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Sjenapodzemlje (sjɛnaˈpɔdzɛmʎɛ)

"When the armies of Vlast burned our homes, our choices were between the waters of the lake and caves of the mountain. I could not bear to be drowned, and chose the darkness instead. Now darkness is all I ever see." - Mračnikov Bezvić, priest of Brot

Beneath the mountain of Vrhovje Gora on the island of Otok is a secret settlement of refugees hiding from the Empire of Vlast. They live in the labyrinth of the god Brot, who opened his caves to them as they fled from the burning city of Kres and the murderous soldiers of the Empire, and have lived in the darkness under the mountain for the last fifteen years. Brot's domain is an every-shifting network of tunnels, where the god holds his secrets and his treasures in vast subterranean vaults. At night, Brot will open passages into the upper world, and the refugees sneak out to gather food and resources they need to survive. They have long since salvaged anything of value from the ruins of Kres, and have even taken to raiding the Empire's Citadel of Vrh which sits on the mountain's peak. The soldiers believe that the mountain is haunted by ghosts from the battle, and their fear has been the refugees greatest asset.

Sjenapodzemlje is a city of buried shadows, and there is little light permitted in the tunnels, as Brot cares not for illumination. He does care for the people he shelters, and will speak to them as a voice from the darkness, guiding them through the maze to the vaults where the Pozoj have made their homes. The caves are filled with a constant low rumbling sound, as the various passages reconfigure themselves, but Brot's voice can always be heard clearly as long as the darkness is unbroken. He does permit them to have light within their residences, but only if they keep the darkness outside pure; the doors in Sjenapodzemlje are very well fitted to their doorways.


The population of Sjenapodzemlje is tiny, with only about two hundred Pozoj living there. The Pozoj there have all adopted the surname of Bezvić, which means nestless - while this was considered a mark of shame in Kres, they chose it as a mark of their exile from the surface. Despite this, a new nest has been formed in the tunnels and eggs have been laid. The hatchlings are not called Bezvić, but instead Brotvić - the people from Brot's Nest. They have grown up in the dark and in the company of their god, who is always there to guide them in the shadows. Some of their elders worry about how comfortable the Brotvić hatchlings have become to the gloom, but do not know how to address their concerns.


Sjenapodzemlje is governed as a collective, where important issues are brought to the community at large and all adults (those who have reached at least thirteen years of age) will vote upon them. The clergy of Brot are given great weight in the community discussions, and can usually count on swaying the majority of the population to whatever course they feel is best, but they have no official authority over the community. Very rarely, Brot himself will speak during community meetings which are always held in total darkness to allow for this. When he does, there is no vote. The community follows Brot's orders when he gives them, for none wish to offend their god and host. Once, early in the community's history, a young priest attempted to impersonate Brot in order to gain his way - that person has never been seen since.


Sjenapodzemlje does not have districts in the traditional sense, as the arrangement of the tunnels and chambers are constantly in flux. However, there are certain important locations that the Pozoj use regularly, and serve as the equivalent to districts.

The most important place in the settlement is the Gnijezdo, or Nest. This cavern is small and kept deep in the mountain, and is warmer than the rest of Sjenapodzemlje. Here the eggs of the community are kept safe until they hatch, and here the hatchlings first hear the voice of Brot. It is the moral heart of the community, and many Pozoj visit it regularly.

Another major chamber is the Sabor. This is the largest of Sjenapodzemlje's caverns, and is where the entire population can gather together. It is the center of their communal life, and where they come together to make decisions, share food, or socialize.

Individual residences are a series of small caves along the Krivudavi, a long and twisting tunnel that serves as the main thoroughfare for the settlement. There are hundreds of short caves splitting away from the Krivudavi, and the Pozoj have constructed doors to seal off those they choose to inhabit, keeping what light they are allowed away from the rest of Brot's domain.

Underground / Vault
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Otok, Northeastern Region
Latitude: 44.71 degrees North
Longitude: 54.86 degrees East


Author's Notes

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