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Eldshamrar (ˈɛltʰsˌhamrɑr)

"We shall bring the wealth of the world to Eldshamrar, and lay it at Reginn's feet" - Jarl Gunnar Bloodaxe

Eldshamrar is a town near the base of Reginnsfjall, in the shadow of the great Drekajökull glacier. It is the center of the Drekkamen mystery cult dedicated to the worship of Reginn. It is one of the northernmost towns on Eyju, and is the largest settlement in the Hálendi region.

The town narrowly escaped destruction thirty years ago, when Reginnsfjall erupted. The god Reginn warned his followers to evacuate the area weeks beforehand, instructing them to go to Drekahöfn on the western coast, and not to return until the eruption had subsided. When they returned, they found that the buildings had escaped almost unscathed, but all living creatures for miles around the town had been killed.

Life in Eldshamrar was hard after the eruption, and remains so to this day. The land around Reginnsfjall had never been hospitable, and in the decades since the eruption has been even less productive than before. The community only remains because of the proximity to their god, and depends heavily on imports of food from outside the immediate area.

To support the town and the temple, the Drekkamen of Reginn have undertaken to acquire wealth and riches in Reginn's name. While they are not a large order, the Drekkamen are have both mundane and magical power to call on in this mission. All of the Drekkamen are blessed by Reginn with exceptional strength and stamina, with the more advanced having a variety of draconic abilities such as the ability to breathe fire. They are widely respected and feared on Eyju, and many of them come from wealthy and powerful familes across the island. They have used their power and influence to launch a multi-decade plague of raids across the Million Islands, with some ships circumnavigating the entire Great Ring before returning to Eyju laden with treasure. Their reputation is so fearsome that many towns simply surrender their goods rather than fight them, and their symbol is recognized by sailors from every island. The Drekkamen have made Eldshamrar the wealthiest town on Eyju, with the bulk of the treasure being laid upon the horde in Reginn's temple.


The population of Eldshamrar is almost entirely human and of the Eyjamaður ethnicity. Most of the people who live there were born elsewhere on Eyju, and moved to Eldshamrar to join the Drekkamen or the priests of Reginn. In recent years, there have been a few non-Eyjamaður who have come seeking to join Reginn's blessings. The most unusual of these is a group of Tugarin Zmei from the mystical of Buyan, who claim to have preserved the worship of Reginn from before the humans came to Eyju, when he was still known as Gorynych. Their presence is only tolerated upon the direct orders of Eldráðr Bjornvidr, the leader of the worship of Reginn.


Eldshamrar is a theocracy, with all power vested in the Eldráðr, who leads the Drekkamen and the priests of Reginn. The current Eldráðr, Bjornvidr is also an Avatar of Reginn, which gives him even more authority than those who have preceded him in the office. The Drekkamen of Eldshamrar enforce his orders without question, and no disobedience is permitted.


The town is broken up into two major districts, separated by a central marketplace. To the north is Reginsgarðr, the Temple district. This region is dominated by a walled temple complex where the priests of Reginn live and worship, and it is where Reginn's hoard is kept. The central building in Reginsgarðr is Reginshöll. This is where the Eldráðr lives, and is the center of all authority in the town.

On the southern end of the town is the area called Drekkaþorp. Originally it was a village built beyond the walls of Eldshamrar, but it has grown and now includes the territory surrounding the south gate on both sides of the wall. This is where the Drekkamen have their barracks and training grounds. The northern edge of Drekkaþorp is known for its taverns and other entertainments, especially since the dragon warriors have brought so much wealth to the town.

Between Drekkaþorp and Reginsgarðr is the smallest district, known as Kaupmannasund. It encompasses a central marketplace, and is where the merchants, artisans, and other people who provide goods and services to the town live. The people of Kaupmannasund are also devout worshippers of Reginn (or at least they claim to be), but are not a part of either the priesthood or the Drekkamen. On the northern edge of Kaupmannasund is also where the shrines to the other gods of the Eyjamaður are found. The largest of these is to Vǫlva Ormr as Reginn's grandmother, but all of them have some representation.

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Geographic Details
Location: Eyju, Northeastern Region
Latitude: 65.54 degrees North
Longitude: 40.74 degrees East
  • Drekahöfn: Take the Drekavegur road west through the mountains, staying on the main road until you reach the coast and the port of Drekahöfn. ~35 miles.
  • Höfnvík: Follow the Drekavegur road northeast from the town and over the Þrengsladalr pass, then turn south towards Höfnvík. ~136 miles, impassible in the winter.

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Sep 13, 2024 15:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The strength of belief really shines through here, and it is not surprising this place is a theocracy. Even though it is difficult to live there after the eruption, I guess the fact their god saved them and then guided them back is enough that the hardship feels worth it. I don't think I would mess with these people.

Sep 14, 2024 12:50

Thanks! Yeah, they are not to be messed with; their raids across the region is one of the big dangers in that part of the world.