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History of the Order of the Golden Sun

The general recorded history of the Order of the Golden Sun, starting from their arrival just over 1100 years ago to the current year in the Order calendar.

The Three Brothers

... 163 O.C.

  • 1 O.C.

    1 Snowmelt

    The arrival of the Three Brothers
    Era beginning/end

    After a long journey, the three founding brothers of the Order - Amriel, Ruhiel and Moriel - arrive at the continent in the mist, guided here by a divine vision from Aphos.

Golden Age of the Order

157 O.C. 788 O.C.

  • 412 O.C.

    32 Redleaf
    412 O.C.

    35 Redleaf

    Craighoof Famine & Orcs

    A group of orcs from the Blood Soaked Hills begin raiding the village of Craighoof at the exact moment that a herd of hungry centaurs pass by. The centaurs are native to the Great Grass Plateau, but a long drought has destroyed much of the food they would normally scavenge. Seeing Craighoof threatened, the centaurs come to their aid and charge at the orcs, driving them off. In return for the centaurs' help, the citizens of Craighoof provide the centaurs with enough food for at least three years. Both parties recognise the potential for a fruitful cooperation, and after a three-day-long discussion, the centaurs and the citizens of Craighoof form a partnership that will last till the present day.

  • 657 O.C.

    12 Greentide

    The tower near the lake
    Construction beginning/end

    A tower suddenly appears on the eastern shore of the Sunrise Lake. Scouts report that a kobold mage has taken residence in the new structure, and that a small group of froglike creatures have started building a small village near the tower.

    The Floats
  • 724 O.C.

    12 Deepsnow

    Knuc leaves his tower

    According to Alistar, this is the date that Knuc left his observatory. But worry not! He will undoubtedly be back any moment now!

    The Floats
  • 761 O.C.

    4 Greentide

    Rule of King Driastan I Levant Amria starts
    Political event

    The Rule of King Driastan I, the homesick, is the most disastrous in recorded history. His rule started ambitious with the idea to reconnect with the continent the founding brothers originated from. Unfortunately, he was narrow-minded and solely focused on this affair. This caused the Order to suffer from many problems, such as increased criminal activity and financial troubles.

  • 761 O.C.

    7 Harvesthaul

    Passing the Mists project starts
    Discovery, Scientific

    Using some of the brightest minds from the Order, the Tower Scholars and the Dwarves of Mor, research starts on creating a device that can be used to sail through the mist surrounding the island.

  • 788 O.C.

    14 Highsun

    Purple sky above Novram
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The sky above Novram slowly starts to turn purple, an event that is loosely associated with one of the watchers: Hasamed. This watcher is associated with violent intervention from the gods. The Order assures the general populace that nothing is wrong, but despite this some inhabitants flee the city in fear over the next days.

  • 788 O.C.

    21 Highsun

    Novram is destroyed by meteors.
    Disaster / Destruction

    A disastrous rain of gigantic purple meteors destroys Novram and the surrounding region, leaving only an enormous crater in its wake. The city and nearly its entire population are annihilated in an instant. History records this event as a divine punishment for research in trying to traverse the mist surrounding the continent, causing any further research on the matter to be outlawed.

Post Novram

789 O.C. 1015 O.C.

  • 789 O.C.

    795 O.C.

    The Northern Famine
    Disaster / Destruction

    Due to the fall of Novram, the largest production of food for the north has also been destroyed. On top of this, the year of 790 O.C. yields a bad harvest. This causes Thunderpoint and all cities north of it to struggle for food.

  • 789 O.C.

    34 Highsun
    834 O.C.

    12 Harvesthaul

    Orcs raid the weakened north
    Criminal Activity

    Capitulating on the weakened and chaotic north, large groups of Orcs from the Deepstone Halls start raiding Tenacre, Ancora, Thunderpoint and all the lands between the cities. The raids on Ancora eventually end when the region surrounding Ancora slowly turns into an undead swamp. The raids on Thunderpoint are the last to stop, in 834, when a new Grand Overseer is appointed and a part of the army of the Order is sent to massacre every orc tribe in sight around Thunderpoint.

  • 790 O.C.

    28 Deepsnow
    791 O.C.

    4 Newgrowth

    The fall of Tenacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    The fall of Tenacre is a direct concequence of the fall of Novram. With no more food supplies from the once fertile lands near Novram and the bad harvest of 790, the city cuts through its food stockpile in two years. The great hunger of Tenacre ends when a great fire consumes the city. This event destroyed this once mighty fortress between the rivers, the original throne room of the Order and killed the ruling Sun King.

    Ruins of Tenacre
  • 791 O.C.

    5 Newgrowth

    Rule of King Driastan II Levant Amria starts
    Political event

    Following the death of his father at Tenacre, Driastan II becomes the new Sun King. Driastan II is known as the grand architect, for swiftly building a new home to those who were fleeing the northern cities. His rule is divisive among historians, some claiming that he acted wise and justly given the problems he inherited from his father, some claiming he abandoned Ancora and disregarded the will of the people by building the new seat of power in Amries.

  • 791 O.C.

    7 Newgrowth
    802 O.C.

    34 Redleaf

    The Amries Citidal is built
    Construction beginning/end

    Amries had already existed for many centuries at this point. It houses an important pilgrimage destination in the form of the largest cathedral to Aphos. It had always functioned as a well-defendable retreat for the royal family, and the Griffon Barracks located in the mountains trained the most elite soldiers of the Order. However, the fall of Tenacre required a new seat of power. Deciding to merge the centers of religion and politics, a vast fortress was built on the Peaks of Aphos, designed to withstand anything the universe could conjure.

  • 791 O.C.

    4 Frostfall
    792 O.C.

    12 Greentide

    The United Order rebellion

    Many citizens of the Order had expected that the Brothers' Crossing, the now-largest city located at the heart of the Order, would be the new seat of power. History records that the current ruler of the Order had decided that he did not want to share its capital with the influence of the Tower Scholars, and given the violent destruction of Novram a more defensible position was chosen. This eventually leads to the rise of a group called "The United Order", which manage to stage a successful, albeit short-lived, coup in Brothers' Crossing. Surprisingly, it was the personal army of the Tower Scholars that got rid of the coup. The Scholars feared that the coup would draw an army towards the city, which would cost uncountable lives and put the grand library and its knowledge at risk.

  • 798 O.C.

    15 Highsun

    The Undead Marshes are formed
    Geological / environmental event

    Though it is unknown when exactly the once green fields north of the Thunder Fields started turning into a marshland, this date marks the first recordings of undead being spotted near Ancora. Slowly over many years the land grows ever more poisoned, and the undead become a plague to travelers towards Ancora.

  • 802 O.C.

    25 Longnight
    810 O.C.

    23 Highsun

    The fortification of Extes
    Construction beginning/end

    With the new seat of power in Amries, people flock to the nearby city of Extes. This causes the city to boom into enormous proportions, and quickly makes it the largest city within the Order. In order to prevent similar events to Novram, precautions are taken. The city is covered in holy sigils, the city is surrounded by a mighty white wall surrounded by fields of fire, and all research and gathering is strictly monitored by the city watch.

  • 821 O.C.

    12 Harvesthaul

    Ancora becomes isolated
    Diplomatic action

    On this date, the divine golden dome of Ancora is created. Though contact with the Order had slowly been deteriorating ever since the fall of Tenacre, the city now fully isolated itself behind its protective barrier, effectively turning it into an independent city state.

  • 822 O.C.

    12 Highsun

    Maurkin built
    Construction beginning/end

    With Ancora closing itself off, a group of what used to be farmers from the Undead Marshes seeks shelter in the hills south of the marshes. Over time, more people find this place, attracting both people who want to leave the Order and those fleeing the Undead Marshes.

  • 825 O.C.

    6 Redleaf

    Tripplecross abandons its docks
    Construction beginning/end

    With Novram and Tenacre destroyed, no other major ports on the eastern side of the continent the Overseer stops maintaining the docks at Tripplecross. Over time, the docks become a place for illegal businesses.

  • 834 O.C.

    Rule of King Driastan III Levant Amria starts
    Political event

    King Driastan III Levant Amria's rule is only known for one thing, and that is the Cult of the Night Veil. The years he rules are some of the most turbulent in the history of the order. He was known to be a merciless iron-fisted ruler.

  • 836 O.C.

    12 Highsun
    861 O.C.

    39 Frostfall

    Cult of the Night Veil returns

    After laying low for a long time, the Cult of the Night Veil strikes once again. This group of mostly Drow is dedicated to Aphia, the Watcher of the Moon, and sees themselves as enemies of the Order. Though they are unable to take control over any major cities, most of the other cities fall to the influence of the Cult of the Night Veil. Despite the best efforts of the Order, the large-scale usage of mind control and illusion magic by the cult makes it difficult to root out those in charge. As a result, it takes many years to slowly regain control of all cities and the leader of the Night Veil is never found.

  • 843 O.C.

    31 Newgrowth

    Blackstone Prison abolished

    Due to the troubles with the Cult of the Night Veil, the already understaffed Blackstone Prison is finally closed in 843. This causes Goldcrest to slowly become less and less populated, until it is mostly known for a place to retire.

  • 863 O.C.

    17 Redleaf

    Rule of King Ruhos VI Levant Amria starts
    Political event

    After the events with the Cult of the Night Veil, Sun King Driastan III abdicates the throne to his eldest son. He does so believing that he has become too distrusting of his own people, and does not wish to see what that might cause.

  • 911 O.C.

    32 Redleaf

    Rule of King Ruhos VII Levant Amria starts
    Political event

  • 984 O.C.

    12 Snowmelt

    Filnore's Warning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A special delegation of the dream druids from Filnore's Grove makes its way to Amries. Their dreams signify that great tragedy will befall the next Sun King. Their dreams are filled with what they describe as "Storm and Stone". Due to the tendency of the druids to be right about their dream predictions, the Order starts a five year long investigation into what might happen, but this proves fruitless.

    More reading
  • 984 O.C.

    17 Deepsnow

    Rule of King Sulien I Levant Amria starts
    Political event

    The rule of king Sulien I Levant Amria, also known as Sulien the Damned, starts. He earned his title due to the large number of unfortunate events that plagued his characteristically short rule. Despite this, he is generally considered to be a just and good-hearted king.

  • 989 O.C.

    16 Redleaf

    Waking of Giants
    Era beginning/end

    Before this moment, an event known as the "Waking of Giants" was only known by the Order to be a folk tale of the inhabitants of the continent. Tales of an ages long past, when without warning a large group of Giants just seemed to apparate into existence. However, as the Order came to learn the hard way, this story was grounded in reality. On this date, a citadel on clouds appeared on the south-eastern edge of the continent, where slowly more and more sleeping Giants seem to appear, slowly waking up.

  • 989 O.C.

    31 Redleaf
    1001 O.C.

    2 Newgrowth

    Early Giant contact
    Diplomatic action

    Initial contact with the Giants goes reasonably well. Though territorial in nature, the Giants seem to take somewhere between a week and a year to fully wake up from a deep slumber, and are generally accepting of visitors. The Giants explain that they used to rule the island, but a catastrophic event caused them all to retreat into a sort of dream realm. The Giants had planned to return at some point, but are unsure as to why they they are returning now.

  • 992 O.C.

    29 Greentide

    Beastblood is found in Glummoor
    Plague / Epidemic

    A lycanthropic curse, known as Beastblood, starts infesting citizens of Glummoor. Those sent to investigate find a portal to the Feywilds near an old entrance to the Blackstone Prison, which is assumed to be the origin of this curse.

  • 1001 O.C.

    3 Newgrowth
    1015 O.C.

    36 Highsun

    Relations with Giants worsen
    Diplomatic action

    The arrival of the first Storm Giants marks a change in the behavior of the Giants. As if they were simply waiting for reinforcements, the Giants start fabricating weapons and armor at an impressive pace. It quickly becomes clear that they intend to reclaim their continent. With both the Order and the Giants refusing to give up part of the continent, tensions between the two rise.

  • 1006 O.C.

    37 Highsun
    1024 O.C.

    5 Fullblossom

    Saltspire Savages raid traderoutes
    Criminal Activity

    A pirate group known as the Saltspire Savages steal some Order warships from Gildenwharf and use them to wreak havoc on the trade routes between Blackstone Island, the Xayamid empire and the mainland Order of the Golden Sun. Though considered to be the most successful bandits in the history of the Order, they are eventually dealt with by the Xayamid empire. How the Saltspire Savages met their end is unknown, but the history of the Order only records a written message from the Brass Queen that "The pirates have been dealt with".

  • 1015 O.C.

    37 Highsun

    The Destruction of Atheram
    Disaster / Destruction

    Without much warning the Giants attack the Order of the Golden Sun after negotiations for peace fail, resulting in the destruction of Atheram. With the city and its entire population decimated, the Order prepares for an all-out war.

    Ruins of Atheram

The Great War against the Giants

1016 O.C. and beyond

  • 1016 O.C.

    12 Fullblossom

    Battle of the Bone Desert
    Military action

    An army led by the King of the Order of the Golden Sun himself heads deep into the Bone Desert in an attempt to end the war early. The resulting battle is a devastating loss for the Order, as three-quarters of the army, including the king himself, perish in the during combat.

  • 1016 O.C.

    13 Fullblossom

    Rule of King Driastan IV Levant Amria starts
    Political event

    Following the death of his father at the Battle of the Bone Desert, King Driastan IV takes over the rule of the Order of the Golden Sun. He is only 10 years old when this happens.

  • 1039 O.C.

    11 Longnight
    1047 O.C.

    23 Greentide

    Construction of Crownsfoot
    Construction beginning/end

    Following the continued destruction of scouting outposts in the War-torn Dunes, the Order of the Golden Sun begins the construction of Crownsfoot. They goal is to build an enormous fortress meant to house the largest army on the continent, designed to withstand the attacks from the Giants.

  • 1045 O.C.

    39 Redleaf

    First Battle of Crownsfoot
    Military action

    After years of war based on small skirmishes, the Giants launch their first large-scale attack since the destruction of Atheram. King Driastan IV shows incredible military and strategic prowess, resulting in an astounding victory for the Order, despite Crownsfoot not being fully completed.

  • 1066 O.C.

    25 Highsun

    Second Battle of Crownsfoot
    Military action

    The Giants deploy a new strategy, bombarding Crownsfoot with massive boulders from the sky. Despite initial losses, a well coordinated attack from the Griffon Knights supported by court clerics manages to drive back the Giants once again.

  • 1072 O.C.

    11 Longnight

    Ancient ruins below Idirianoc discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    After a cave-in within the mines of Idirianoc, miners discover ruins of an ancient city built deep below the mountains. The Tower Scholars set up a small research camp nearby to investigate the newely uncovered ruins.

  • 1096 O.C.

    11 Longnight

    Third Battle of Crownsfoot
    Military action

    The third and (so far) final battle of Crownsfoot occurs. Though the army of the Order easily outnumbers the Giants a thousand-to-one, the Order has many new recruits who lack real experience, especially against the never-before-seen Storm Giants. This results in massive casualties on both sides. Despite the eventual retreat on the side of the Giants, this battle is mostly considered a draw. Following this battle, new orders for obligatory military training and more forced conscription are drawn up, resulting in widespread unrest throughout the Order.

  • 1098 O.C.

    11 Newgrowth

    Thunderpoint starts the Weaponized Storm project
    Discovery, Scientific

    A group of magicians and scientists start experimenting to weaponize powerful magical lightning, by studying the corpses of Storm Giants and the local weather at Thunderpoint.

  • 1099 O.C.

    39 Frostfall
    1103 O.C.

    3 Highsun

    The Rebellion of the Cathamas League

    A group calling themselves the "Cathamas League" violently overthrows the rule of the Order in Cathamas. Led by a group of wealthy merchants hoping to drastically increase their wealth during the war, the group manages to gain a lot of followers by preaching the end of the forced conscription for the war on the other side of the continent. The group is successful at first, also gaining a large following in Dulwich and Idirianoc, resulting in an temporary independent rule from the Order. The League is eventually defeated when a year-long siege of Cathamas by Order forces causes the citizens in the city to revolt against the Cathamas League, who in their eyes have only been successful in getting war closer to home. By early 1103 the League has been disbanded, with the remaining leaders fleeing into hiding.

  • 1102 O.C.

    12 Frostfall

    Glummoor is overtaken by Beastblood
    Plague / Epidemic

    The combined pressure of the war and the Cathamas League causes many soldiers and city watch from Blackstone Island to be relocated elsewhere. As a result, the lycanthropic curse known as Beastblood that plagues the city is no longer contained. This eventually leads to the last Order official leaving town, leaving the inhabitants for Glummoor to struggle with the curse on their own.

  • 1122 O.C.

    9 Longnight

    Rule of King Sulien II Levant Amria starts
    Political event

    King Sulien II Levant Amria of the Order of the Golden Sun ascends the Sunward Throne at the age of 44, after the passing of his father. He inherits the political, social and financial turmoil of the war with the Giants.

  • 1124 O.C.

    29 Highsun

    Gold dust is found on the shores of Goldcrest
    Population Migration / Travel

    Through a mere stroke of luck one of the remaining inhabitants of Goldcrest finds gold dust a few inches below the beaches on the southern shore. This causes the population count to skyrocket, suddenly transforming it into one of the bigger cities of the Order.

  • 1130 O.C.

    12 Fullblossom

    A storm brews in the south
    Geological / environmental event

    A ever-growing never-ending storm starts forming south of the Bone Desert. King Sulien II starts preparing for the biggest possible battle yet, drastically increasing the quality and quantity of both weapons and soldiers at Crownsfoot and Extes.

  • 1130 O.C.

    24 Redleaf

    Mercy Thieves plague the lakes
    Criminal Activity

    A band of thieves known as the Mercy Thieves starts plaguing the lake areas. They are mostly from a group of deserters from the army of the Order, but are led by a fierce black Minotaur known as Goroz. They have a track record of never killing anyone, except for those who attempt to attack the Mercy Thieves members.

  • 1131 O.C.

    7 Greentide

    Kolima curse takes root
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Though the exact reason is unknown, the lumberjacks of Kolima have started to permanently transform into trees. This has halted the harvesting of wood required for the construction and maintenance of siege engines for the war.

  • 1134 O.C.

    11 Snowmelt

    The Birth of the LUKI Four
    Life, Publicity

    After successfully solving the mystery of the black mural at Gildenwharf, a group of adventurers calling themselves the LUKI Four is born.

  • 1134 O.C.

    19 Snowmelt

    Current Date

    The current date in the calendar of the Order of the Golden Sun.