Drosta (Draw-stah)

Drosta Riverborn (a.k.a. The Bull)

A mercenary, thug and pit-fighter. Earned the moniker "The Bull" after touring the fighting pits along the coasts of The Continent. Grim, Intolerant, Cruel, bears tattoos from a dozen different port cities, a septum piercing and the wary stance of a pugilist. Upon her return to Banteave, she landed in Osbray-by-the-Sea and found her way into the service of Gethin Sandoreale as an able dogsbody.   Before all that, however, she was an orphan in Risevar Town, and ran in the same circles as Kain before he was scooped up by the city guard for the murder of a minor noble during a mugging gone wrong. Their paths would not cross again until many years later in Redehall City, when Drosta encountered Kain while engaged in some underhanded work at the behest of her patron. They would later stumble upon each other again at Lonsley Manor, as both Pendros Ildrafn and Gethin Sandoreale were keen to send their agents hunting for any clues about the disappearance of Mair Dillestone and Annabeth of Risevar. Despite working for opposed patrons, Kain and Drosta agreed to work together, a partnership that lasted until Bexley's betrayal at Castle Cole.  Despite her efforts to protect him, Drosta was unable to save Roan Cordelaine from Bexley's knife, and she has suddenly found herself working in opposition of her patron's agents during the massacre at Castle Cole.    Suddenly masterless and no doubt carrying a price on her head, Drosta accompanied Kain and his fellows back to Rhythavn Castle in the hopes that she might find gainful employment (and protection from Gethin's retribution) in service to Pendros Ildrafn.
Year of Birth
1415 27 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Abandoned at Birth

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