Dvorsko Jezero Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Dvorsko Jezero (dʋǒrskoː jêd͡zero)

Dvorsko Jezero is the largest lake in the Korabovi Islands, located near the center of the island of Otok. The lake is considered sacred by the Pozoj, possibly because it is the largest source of fresh water in the archipelago. During the invasion of Okok by the Empire of Vlast, many of the islanders fled to the lake and begged for protection from Sestra, the goddess of Dvorsko Jezero. In response, she offered shelter to any who were willing to forsake the air and dive into the lake's depths. Those who did found themselves transformed into a new body, with the head and arms of a Zmei, but a lower body and tail of a pike. Sestra named these new beings the Zmajica.

Upon exploring their new home, the Zmajica found that there was more below the surface than they knew of before they dove. Dvorsko Jezero is a Wild Place, and the underwater sections extend deep into the Dream. Sestra's domain was much larger beneath the water than the lake appears on the surface, and the Zmajica found themselves in a realm stranger and more wonderful than they expected, built from the dreams of the goddess and the creatures of the lake.

Notable Spirits

The goddess Sestra rules over all beneath the surface of the lake, and is worshipped as the bringer of fresh water across the island of Otok. She has a castle that sits upon the lakebed that can be seen sometimes when the water is clear. In recent years, her worship has grown immensely, as her rescue of hundreds of refugees during the island's conquest has also brought her a group of dedicated and loyal followers who value her above all other gods. With this influx of belief and imagination, Sestra's realm and powers have begun to grow and diversify, and those who monitor the development of gods have been watching to see how she will transform in the years to come. Already her manifestation has shifted to be more like the zmajica she has created, and some suspect that she is building freshwater paths through the Dream to connect with other lakes where her children could live.

Besides Sestra, the lake is home to a number of water spirits who serve the goddess and do her bidding. The most numerous of these are the vodenjak, the frog-spirits that live on the edges of the lake. The vodenjak are tricksters and have been known to pull people into the lake to drown as a prank. They can be bribed with food, especially beer and wine, and will drink themselves into a stupor when given the opportunity. The vodenjak have not responded well to the arrival of the zmajica, who they see as usurping their place in the hierarchy of Dvorsko Jezero.


Dvorsko Jezero is three miles long and a mile wide, with hills surrounding it on all sides. It is overlooked by Vrhovje Gora, the highest point on the island. The edges of the lake are fairly shallow and large beds of reeds grow all along the shore.


The lake is home to several kinds of fish, including pike, tench, and carp. Eels are also common, as are frogs and turtles. Birds such as ducks and geese are frequently found swimming on the lake or around the shoreline.
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 44.73 degrees North
Longitude: 54.9 degrees East
Maximum Depth: 243 ft (as measured from surface)
Area: 2.2 sq mi (as measured from surface)


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