A renowned warrior in northern Iocrias, he took a young Lokir under his wing as a surrogate son. Before long, his desire to see more and more challenging combat led to him taking his villages legendary axe and wandering south to join the Whitewall Bandits.
He served as the bodyguard of Lucky Lind and attracted the ire of the other leaders of the bandits including Aisho. He clashed with his son, and the Terrasque Slayers several times before getting caught with Lind in a castle owned by a clan of Frost Vampires. He assisted the Terrasque Slayers in a joint escape, before they left him and Lucky Lind for dead among the vampires.
While his charge died, Loskar survived to become a vampire and eventually led a faction of the clan east to the isle of Tive in The Coil, bolstering their pirate and raider ranks with his terrifying force of vampires. They continued to be trouble for the civilizations of The Coil until finally The Tortuga Coaition destroyed a large amount of their navy.
179 ARLH
230 ARLH
51 years old
Circumstances of Death