Tommy Ray Handley

Tommy was born to Berylla Handley in central Randgriz Empire. Blind since birth, the young Dragonling Michelangelo bonded to him right away assisting him as his seeing eye companion. Tommy exhibited a substantial affinity for the difficult time magic from a young age. His mother told him that his father is Aien Yinvyre who she had a fling with while she worked with him in Fortune Networks, and that is where his time magic came from.   That time magic allowed him to get into, and avoid a lot of trouble in his life. While he was young his blindness led to him getting picked on, but he was able to turn himself into a poor target for those bullies with his fighting abilities. He turned that into a career as he entered underground fighting events. Using his time magic to move quicker than his opponent and predict their movements with Micky giving him advanced warnings as well, he worked his way up the ranks.   With his money and fame he was able to try and track down his potential father in Crow's Fort. While he did run into him, the city was under attack by Husks and other dark creatures. Tommy assisted Aien in repelling the creatures, but lost track of him when he ran off to the Luxord family mausoleum.   When they found just Revan in the mausoleum and no sign of Aien or the Holy Mythril Blade, Ghost that were housed inside, he joined Legato Littlefoot, Sona, and Mercury Luxord-Vlatson in investigating. They traveled together exploring the ruins of Liberus and clashed several times with the Mindflayer Dagoruk before they found that he had replaced and disguised himself as Aien Yinvyre. They fled the city for fear of retribution from the mindflayer.   Tommy later found out that through time traveling events of his supposed grandfather Jakki, their warrior aquaintence Marie was his mother and his father was the very mindflayer masquerading as Aien. He and the rest of the Heroes of Crow's Fort after finding out about Mercury Luxord-Vlatson's evil deeds and cornering him, watched on as Lokir and Legato killed him; and in doing so, released the Deep from its vessel and beginning the end of the world.

"World famous" pugilist, he was blinded by an opponent during a fight and now travels around with the aid of his seeing-eye parrot.

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Year of Birth
234 ARLH 43 Years old
Aligned Organization