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Reginnsfjall (ˈreɣenːsˌfjatl̥)

Reginssfjall is the largest volcano on the island of Eyju, and with a peak reaching over 6,500 feet, it is the highest point in the Norður Islands. It is located in the northern part of Eyju's Hálendi region, and looms large in the spiritual landscape of the Eyjamaður people. At its base sits the great Drekajökull glacier, and in its shadow is the town of Eldshamrar. Reginssfjall is the home and anchor to the Vættir known as Reginn, the great dragon of the north, and the worship of Reginn is the sole reason for the town's presence in this harsh and unforgiving environment.   Reginssfjall does not erupt frequently, but it is not dormant. The most recent eruption was nearly thirty years ago, and coated the entirity of the Hálendi in several feet of ash. The residents of Eldshamrar survived the eruption only by the direct intervention of Reginn, who warned his devoted followers that they must depart weeks before the eruption occurred. The damage to the buildings was quite minimal, but all living things that were in the vicinity of Eldshamrar were killed when Reginssfjall erupted. Earthquakes were felt all over Eyju, and the worshippers of Reginsfjall held a twenty-seven day Blótdrykkjur (sacrificial feast) in Reginns honor, where dozens of cattle and sheep were slaughtered and consumed in honor of the god, and the celebrants drunk nothing but wine, beer, and mead for the duration of the feast. Several of the devotees of Reginn experienced prophetic visions during this celebration, and these prophecies are still studied and interpreted in Eldshamrar today.   The effects of this eruption have not faded, and Eldshamrar depends heavily on food and other supplies from outside the Hálendi to sustain the population of Reginn's worshippers. To this end, several of the Drekamenn have gone out into the world as raiders and mercenaries in order to bring wealth back to the mountain. The Drekamenn are the blessed warriors of Reginn, and have strength and stamina greater than normal men; these attributes have made them feared adversaries throughout the Northeastern Region and beyond. One of the most famous Drekamenn is Jarl Gunnar Bloodaxe, the scourge of Deira.
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Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 65.55 degrees North
Longitude: 40.75 degrees East
Elevation: 6,562 ft


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