History of The Realms

During and Ending Empire

... 1 DE

  • The Draconic Feud
    Xeanth and Qennath

    Legend tells that during the time before the empires two powerful dragons waged war across the land, a powerful golden dragon Xeanth and a jealous silver dragon Qennath. Qennath was angered that Xeanth was blessed with golden scales and plotted against him, creating the first empire. The golden dragon countered him and created one of his own.   The two dragons are mentioned only briefly during scripture and suddenly vanishied, historians question the existance of the dragons.

  • Age of Empires
    Conflicting Empires

    This era is believed to be ruled by 2 conflicting empires of great power and smart royals.

  • 9001 DE

    The Spitfire Uprising
    Criminal Activity

    An event with very little information, The Spitfire Uprising was the last major event during the years of the 2 Empires. House Spitfire caused anarchy whilst attempting to end one of the empires, it is said they rode upon the backs of large poisonous monitor lizards.

Era of Kingdoms

1 AE and beyond

  • 25 AE

    137 AE

    The Terror Times
    Life, Supernatural

    Naverious the Ruiner was an ancient black dragon who claimed he lived during the times of the 2 empires. He was worshiped by many and those who took arms against him were obliterated by his might.

  • 500 AE

    612 AE

    Mining of Margis
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dwarves and Gnomes created a pact to collect resources from the mine of Margis, now known as Landelver. Tribal Orcs attacked the mine, this caused a spiral of stunted development throughout the Isles.

  • 1064 AE

    1095 AE

    Battle for the Light
    Military action

    The said time period of the Elven and Drow battles.

  • 1100 AE

    1164 AE

    VeCoastal Wars

    The great houses in the Lands of VeCoastal were at war for many years. House Flemming, House Rivia and House Oqouncis killed many of eachothers heirs. Events feature: The battle of the Crater, Battle for the Mountainside, Oqouncis Assassinations, Shigamor Uprising, Sesean Revenge and the Yalonian Prophecy.

  • 2190 AE

    2201 AE

    The Isles Voyage

    This is believed to be the time men travelled across the great sea and arrived in The Isles of Isaiath.

  • 2340 AE

    2357 AE

    Conflict of Titus

    The Humans first recorded construction and conflict with Elven kingdoms over the land of Titus

  • 2450 AE

    2488 AE

    King John Moses, 1st of his Name

    This is the time period in which the first John Moses rose up and conquered the Lands of VeCoastal.

  • 2533 AE

    2600 AE

    The First Great War

    Tis'Envar and Odum engages in more than a half decade long blood bath. Ultimately Odum won and with that their Kingdom of the mountain remained.

  • 2994 AE

    3211 AE

    House Ashton's Extinction

    House Ashton was one of the greatest houses in the realms history. They held kingdoms in both VeCoastal and the The Isles of Isaiath and were respected among all houses of men for their honor.   Unfortunately the house hit a string of less than managable events and went extinct.

  • 3501 AE

    3607 AE

    Reign of Alldrick Saebeorht
    Religious event

    The time in which The Eternal Baron Alldrick Saebeorht rose to significance in The Lands of VeCoastal.

  • 3599 AE

    4112 AE

    Age of Ash
    Geological / environmental event

    3599 AE marked the volcanic eruption of Mount Colshier. For hundreds of years VeCoastal's lands and skies were in a mask of darkness, during these times evil cults and entities were said to have lurked the lands. Rumours of Troglodyte, Minotaur and Nightwalkers plagued the cities, leaving many afraid to leave saftey of their kingdoms.

  • 4200 AE

    4211 AE

    The Second Great War

    The last surviving Ashton, a small boy at a fishing village was found by House Flemming. He eventually raised a loyal army and declared war against The Isles, now in control of House Titus.   Mormon Ashton sailed to The Isles to avenge his once great house, the war last 11 years and many houses such as, House Bliskin, House Dryspear, House Vecxoa went extinct fighting off the foreign invanders.   The second great war ended during The Battle of Odum when the Ashton army retrieted its forces after suffering great losses trying to scale the mountain. T'Rem forces caught them on the outskirts of Odum, Mormon Ashton was slain by Lord Declan Redpool. After his death the last remaining of Ashton's forces escaped the country side and sailed back to VeCoastal.

  • 4212 AE

    5700 AE

    The Peaceful Period
    Era beginning/end

    During this era, all major houses were established, war across kingdoms and lands was unheard of.

  • 5701 AE

    5709 AE

    The Third Great War

    The shortest of the great wars was the third and most recent. After many historical victories, House Braddenglenn attempted to consume T'Rem into their control and ultimatley ended The Peaceful Period. Due to their lack of knowledge outside of the mountains the war was swift and brutal. The Dwarven men fought and bled however casultites were heavy and Lord Braddenglenn bent the knee to the great houses of The Isles.

  • 5773 AE

    Founding of the Levial Theocracy
    Religious event

    This was the time when Elizabeth Flemming had passed away and the people of Old Asrael decided to reinvent their country into the Levial Theocracy.

    Deorum Urbis
  • 6175 AE

    6176 AE

    The T'Rem Dispute
    Diplomatic action

    A period in which a minor house attempted to overthrow House Redpool.
