Mindflayers and an Elder Brain
Semi-autonomous Hivemind
Small houses and structures around a central tower where the elder brain lives, connected by a large bridge on both sides to the castles on either side
A group of Mindflayer at some point took up residence in a cave network above the domain of the Life Gigas Anima. They started to use the powers of the gigas to both extend their lives and give power to their Elder Brain.
In 203 Serrure Luxord invaded the Flayerhome in hopes of finding Anima. He lived on the outskirts of the settlement for three years hiding from the creatures and killing when he needed to.
In 207 the future founders of Fortune Networks invaded the Flayerhome, rescued Serrure Luxord, killed the current elder brain, and found the gigas of life. The mindflayers continued their lives there after these events.
A green colored waterfall pouring down into a river through the village and off the cliffside where the castle is