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Pars Balgûresh

The darkness of the forest and the chill in the air force you to camp for the night. You take a small area over by the side of the road, and you bundle in for the night against the stark cold of the Eleikar Valley⁣⁣⁣   You don't notice the bandits until it is too late. You wake up to the feeling of freezing-cold steel against your chin and a grunt from the brigand. You're just about to get your money out to pay them off when a wail comes from behind the brigand.   He swivels around just in time to get an arrow directly to the side of the throat. He stumbles forward and falls to his knees before slumping into the dirt.   You look to the side where the arrow came from, and you see a large black bear standing above the shredded remains of his comrade. You think you also see the swish of a cloak in the shadows nearby, but you aren't sure.   The bear growls at you briefly, then retreats into the woods along with the cloaked figure. You go back to sleep, a little warier than before.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pars is rather large for a dwarf. He has a strong build, but his main strength is in being quick and agile.

Special abilities

Pars's connection to the wild places of the world has given him some small magical abilities relating to his bow and his connection with Fichâ.

Apparel & Accessories

He always wears a forest-green cape and his leather armour. In town, he may wear regular clothing with green leaf designs or other similar garb.

Specialized Equipment

Pars carries his longbow at all times, and he has a pack on him full of hunting gear, camping gear, and a few other personal effects. Recently, he purchased a small trinket from Jing of the Caravans⁣⁣⁣ that appears to be magical.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pars has lived in the Eleikar Valley⁣⁣⁣⁣ for his entire life. His parents were long gone when a longbow was first put in his hand. A hunter from a young age, it wasn't long before he was wandering the woods and searching for the next rassdeer⁣⁣⁣⁣ or woodland creature to make a living from.   His life in the Valley was shattered when a group of demons suddenly appeared in the far western side of the Valley's boreal forests. They corrupted the land, drove out the animals, and rotted the trees. Thus was born he Rotted Grove⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣, and Pars swore to heal the land if it was the last thing he did.   So he wandered into Eleikar Town⁣⁣⁣⁣ looking to find help with cleansing the forest. He's been collecting items and going on quests to help improve his skills. On one such quest, he discovered a small bear cub whose parents had been killed by poachers. He adopted the cub, named him Fichâ, and made him his erstwhile animal companion.   Now he's found some allies in the Drakeslayers⁣⁣⁣⁣, but his eye is constantly on the western horizon...

Morality & Philosophy

Pars has very little interest in making friends. Other people are responsible for what happened to the Rotted Grove and he doesn't forgive easily. Fichâ is much the same, which explains their interesting bond.

Personality Characteristics


Pars's major motivation is to help protect the wild places of the world. Starting with the destruction of the Rotted Grove, he has seen people and evil do terrible things to the land and he wants to fight against them as much as he can.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • He is incredibly adept at tracking, seeking and deducing things.
  • He is at home in the wild places of the world.
  • Towns and cities are not his favourite places.
  • Making new friends is not his strong suit either.


Contacts & Relations

  • The other members of he Drakeslayers⁣⁣.
  • A few people in Eleikar Town⁣ have seen him before and a couple have a very favourable view of him.


He has a very cheerful voice, but often stumbles over his words or finds ways to end the conversation before his accent gets too overpowering.

Wealth & Financial state

Pars has been carefully funnelling his wealth into his need for more powerful items. He doesn't have a whole lot left, but work with the Drakeslayers has the potential to pay very well.
Year of Birth
1950 CE
Black and short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mottled dark-green
4' 8" (5 handspans).
150 lbs (454 IS's)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Pars speaks Endamian Dwarvish⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣, Common Gratic⁣⁣⁣ and Essic⁣⁣⁣. He can also communicate telepathically with many beasts to a limited degree.

Fichâ the Bear

A large black bear with a large fuzzy face, Fichâ has been Pars's animal companion for much of the past ten years. Found as a cub after being orphaned by poachers, Pars found him and made him into his beloved animal companion. They go everywhere together, and Fichâ often growls at passerby or gets lured to sources of food.

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