Vrhovje Gora Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Vrhovje Gora (ʋəɾˈːxou̯jɛ ɡǒra)

Vrhovje Gora is the highest point on the island of Otok in the Korabovi Islands. It is a relatively low mountain that has excellent views of the sea, and the Empire of Vlast maintains a citadel at the peak. Before the conquest, the city of Kres was built on the hills north of the main peak, but the armies of Vlast destroyed the walls and set fire to the buildings. Today, the city of Kres is an abandoned ruin, at least on the surface. The Imperial army maintains a significant force in the citadel of Vrh on the top of the mountain, but they avoid the ruins, believing them to be haunted.

In fact, there is a population of Pozoj refugees living in caves and tunnels underneath the ruins, hiding from the soldiers of Vlast. When the invaders began their atrocities during the conquest of Otok, those who could flee from the armies did so. Some escaped the island entirely and went north to Selig. Those who were trapped on Otok were herded towards the center of the island. Many of those begged refuge from Sestra, goddess of the Dvorsko Jezero, hurling themselves into the lake and becoming the Zmajica. Others could not bring themselves to forsake life on land, and instead went to Brot, the god of Vrhovje Gora. He opened the caves and tunnels for them, making room in the depths for those who would wait in darkness for their time to emerge.

Notable Spirits

Brot is the god of the mountain, son of the missing goddess Bojana and brother to Sestra of the lake. His domain is one of tunnels and caves, and the Puzoj who have taken refuge within the mountain live in a constantly shifting labyrinth of dark passages. Brot does not like the light, and only opens entrances to the surface at night, but he does his best to protect his people from discovery while allowing them the ability to forage for food and other supplies. He has even opened passages directly into Vrh, allowing the refugees to take supplies from the citadel directly.

Brot does not manifest in any place where he can be seen, and the sacred places to him are always unlit. He collects treasures and secrets in his dark vaults. When he speaks, he is a quiet voice in the dark, and when he acts it is with the shifting of rocks to open and close passages into the earth. He is generally willing to help those who make up his worshippers, but will rarely initiate anything on their behalf himself.


Vrhovje Gora is a dry and rocky mountain, surrounded by hills on all sides. It overlooks Dvorsko Jezero to the north, and the only good path to the summit goes from the lakeshore, through the ruins of Kres, and up to the citadel of Vrh. The other approaches to the peak are extremly difficult, and it is virtually impossible to approach the citadel by day without being spotted by the soldiers stationed there.

Mountain / Hill
Location under
Owning Organization
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 44.71 degrees North
Longitude: 54.86 degrees East
Elevation: 2,638 ft


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