadows of her past.   The revelation carried the weight of both separation and possibility—a bittersweet farewell to a life she had known, and a quiet beginning to another. And as the festivities swirled around them, Cybel vowed to Siduri that if the currents of fate should ever bring her into the path of Atriguss, she would stand by his side as teacher and guide—equipped with the knowledge of battles fought and the wisdom of redemption sought.  
Farewell, Our Journey Together Has Ended
Though the verses of their shared tale had reached their final punctuation, the horizon ahead shimmered with an intensity surpassing all prior luminance. As fate would have it, The Kingdom Era had not yet written its concluding lines in the saga of Cybel Qway.


  In the wake of Cybel Qway's departure and the reverberations of her child's announcement, the empire's arena pulsed with the rhythm of anticipation. The grand spectacle of the blood sport games unfolded before Siduri Lahar's eyes—an event that would, in any other time, captivate her attention. Yet, within the confines of the arena's towering walls, a sinister design took root, a web spun by the remnants of defiance, where bitterness festered like a venomous serpent.   As the sun's rays cast their golden embrace upon the sands, the malicious plot that had been meticulously planned in the destruction she left behind, reached its grim crescendo. The Kenku of the City of Birds and the last surviving rebellious Elves emerged, the clash of weapons and the cries of combat echoed through the arena, but this time the cries of battle was not merely a display of valour—it was an ambush, an orchestrated onslaught that aimed to extinguish the lives of the empire's warriors and rulers.   The ambush unfolded with relentless ferocity, a torrent of chaos that surged like an electric shock, taking the empire's soldiers by surprise. The arena, once a place of controlled battles, now became a crucible of death, its sands drenched with the crimson hue of fallen allies. Amidst the turmoil, Adapa, the first emperor, fell—his strength and authority blown out by the treachery that had been carefully concealed.   Siduri Lahar, her face a mask of anger that overshadowed the pain of loss, retreated to the heart of the arena. The gaze that swept the chaotic panorama held not sadness, but a fire that burned with the intensity of vengeance. Her anger, a dragon that smouldered within her, gave her resolve a fearsome edge—a resolve that steeled her against the waves of attackers that surrounded her, her very presence radiating a storm of unrelenting fury.   The knowledge that the empire's reinforcements were too distant to offer rescue, that she stood alone against a relentless force, did not break her spirit. Instead, it ignited a spark of determination that shone like a beacon in the midst of despair. Amid the clang of weapons and the screams of battle, her voice, a command that cut through the disorder, rang out—a declaration that invoked an entity of mythical might.  
With this emerald, I call forth... The Avant-Garde Eimad Imad, The Burden Bearing Weapons Prophet—Lord Cattrell!
  The very air seemed to tremble with the weight of her words. Chaos erupted anew as the summoning unfolded, a manifestation of power that sent shockwaves through the battlefield. The earth itself seemed to groan as the Burden Bearing Weapons Prophet materialized, a harbinger of devastation that became the conduit for Siduri's unrelenting rage.   In the middle of the arena, Siduri's visage remained impassive as the terrifying familiar became and extension of her wrath. The once-imposing foes that had orchestrated the ambush now found themselves at the mercy of a force beyond comprehension. As the prophet carved through the ranks of enemies, their entrails spilling upon the sand and staining Siduri's figure with splashes of blood, she remained unmoved. Her gaze, a reflection of her untameable anger, became witness to the carnage with a detachment that bordered on the surreal.   as bodies fell and the scent of blood hung heavy in the air, Siduri Lahar stood as a monument to her own wrath. Her beautiful face, once a portrait of grace and authority, was now marred by the gruesome remnants of battle—a stark contrast to the emotionless gaze that watched the culmination of vengeance sought—a reckoning forged in the crucible of betrayal and fury.  
Fury of the Empress in Plain Sight
She pressed her teeth into her lip with a ferocity that painted scarlet streams down her visage, a ritual of self-inflicted pain mirroring the fervent fire of animosity that engulfed her being. Within that juncture of reckoning, she forged an oath with the cosmos itself—the obliteration of her adversaries would not cease with that crimson trail; it was but a prelude to the cataclysmic finale of their annihilation.

Queen of Thrones

  Once tranquillity had been brought back to the empire following the ambush, Siduri's mind twisted with stratagems to safeguard her yet-to-be-born child. Amidst the canvas of her contemplation, a singular resolve emerged—a conquest, seeking dominion over the expanse of the known world. A realm in which her unborn son, Atriguss, would be cocooned by subjugation, impervious to the reach of enemies.   Years passed, and as Atriguss reached the tender age of four, Siduri's mettle had carved a path through rivals notable and fearsome. With methods varying from the brutal to the chilling, the cool diplomacy that once graced her stance had now malted into forgotten memories. Thus did the title of Queen of Thrones alight upon her shoulders, an emblem of her unparalleled reign.   Such was the seismic shift she wrought that even the gods themselves cast their eyes upon her dominion, interceding in her mortal tale. A celestial proposal extended—a throne among the stars, an existence that danced on the edge of divinity, should she forsake the earthly realm. Yet, maternal devotion kindled brighter than any astral allure, and she declined, vowing to shepherd her son's journey.   Yet the gods persisted, offering a exchange between planes—a fabled artefact, the Kernal, confined within their ethereal vault. In the shroud of this accord, she agreed, for her heart saw wisdom in securing such a legacy for her lineage. Amid a tender exchange of words with her young heir, promises hung in the air like stars, dreams of her sons future shot through Siduri's mind. But as she began to invoke the name of the artefact's soon to be holders, her form waned into orbs of godly light that ascended like phoenixes into the heavens. And so, the reign of the Empress in Plain Sight dissipated. She had left the world in hopes that her son would deliver on the promises she made in his place, the path was already carved, leaving a four year old Atriguss to rebuild an empire that would surely collapse with Siduri's disappearance and fulfil a destiny of greatness.  
The Queen of Conquerors
Though the eons may encase Siduri's sovereignty within the vaults of oblivion, the very scroll of her destiny had been meticulously inked. Thus, a celestial roadmap unveiled itself, guiding her son to untether the world from its shackles and conjure into being the realm she had ardently craved.


  As time moved forward and the empire under the rule of Atriguss began rebuilding, The memories of Siduri's story began to blend with the past. Yet, her influence lingered— in the bustling streets, in the halls of power, and in the hearts of those who remembered her as the Queen of Thrones, the fierce empress who had shaped their world.   Siduri Lahar, a woman of unparalleled ambition, a mother whose love ignited her determination, and a ruler whose legacy resided in both her triumphs and her sacrifices, had left an indelible mark upon history. Her story, honouring the intricacies of power, the bonds of family, and the unwavering strength of the human spirit, a tale that would forever inspire and captivate those who sought to understand the complexities of her era—an era shaped by the unwavering fire that burned within her soul.  
Seared into memory, her appearance an indelible portrait; her spirit, an adamantium resolve; her intellect, a boundless galaxy. Her narrative unfathomable to mortal minds.


Adapa Hasis


Towards Siduri Lahar


Siduri Lahar


Towards Adapa Hasis


Siduri Lahar

Close Friend

Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway

Close Friend

Towards Siduri Lahar


Austeja Vitkus


Towards Siduri Lahar


Siduri Lahar


Towards Austeja Vitkus


Siduri Lahar


Towards Duimad Zayne


Duimad Zayne


Towards Siduri Lahar


Siduri Lahar


Towards Visha Magnolia


Visha Magnolia


Towards Siduri Lahar


Siduri Lahar


Towards Atra Hasis


Atra Hasis


Towards Siduri Lahar


Long, Black

A Godly Taste

Within the heart of the Zaldious Sphere, an opulent testament to Siduri Lahar's refined sensibilities emerged—a treasury that glittered like a vault of stars and dazzled the eyes like the sun's radiant embrace. Every step within its hallowed halls resonated with echoes of history and the music of abundance. This repository, a shrine to the artistry of craftsmanship and the allure of the extraordinary, stood as a monument to the culmination of a journey spurred by a profound admiration that once blossomed between Siduri and her now-husband, Adapa.   Within these hallowed halls lay a profusion of treasures that transcended the mundane. Jewelry, intricate and bewitching, lay ensconced within velvet-lined caskets, their gems like captured fragments of the cosmos, frozen in time. Necklaces of cascading diamonds shimmered like moonlight upon water, while bracelets adorned with sapphires and rubies sparkled with the fire of a thousand suns. Earrings, delicate and graceful, whispered secrets of elegance to those who gazed upon them.   Clothing, too, bore witness to Siduri's discerning eye for the exquisite. Gowns and robes woven from the finest silks, their hues akin to the hues of a painter's palette, draped gracefully over polished mannequins. Embroidery, painstakingly threaded by master artisans, painted stories of devotion, passion, and the artistry that transcends mere fabric. Each garment, a orchestration of threads, was not just a testament to luxury, but an homage to the dedication that went into its creation.   The treasury was a realm of indulgence, but not devoid of purpose. Every piece, every artifact, held a value beyond the superficial. It was said that a single jewel from Siduri's collection could sustain a village for a century, not as a symbol of excess, but as a promise of security and prosperity, a means to secure a future as bright as the gems themselves.   This voracious appetite for the exceptional was a facet of Siduri Lahar's character that found its roots in her beloved husband, Adapa. From him, she learned to recognize the splendor in the world and to cherish its most precious offerings. Their fusion, founded on shared admiration for life's exquisite marvels, birthed the treasury as a testament to their partnership and to the very essence of existence.

Mother of the Jungle

Amid the echoes of Adapa's empire, she found solace and enchantment in the presence of a majestic creature—the lion. These creatures, whose strength and nobleness mirrored her own, became more than mere animals within her realm; they became symbols of her affinity for both power and tenderness.   In the private districts of the empire, Siduri embraced a menagerie of these feline marvels. From the earliest moments of their lives, she took the role of guardian and nurturer, embracing cubs with a gentleness that belied her imperial stature. Each cub that entered her care was woven into the fabric of her life, becoming a reflection of her nurturing spirit and her ability to find beauty in even the most formidable of creatures. Through the passage of time, these cubs grew, their once-playful antics transforming into the majestic grace of adulthood. Siduri watched with a mother's pride as they thrived under her watchful eye.   In the presence of these lions, Siduri's character unfolded in its full complexity. Here was a ruler who could command armies and orchestrate grand events, yet also cradle a lion's head in her lap and revel in the tranquility of the moment. Her affinity for these creatures spoke volumes of her ability to find beauty in strength, and to nurture not just her empire, but the wild essence that resonated within these magnificent beings.   The palace gardens were transformed into a haven for these leonine companions, a sanctuary where they roamed with an air of regal nonchalance. Her empire marveled not only at her prowess as a leader but at the depth of her compassion, as witnessed in the harmonious coexistence between herself and these apex predators.   As sunsets painted the sky with hues of gold and amber, Siduri's lion companions would gather around her, their eyes reflecting the profound connection they shared. Amidst the whispers of nature and the gentle rustle of leaves, a silent understanding passed between them.

The New Strongest

Siduri Lahar extended her hand to Cybel Qway, ushering her into the arcane embrace of the Clattanoia Sisterhood—an order shrouded in mystery and power. Within the Sisterhood's hidden sanctums, Cybel's journey took an extraordinary turn as she delved into the depths of knowledge and magic that few had dared to explore—the art known as The Power Of Kings.   The Power of Kings was no ordinary magical art; it was an incantation that harnessed the very essence of rulership, drawing upon the weight of leadership to amplify its destructive potential. Siduri recognized in Cybel a spirit of both compassion and strength, a duality that mirrored her own character's complexity. And so, with trust as the foundation, Siduri and Austeja Vitkus guided Cybel toward the knowledge that could reshape the currents of history.   As Cybel immersed herself in the teachings of The Power of Kings, the foundations of her magical prowess expanded like ripples in a cosmic pond. She delved into ancient tomes that held secrets even the most seasoned mages had never glimpsed, Cybel tapped into a reservoir of power that bridged the gap between mortal and legend.   Within the halls of the Clattanoia Sisterhood, Cybel's presence became a force to be reckoned with. The echoes of her spells reverberated like thunder, shaking the very foundations of the Sisterhood's sanctums. Her mastery was more than a display of might; a melody of control and compassion that resonated through every weave of magic. As Cybel's power grew, so too did her reputation. Her name became synonymous with awe and reverence, spoken in hushed tones by those who recognized the magnitude of her abilities.

Secretary of Swords

  Throughout their unique relationship, Adapa, the seasoned ruler and military strategist, undertook the role of mentor, guiding Siduri Lahar through the intricate dance of warfare and strategy. His wealth of knowledge sprawled out like a map of possibilities, each move a note in the grand orchestration of battle.   Adapa's wisdom flowed like a waterfall, carrying with it the nuances of strategy, tactics, and the art of war. With a patient hand and a guiding voice, he painted vivid landscapes of battlefields in Siduri's mind, each detail a brushstroke that contributed to the broader masterpiece. Through their discussions, she began to grasp not just the mechanics of war, but the subtleties—the intricies and flow of conflict, the currents of maneuvering, and the importance of foresight.   As her knowledge expanded, so too did her prowess. The battlefield, once a realm shrouded in mystery, transformed into a terrain she could navigate with insight and confidence—the interplay of forces, the choreography of maneuvers, and the psychological dynamics that influenced every decision.   Adapa's guidance was not just about teaching Siduri to wield power, but about imbuing her with the capacity to comprehend the essence of conflict, to gaze beyond the surface and into the heart of battles. Siduri Lahar became more than just the empress, She became a ruler herself—a woman who could not only command her empire with authority, but could also decipher the ever-shifting puzzle of warfare.  

Character Theme Song


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