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Session 11: Somethign to Answer For

General Summary

Our heroes had to defend their actions of late (see: Session 5: Flan Caverns Report) under questioning by Randis Rockwell and Splendid Unicorn Ywain Artos, Knights of the Watch. Mi'tsuru'gi and Brimble Knackles spoke of the disease afflicting Jedda, the routing of bandits and mysterious transport to deep in the The Barrier Peaks. They also recounted how both Falkas and Thomen Jax fell in battle.   The Knights noted these circumstances and accepted that the party was not at fault. Indeed, multiple cases of "grave mould" have been identified on forest denizens and game animals after Jedda, but without any clear idea of the cause. Only one or two people have so far succumbed.   With the favour of the Knights, Mitsu and Brimble returned to The Rest for a much overdue warm meal, bath, and ale. Over the course of the next few days that soaked in the warmth and cammeradie of Marcus Wrathbone's hospitality. They also met Daktarin Stren, a worthy, if somewhat green, addition to the company. Whastle Fletcher was resident at The Rest, but gave Mitsu and Brimble no notice. Perhaps he was thinking of the meal and company they refused (Session 10: the road home Report). Oakkar Ironeyes, the dwarf desparaged by Herm Twoforms, was also staying at The Rest. After he finihsed taking Daktarin's coin in a few games of cards, he came over to the party with a propostion. Okkar is willing to split the treasure with adventurers who accopany him to the "The Kunckle" an old dwarfhold of the Steelhand clan high in The Barrier Peaks. Okkar knows of Clan Duergeddin (Session 8: a dwarven mine, or... Report), but is not particularly interested in their fate.   The heroes decided not to follow Okkar (at least for now), but thinking of their conversations with Randis and Artos, as well as contemplating the rumours and information swirling 'round the pub (Latest Rumours & Information in Steigs), they decided to investigate the origins of grave mould by travelling to the Everwood. On the way, as they passed by the house of Zeke Snowmelt, Eva, a dryad, entreated them to help. Just then Zeke ran out of the woods by his house chased by thress satyrs. The satyrs, nomrally a tricky bunch, fought with the party, slashing swords, arrows and playing their enchanting pipes. After a short battle the three fey were defeated (despite Daktarin's "sleeping" on th job.   Afterwards Zeke told of his history with an evil book. Myrdian, the cleric in Steigs, had given him a spell book that seemed to radiate evil. Myrdian would not say how he came by the tome, but only that it was powerful and beyond his ability to tame. Zeke, too, felt he could not tame the power of the book and gave it to the druid Argus of the Everwood. That was, perhaps two months past and the druid has not been seen in Steig's since. Zeke fears that all is not right in the Everwood.   The heroes continued north to the Everwood, hoping to reach the ancient trees by late in the day.

Rewards Granted

3 x Satyr: 900 xp.
3 PCs & 1 NPC (Zeke): 225 monster xp
3 PCs: 300 xp for adventure advancement
  335 XP per PC.

Under Questioning at Keep Maintenance

Report Date
19 Jul 2022

A Typical Evening at Steigs Rest


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