Iseabail McCloughhaven

Countess Iseabail Eiseth McCloughhaven (a.k.a. The Foe-Feller)

Countess of McCloughhaven's Reach and Sworn Sword to House Ildrafn, Iseabail had little expectations that her service during The Tambar Rebellion would result in her elevation to landed gentry. Brave, critical and suspicious, Iseabail is never one to hold her tongue or soften her voice at court, and her new arrival among the well-heeled members of Banteavan politics is already ruffling feathers.   Prior to the Rebellion, Iseabail was an unlanded minor Antari noble. Her old holdings had been lost thanks to her dead husband's debts, and she found refuge and swore fealty in the courts of House Ildrafn and joined the ranks of their House Guard stationed at Rhythavn Castle. When the call came to ride against The Tambarists, Iseabail was among the first to heed the summons of her liege lord and set forth to defend House Ildrafn from the rebels.   Her time in the field during the conflict culminated in a chance encounter outside Shona's Reach, a border holding between the Barony of Farran and the Barony of Rhythavn. Amidst the endless woods of the Warblewise, Iseabail stumbled across the remnants of the Reach's militia, who had barely escaped with their lives when the Tambarists seized the border town. Listening to their reports on the enemy numbers and position, Iseabail took command of the militia, folding them in with her own followers, and proceeded to lead the assault herself against the Tambarists at Shona's rest.    The ensuing battle is enshrined forever in the folk song "The Axes of McCloughhaven," as Iseabail and her forces cast down and slew the treacherous Tambarists and sent the survivors fleeing deep into the Warblewise. Flush with pride at her victory against the lawless Tambarist mob, Iseabail slew their leader, planted her own rough-stitched banner upon the walls of the manor, and proclaimed the settlement McCloughhaven's Reach.   When word of Isebail's victory and self-proclaimed elevation reached House Ildrafn's ears, they were quick to laud Iseabail and confirmed her status as the new Countess of McCloughhaven's Reach. The fact that the border town's ownership between Farran and Rhythavn had been disputed for generations mattered little now that an Ildrafn vassal house held sway there. In the months after the conflict's end, Iseabail is still settling into her new role as a proper vassal of House Ildrafn, all while being wary of the envious eyes of House Antyre upon her holding...


Khinar Antyre

Antagonist (Important)

Towards Iseabail McCloughhaven



Iseabail McCloughhaven


Towards Khinar Antyre



Khinar seeks to humble Iseabail and force her to swear her allegiance to House Antyre , bringing the Reach back under their control. He won't hesitate to engineer her removal if given no other choice.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1409 33 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Minor Noble, Unlanded
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations