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A human clad in gleaming plate armour stares down a snarling owlbear, slowly reaching for the lance strapped across her back. The owlbear charges before she can reach her weapon, but a gout of fire from the sky stops the owlbear in its tracks. the gold dragon lands in front of the human, its eyes burning with a fiery vengeance as it snorts, flames billowing from its nostrils. Mounting her dragon, the human lets out a war cry as the dragon takes off into the air.   Shouting a war cry, the dwarf waves his banner in the air, divine light flowing over the battlefield as his allies, a human and a halfling, harass an ogre. The ogre, seeing the origin of this magic, stampedes towards the dwarf, but is quickly stopped as a dragon, its scales a shining platinum, opens its maw and releases a blast of divine energy.   Pulling the bowstring back, the elf whispers a few hushed words as an arcane fire erupts around the goblins below. Lightning sparks at the tip of his arrow, and he grins to himself as he fires at the goblin chief. The arrow finding its mark, the goblin chief can barely cry for help as lightning explodes from his body, arcing off to his nearby guards.   Scowling to himself, the half-orc looks around the darkened cave for his quarry. Letting out a short whistle, a dark dragon, onyx in colour, seems to appear from the shadows with a dead drow in its maw. Rolling his eyes, the half-orc makes a motion with his hands, and the dragon spits out the drow, a sheepish expression on its reptilian face as a shadow begins to rise from the corpse.   While different in personality and fighting styles, all of these heroes are dragoons, a champion who fights alongside a dragon companion. Tough, relentless and unyielding, dragoons and their dragons never give up, fighting to either heroic or devious ends.  

An Unbreakable Bond

The bond between a dragoon and their dragon is nearly impossible to eclipse. Only powerful magic can even attempt to turn them against one another, and they nearly never fight against their own will. Despite this, a dragoon and their dragon have been known to argue over strategy, tactics, or even miscellaneous things, as the dragon, despite its respect for its master, is not quick to let go of its ego.   This connection has its drawbacks, however, and should the dragoon fall in battle, the dragon too will die, as the dragon's spirit simply can't live without the dragoon. Should the dragon fall in battle, the dragoon can restore its body with a costly ritual, but a few dragoons instead choose to let their dragons rest, and go on to instead simply channel their dragon's power.  

Tamed or Trained

Both types of dragoons, those who are made as part of an order, and those who stumble across their companion, have a hard time of trying to bond with their dragon. Dragons are prideful by nature, and even the gentler metallic dragons wouldn't dare submit to the hand of a human, elf, or dwarf.
Level Prof Features
1st +2 Dragon Covenant, Dragon Companion, Covenant's Bond
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Draconic Senses
3rd +2 Dragoon Practice, Fury of the Dragon
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Coordinated Attack, Wyrmling Advancement
6th +3 Breath Weapon
7th +3 Dragoon Practice feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Young Advancement, Draconic Senses (2/rest), Bite Damage (2d8)
10th +4 Dragoon Practice feature
11th +4 Draconic Nature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Legacy of the Dragon
14th +5 Titanic Roar
15th +5 Dragoon Practice feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Ancient Resistance, Draconic Senses (3/rest)
18th +6 Dragoon Practice feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Essence of the Covenant

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per dragoon level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per dragoon level after 1st  


Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Herbalism kit
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception and Persuasion.  


• (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
• (a) chain mail, (b) scale mail or (c) leather armour
• (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) five javelins
• (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorers pack
• a shortsword and a herbalism kit  

Class Features

As a dragoon, you gain the following class features.  

Dragon Covenant

At 1st level, you have a covenant formed with a dragon, either the one you've bonded to or another. Choose one type of dragon as the creator of this covenant. Features you gain later use the damage type associated with each dragon.
Dragon Damage Type
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Brass Fire
Bronze Lightning
Copper Acid
Gold Fire
Green Poison
Red Fire
Silver Cold
White Cold
Also, as an action, you can create small sensory effects appropriate to the colour of your dragon, similar to the ones described under the prestidigitation spell. A dragoon who makes a covenant with a red dragon might be able to create small puffs of smoke or sparks, while someone who makes a covenant with a silver dragon can chill objects and food.   Finally, you can speak, read, and write Draconic.  

Dragon Companion

At 1st level, you gain the service of a dragon hatchling, whose statistics can be found in the sidebar. The dragon's colour is the chosen covenant colour.   If you are ever slain (in battle or otherwise), your dragon will also die after a number of hours equal to your dragoon level, during which it will attempt to do everything in its power to return you to life.   If your dragon companion is ever slain, the magical bond you share allows you to return it to life. With 8 hours of work and the expenditure of 25gp worth of rare herbs and fine food per your dragoon level, you can call forth your companion's spirit and use your magic to create a new body for it. You can return a dragon companion to life in this manner even if you do not possess any part of its body.   Returning your dragon to life is a gruelling process, and you must expend some of your own life force to compel the dragon back to life. You can choose to expend any number of hit dice when you finish the ritual. Make a Charisma check, with the DC being equal to 15 minus the number of hit dice you expended. The DC cannot be lowered below 5 in this way. On a failed ability check, the dragon is restored to life, but you aren't able to regain any of the hit dice you expended for the ritual until 7 days have passed. Additionally, you and your dragon both suffer three points of exhaustion. On a successful ability check, the dragon is restored to life, and you can regain the spent hit dice as normal.  

Covenant's Bond

Your dragon companion gains a variety of benefits while you two are together.   The dragon obeys your commands as best it can. It rolls initiative like any other creature, but you determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so on (no action required by you). If you are incapacitated or absent, your dragon acts on its own. Your dragon, because of its young age, is not suited for combat, and cannot take the attack action. Also because of its youth, it has yet to master flying, and as such, falls if it ends its turn in the air.   Your dragon companion has abilities and game statistics determined in part by your level. Your dragon uses your proficiency bonus rather than its own. While not wearing barding, a dragon companion has a natural armor class of 8 + its Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Your dragon companion gains proficiency in two skills of your choice. It is also proficient in all the saving throws you're proficient in.   For each level after 1st, your dragon companion gains an additional hit die and increases its hit points accordingly. The dragon's hit dice are d8s, regardless of its size. When the dragon is reduced to 0 hit points, it makes death saving throws as a player would.   In addition, the dragon cannot have its size increased beyond large (but would still gain the extra benefits of the enlarge/reduce spell, for example). The dragon's level is equal to your dragoon level for the purpose of calculating spells like polymorph and true polymorph.   Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, your dragon's abilities also improve. Your dragon can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your dragon can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.   Your dragon shares your alignment, and has a personality trait and a flaw that you can roll for or select from the tables below. Your dragon shares your ideal, and its bond is always "I will protect my dragoon; I will do the best I can for my dragoon; I will die for my dragoon."
d6 Trait
1 I love to collect gems and art pieces.
2 Threaten my friends, threaten me.
3 I stay on alert so others can rest.
4 I have a knack for showing up in the nick of time.
5 I'm dauntless in the face of adversity.
6 I put my friend's needs before my own in all things.
d6 Flaw
1 I'm extremely vain.
2 I'm secretly terrified of other dragons.
3 Anyone who offends my dragoon will suffer the consequences of their actions.
4 I'm very paranoid. Everyone is out to get me.
5 I refuse to associate with anyone lesser than myself.
6 I'll do anything to grow my hoard, and might go as far as to steal.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options OR a Fighting Style available to the Fighter Class. You can't take a fighting style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.   Archery
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.   Duelling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.   Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or a 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.   Throwing
You gain a +2 bonus to to ranged attack rolls you make with a thrown weapon. Whenever you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, you can immediately draw another weapon as part of the attack.  

Draconic Senses

At 2nd level, you also have gained the ability to focus and sense nearby creatures. As a bonus action, you can hone in your senses to detect nearby creatures.   You can detect the exact location of all living creatures within 30 feet of you, and gain advantage on your next attack roll against one of these creatures, providing you make the attack before the end of your next turn, and can't use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.   You can use this feature twice between rests starting at 9th level and three times between rests at 17th level.  

Dragoon Practice

At 3rd level, you can choose a practice, either Rider, Elemental, Platinum, or Shadow.   Rider Practice
Elemental Practice
Platinum Practice
Shadow Practice   Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.  

Fury of the Dragon

Also at 3rd level, your dragon companion has begun to grow, and can now take the attack action on its turn.   Additionally, when your dragon takes the attack action, it can choose to make a bite attack, rather than a claw attack. The dragon can only make one bite attack each round.   The bite attack deals 1d10 + the dragon's Strength modifier piercing damage, plus an additional 1d8 damage of the dragon's relevant damage type (e.g. a red dragon's bite will deal extra fire damage). This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 9th level.   The dragon can replace a claw attack it makes on its turn with a single bite attack a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.  

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.  

Coordinated Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you and your dragon companion form a more potent fighting team. When you take the Attack action on your turn, if your companion can see you, it can use its reaction to make a melee attack.  

Wyrmling Advancement

Also at 5th level, your dragon companion continues to grow, and gains the following benefits:   • The dragon's size is now medium, and its claw attacks deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage.
• Its flying speed increases by 15 feet, and it’s other speeds increase by 5 feet.
• The dragon's wings are stronger, and it can remain in the air at the end of its turn.  

Breath Weapon

At 6th level, your dragon has developed the glands to shoot raw, destructive elements from its mouth, with the saving throw calculated as follows:   Breath Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your dragon's Constitution modifier   The shape of the breath is different depending on the colour of your dragon, as shown in the table below. The damage is the same as the dragon's relevant damage type (e.g. a red dragon's breath would deal fire damage).
Dragon Breath Weapon
Black 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. save)
Blue 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. save)
Brass 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. save)
Bronze 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. save)
Copper 5 by 30ft. line (Dex. save)
Gold 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Green 15 ft. cone (Con. save)
Red 15ft. cone (Dex. save)
Silver 15ft. cone (Con. save)
White 15ft. cone (Con. save)
As an action on its turn, the dragon can breathe its relevant destructive energy in either a line or a cone, as shown on the table. Each creature in the area takes 4d6 damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.   The area of the line and cone and the damage of the breath weapon increase as you gain levels in this class, as shown below.   Once your dragon has used this ability, it cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Level Damage Area
6th 4d6 5 by 30 ft. line / 15 ft. cone
9th 6d6 5 by 60 ft. line / 30 ft. cone
14th 8d8 5 by 90 ft. line / 60 ft. cone

Young Advancement

At 9th level, your dragon companion still grows, and gains the additional following benefits:
• The dragon's size is now large.
• Its flying speed increases by 15 feet, and it’s other speeds increase by 5 feet.
• As long as your dragon can see you, it has advantage on all saving throws.  

Draconic Nature

Beginning at 11th level, the dragon's claw attacks deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage, you gain resistance to the damage type appropriate to your dragon, and can choose one of the following benefits:   Scales. A thin layer of scales covers your body. While you are not wearing armour, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can still wield a shield and get this benefit.   Eyes. Your eyes become dragon-like, and you gain proficiency in the Perception and Investigation skills. You also have advantage on any Perception or Investigation check based on sight.   Tail. Your spine extends and you grow a scaled, muscular tail. Whenever you take the attack action on your turn, you can whip around and attempt to shove a creature within 10 feet of you as a bonus action.  

Legacy of the Dragon

At 13th level, you have taken on a dragon's extended lifespan. You age only one year for every ten years that pass, and cannot be aged magically.  

Titanic Roar

Starting at 14th level, your dragon can let loose a vicious roar, filling nearby creatures with dread.   As an action on its turn, your dragon can roar. Any number of creatures of its choice within 20 feet of the dragon must make a Wisdom saving throw against the dragon's breath weapon DC. On a failed save, creatures are frightened by the dragon for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success.   Once your dragon has used this ability, it cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.  

Ancient Resistance

At 17th level, you can shrug off even the most dangerous effects. Whenever you or your dragon would fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead. You cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.  

Essence of the Covenant

At 20th level, you become the embodiment of the dragons. Choose two of the following ability scores: Strength, Constitution, and Charisma. Both you and your dragon have the chosen ability scores increase by 2, and the maximum for those ability scores is now 22.   Additionally, you automatically succeed on the ability check you make to restore your dragon to life.
Hit Die: d10   Primary Ability:
Strength   Saving Throw Proficiency:
Constitution, Charisma   Armor and Weapon Proficiencies:
All armor, shields, simple and martial weapons   Dragoon Practices
Rider Practice
Elemental Practice
Platinum Practice
Shadow Practice

Dragon Companion Stats


Black Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 14 14 10 12 12
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +4
Damage Immunities: acid
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Draconic
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Blue Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 10 14 12 12 14
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +2
Damage Immunities lightning
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Draconic
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Brass Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 10 14 12 12 14
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +2
Damage Immunities: fire
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Draconic
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Bronze Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 12 14 12 10 14
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities: lightning
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages: Draconic
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Copper Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 12 14 14 10 12
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities: acid
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages: Draconic
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Gold Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 12 14 14 10 12
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities: fire
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages: Draconic
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Green Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 12 14 14 10 12
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: poisoned
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages: Draconic
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Red Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 10 14 12 12 14
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +2
Damage Immunities: fire
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Draconic
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

Silver Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 10 14 14 12 12
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +2
Damage Immunities: cold
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Draconic
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.  

White Dragon

Small dragon, (alignment same as dragoon)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (+ 1d8+con per level)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
14 12 14 10 12 14
Saving Throws: Same as dragoon
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities: cold
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Draconic
Ice Walk. The dragon can move across across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it extra movement.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) points of slashing damage

Articles under Dragoon


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