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Godifu Klüpfuchs (ˈɡoː.di.fu ˈklʏp.fʊks)

Princess of Bernicia & Duchess of Waldsmarch

"Everything is in place, and poised for a light touch to start the collapse of that despicable little man's reign." - Godifu of Bernicia, in a ciphered report to her father

Princess Godifu is the daughter of King Beornric of Bernicia with his first wife, Queen Gytha Ælfwynn. She was their third child and first daughter. During her youth, she became well known as an international adventuress, and gained the nickname "The Young Fox of Bernicia" (chosen for the three foxes on Bernicia's coat of arms). This name was later expanded to include all of the nineteen living princes and princesses of Bernica, and the reputation of the "Young Foxes" has spread far beyond Ynys. She is currently serving Bernicia as the ambassador to Dyfed, and rumors hold that she was responsible for engineering Dyfed's Invasion of Seisyllwg.

Early Life

When Princess Godifu was born, it was assumed that she would the darling of the court, but nobody expected how much she would come to shape her family and the Bernician kingdom at large. She was a fearless, adventurous child possessed of great charisma, who began getting in and out of trouble as soon as she could walk. She soon pulled her older brothers into her adventures as well, orchestrating schemes from cross-country horseback raids with the Eiðbundinn to engineering several marriages she thought would improve the kingdom. When her mother died during the birth of her sister Eadgith, Godifu found herself with even less supervision and more freedom than before. At the age of fifteen, she convinced her father to allow her and her and her brother Ealdred to take a grand tour of the Great Ring, a trip which has since inspired hundreds of imitators among the high nobility of Ynys, most especially her younger siblings.

Marriage & Children

After her return from circumnavigating the Great Ring, Godifu decided that her long-term plans would be better served with a husband. She informed her father of such and provided a list of suitable candidates for his opinion. Beornric chose to leave the selection entirely to her discretion, and Godifu selected the heir of the Duchy of Waldsmarch, Oswin Eadricson. Their marriage was a happy one, and the two were known for their extensive travels and adventures until Oswin's father passed away and they became the Duke and Duchess of Waldsmarch. Shortly after returning home and settling into their new responsibilities, their first child Ealhswith was born, followed a few years later by twins, Wynflæd and @Leofwynn. All three girls were healthy, although Godifu herself nearly died after the birth of the twins, and was only saved by a healing miracle performed by an Avatar of Llif.

Sadly, the same avatar was not available three years later, when Oswin fell ill suddenly. He suffered a seizure while out riding, and fell from his horse hard enough to crack his skull. His death was a devastating blow for Godifu and her children, and she withdrew from public life for nearly five years in the aftermath, choosing to focus solely on her daughters and on the duties of running the Duchy of Waldsmarch. It was her sister Eadgith who finally drew her back into the world beyond her estates - she concluded after visiting Waldsmarch the Godifu was ready, and convinced their father to appoint Godifu to the position of Bernician ambassador to Dyfed. By this point, most of the Young Foxes were in similar positions, and the absence of a royal ambassador to their southern neighbor was perceived as a slight to King Guortepir. Beornric saw the advantages in having one of his most brilliant children active again, and acceded to the appointment. Even so, Godifu refused at first, and was only convinced when Ealdred, always her closest friend among her siblings, traveled to Waldsmarch to convince her.

Ambassador to Dyfed

Long before becoming the ambassador to Dyfed, Godifu had met and formed a thorough distaste for its king Guortepir. In the years since, nothing had changed about either of them to change her opinion. She wrote to her brother that Guortepir was a "vile toad, who poisons everything he touches". Still, she was a skilled diplomat and dissembler, and would not allow her personal feelings to compromise the needs of her family and kingdom. She charmed the Dyfed court, gathered intelligence, and kept a healthy distance away from Guortepir himself.

It was only after Guortepir insinuated that the brutal Invasion of Seisyllwg had been her idea that Godifu decided to destroy him. The invasion had been condemned by Dyfed's neighbors, most especially the Kingdom of Elmet, and Guortepir chose to use the historical enmity between Elmet and Bernicia to deflect blame for the attack onto Godifu and her devious manipulations. She was infuriated by this accusation, but did not lose her composure. First, she convinced her father to give refuge to the survivors from Seisyllwg, particularly their young prince, Rhys ap Gwawr. Then she began a campaign of quietly undermining the King of Dyfed. Guortepir is not well loved even by his own people, and with charm and patience, Godifu has hollowed out his support until it has become a fragile shell waiting for a gentle nudge to collapse. She currently is waiting for the perfect moment, but those who know the details are sure that Dyfed will have a new monarch in the near future.


Oswin Eadricson


Towards Godifu Klüpfuchs

Godifu Klüpfuchs


Towards Oswin Eadricson

Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
2nd Diurne of Draco 3935
Year of Birth
3935 50 Years old
Oswin Eadricson (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Librarian of Foxbridge

Librarian's Note - Who are the Young Foxes?

The Young Foxes are the common name for the nineteen living children of King Beornric of Bernicia. The name was coined during the youth of Princess Godifu, who dragged her siblings into adventures across Ynys and developed such a reputation for cleverness, courage, and devious schemes that the entire family has an international reputation. This title has been extended to their children as well, the eldest of whom are now young adults.

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