
A wandering Skel hunter who had already made somewhat of a name for herself felling many a powerful beast, she was integral among the 12 Heroes of Cidash who defended the city from the horde of Proto-Terrasque that descended upon it in the year 123.   Her reward for defending the city was the newly fashioned Holy Mythril Blade Mercy. She went on with her hunting, now with the expectation of heroics along with it. She took jobs to kill dangerous monsters that threatened villages and ecosystems. A group of central Iocrias druids took interest and joined her to help her kill only the worst of creatures so that they could capture and rehabilitate the ones that they saw worthy of that treatment. She gained a large amount of respect from those druids who upon her death interred her in a holy druidic temple that the city of Bhamir was built on top of.   While her tomb had a place for the weapon containing her soul, the young druid who she was closest with felt a calling from her spear, and with the consent of the other druids removed the spear from the tomb but not without part of the tip breaking. Not ones to interfere with the natural chain of events, they chose to leave part of her weapon with her body and the rest in the hands of her friend Gizmack.
87 ARLH 137 ARLH 50 years old
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