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Caer Eiddyn

Amidst the rolling landscapes of the Kingdom of Dyfed, the capital city of Caer Eiddyn stands as a testament to the rich history and heritage of this Ynyswr realm. Built atop a commanding hill, Caer Eiddyn overlooks the surrounding countryside, offering breathtaking vistas and strategic advantages. Caer Eiddyn boasts a captivating blend of architectural grandeur, cultural diversity, and an air of mystery.


The population of Caer Eiddyn is predominantly Ynyswr, with the Ynyswyr people comprising the vast majority of its inhabitants. Their unique cultural heritage and traditions permeate the city, shaping its customs, language, and way of life. The Ynyswyr of Dyfed are known for their strong connection to the land and their expertise in sheep farming, which is the kingdom's primary source of wealth.   While Ynyswyr form the majority, there is also a small population of Inisir residing within Caer Eiddyn.


Caer Eiddyn operates under the governance of an absolute feudal monarchy, reflecting the ruling style of King Guortepir and the broader political structure of the kingdom of Dyfed. As the sovereign ruler, King Guortepir holds complete authority and final decision-making power over the city and its affairs. His word is law, and his commands are carried out without question.   In day to day operations, the government of Caer Eiddyn is ruled by a key official known as the Rheolwr. This esteemed position is appointed directly by the King and carries the responsibility of overseeing the administration of the King's castle and the affairs of the capital city.   The current Rheolwr of Caer Eiddyn, appointed by King Guortepir himself, is Lady Angharad Trefynwy. Lady Trefynwy, a respected noble with a reputation for efficiency and meticulousness, embodies the qualities required to manage the intricate workings of the King's castle and ensure the smooth governance of the capital city.   As Rheolwr, Lady Trefynwy commands a team of loyal administrators, chamberlains, and scribes who assist in the day-to-day operations of the castle. She is responsible for coordinating with the council of lords, overseeing the execution of the King's decrees, and ensuring the security and prosperity of Caer Eiddyn.   Under Lady Angharad Trefynwy's capable leadership, the administration of the King's castle and the management of the capital city are handled with precision and dedication. Her unwavering loyalty and commitment to the King make her a vital figure within the city's governance structure.


Caer Eiddyn, the jewel of Dyfed, is nestled inland, encompassed by rolling hills and verdant landscapes. King Guortepir, recognizing the importance of protecting his capital, has implemented a strategic defense system to ensure the security of Caer Eiddyn and its invaluable treasures.   1. Hilltop Advantage: Caer Eiddyn's strategic positioning atop a hill provides a natural advantage in its defense. The steep incline acts as a deterrent to potential attackers, making it challenging for hostile forces to mount a direct assault on the city. The hilly terrain, coupled with the city's elevation, offers a vantage point for sentries and archers to survey the surroundings and react swiftly to any approaching threats.   2. Fortified Walls: Encircling the city, robust stone walls serve as a primary line of defense. These fortified walls, meticulously constructed under the guidance of the Rheolwr, Lady Angharad Trefynwy, provide a physical barrier to protect Caer Eiddyn from external threats. Guard towers are strategically positioned along the walls, enhancing surveillance and enabling rapid communication between defenders.   3. City Gates and Watchtowers: The entrance points to Caer Eiddyn are guarded by imposing gates, reinforced with heavy wooden beams and ironwork. These gates are carefully monitored, and guards stationed within the watchtowers keep a vigilant eye on anyone seeking entry into the city. The watchtowers also serve as observation posts, providing an extended field of view and ensuring the earliest possible detection of approaching dangers.   4. Iron Guard: The military prowess of Caer Eiddyn is exemplified by the presence of the Iron Guard. These highly trained soldiers, handpicked for their exceptional skills and unwavering loyalty, form the backbone of the city's defense. Clad in sturdy armor and armed with formidable weaponry, the Iron Guard is stationed strategically throughout the city, prepared to repel any intruders who breach the outer defenses.   5. Strategic Locations: Caer Eiddyn's location within the heart of Dyfed grants it a significant advantage in defense. Surrounded by rolling hills and natural obstacles, the city's position offers a level of protection by making it challenging for large armies to maneuver effectively. The natural barriers, coupled with the city's fortified structures, make Caer Eiddyn a formidable stronghold that can withstand sieges and repel invaders.   6. Cyd-werthu District Defense: Recognizing the need to maintain order and contain elements that do not fit into the aesthetic vision of the city, the Rheolwr has cunningly devised a defensive strategy for the Cyd-werthu District. While this district exists outside the main city walls, it is not left vulnerable. A separate wall encloses this area, providing protection against any potential troubles that may arise. This defensive measure ensures that the rest of Caer Eiddyn remains shielded from the less desirable aspects of the city, subtly hidden from sight.   Through a combination of natural advantages, fortified walls, vigilant guards, and the formidable presence of the Iron Guard, Caer Eiddyn stands as a well-defended city. King Guortepir's commitment to protecting his capital ensures the safety of the city's inhabitants and the preservation of its invaluable assets. The defenses of Caer Eiddyn reflect the king's unwavering dedication to maintaining the security and prosperity of the jewel of Dyfed.

Industry & Trade

Caer Eiddyn is a bustling center of industry and trade, fueled by its diverse economic activities and skilled artisans. The city's strategic location, coupled with its agricultural resources and skilled workforce, contributes to its thriving economy and vibrant commercial scene.   Sheep Farming and Wool Industry: The fertile lands surrounding Caer Eiddyn support a thriving sheep farming industry, serving as the backbone of the city's economy. The kingdom of Dyfed is renowned for its high-quality wool, which is meticulously sheared, processed, and spun by skilled craftsmen. The city's markets are teeming with wool merchants, trading this coveted commodity and fostering a prosperous wool industry that extends beyond the city's walls.   Metalworking and Crafts: Caer Eiddyn boasts a rich tradition of skilled artisans and craftsmen who excel in metalworking and various crafts. From intricate jewelry and ornate armor to finely crafted tools and decorative items, the city's artisans demonstrate their meticulous craftsmanship and artistic flair. Metalworking guilds play a vital role in upholding the city's reputation for exceptional craftsmanship, attracting buyers from far and wide.   Merchant Guilds and Trade Routes: The city's prosperity is further fueled by its vibrant trade network. Merchant guilds form the backbone of Caer Eiddyn's commercial activity, facilitating trade both within the city and with neighboring kingdoms. The well-established trade routes connect Caer Eiddyn to other prominent trading centers, allowing the exchange of goods and fostering economic growth.


When discussing Caer Eiddyn's infrastructure, one cannot overlook the transformative influence of Lady Angharad Trefynwy, the current Rheolwr. Over the past fifteen years, Lady Trefynwy has taken it upon herself to reimagine and perfect the city's infrastructure, shaping it according to her unwavering vision, with little regard for the opinions of others.   Under Lady Trefynwy's meticulous guidance, Caer Eiddyn has undergone a profound metamorphosis. Her unwavering commitment to efficiency, functionality, and aesthetic harmony has left an indelible mark on every street and building within the capital city. She possesses an extraordinary attention to detail and an unwavering determination to create a city that is both visually captivating and structurally impeccable.   Throughout her tenure, Lady Trefynwy has overseen the refurbishment and expansion of existing roadways, even to the point of rerouting them entirely to suit her design. She has meticulously planned the placement of every element to align with a pattern of her own design.   Building upon her vision, Lady Trefynwy has enforced stringent construction regulations, dictating the architectural style and materials used in the city's buildings. This has resulted in a harmonious blend of Ynyswyr craftsmanship and artistic expression that permeates every corner of Caer Eiddyn. Sturdy stone structures stand proudly, adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments that showcase the city's rich cultural heritage.   Lady Trefynwy's quest for perfection extends beyond the visible aspects of the city's infrastructure. She has dedicated considerable efforts to improving the water supply systems, ensuring a reliable and clean water source for the city's residents. She has overseen the creation of a sewer system which is unparalleled on Ynys.    However, Lady Trefynwy's unwavering pursuit of her vision has not been without controversy. Some residents and nobles of Caer Eiddyn have voiced dissent, feeling that their own opinions and traditions have been overshadowed by the Rheolwr's dominant vision. Yet, the undeniable legacy of Lady Angharad Trefynwy's transformational reign is a city that exudes an undeniable aura of grandeur, functionality, and precision.   Regardless of differing opinions, it cannot be denied that the city owes much of its current splendor and the well-structured urban landscape to the relentless dedication and unwavering determination of Lady Angharad Trefynwy. Her imprint is etched into every street, every building, and every meticulously planned facet of Caer Eiddyn's infrastructure, leaving an enduring legacy that future generations will continue to behold.


Under the watchful eye of Lady Angharad Trefynwy, the Rheolwr of Caer Eiddyn, the city's districts have been meticulously planned, each bearing a distinct name that reflects their purpose and character. Lady Trefynwy's unwavering vision has brought forth a cityscape that exudes orchestrated harmony. However, her pursuit of aesthetic perfection has resulted in the creation of a separate district outside the city walls, cunningly designed to remain unnoticeable from the rest of the city.   Pendref District (Royal District): Situated at the highest point of Caer Eiddyn, the Pendref District stands as the crown jewel of the city. It encompasses the royal palace, administrative buildings, courtrooms, and the council chambers. This district, meticulously designed under the Rheolwr's guidance, showcases the epitome of architectural grandeur and authority.   Tregaron District (Market District): Located at the foot of the hill, the Tregaron District buzzes with vibrant commercial activity. Merchants, traders, and artisans converge in this bustling district, where marketplaces, stalls, and warehouses abound. Lady Trefynwy has ensured that this district remains well-coordinated and aesthetically pleasing, with a blend of functional structures and captivating architectural elements.   Abergwaun District (Residential Districts): Nestled on the lower slopes of Caer Eiddyn, the Abergwaun District encompasses a collection of residential areas. Here, Ynyswyr of various backgrounds reside in modest houses, grand manors, and charming cottages. Lady Trefynwy's planning expertise ensures that the district features harmonious streetscapes and a sense of community.   Gweithfa District (Industrial District): Located strategically away from the main city center, the Gweithfa District accommodates the city's industries and workshops. Under the watchful eye of the Rheolwr, this district features specialized structures designed to blend functionality with Lady Trefynwy's aesthetic standards. The industries housed here contribute to the city's economy while adhering to the overall visual harmony of Caer Eiddyn.   However, Lady Angharad Trefynwy's unwavering vision extends beyond the city walls, leading to the creation of a separate district that remains unseen by the majority of Caer Eiddyn's inhabitants.   Cyd-werthu District (Marginal District): This district lies just beyond the city walls, cunningly designed to be as unnoticeable as possible from the rest of the city. Here, Lady Trefynwy has placed everything that she deems aesthetically unpleasing or disruptive to the visual harmony she has orchestrated within Caer Eiddyn. The Cyd-werthu District houses the poor, a lively sheep market, and industries that do not conform to her stringent aesthetic standards. While the district has its own protective wall, serving as a boundary and defense measure, it remains carefully hidden from the eyes of the city's residents, discreetly containing what does not fit into Lady Trefynwy's vision.   These districts, meticulously planned and coordinated by the Rheolwr, shape the physical landscape of Caer Eiddyn. While the visible districts reflect Lady Trefynwy's pursuit of perfection and aesthetic harmony, the concealed Cyd-werthu District stands as a testament to her desire to maintain a flawless image for the city, even if it means segregating elements that do not align with her vision.


Caer Eiddyn, the prosperous capital city of Dyfed, boasts a range of valuable assets that contribute to its affluence and grandeur. The city's wealth is intricately tied to its primary industries, but it is further bolstered by the awe-inspiring collection of magical artifacts curated by King Guortepir.   1. Sheep Farming and Wool Export: Caer Eiddyn's wealth finds its roots in the flourishing sheep farming industry that sprawls across the kingdom of Dyfed. Vast grazing lands surrounding the city provide ample resources for rearing and tending to the kingdom's prized flocks. The wool produced is highly sought after, and Caer Eiddyn serves as the central hub for wool trade, attracting merchants from far and wide.   2. Trade and Commerce: As a bustling trade hub, Caer Eiddyn benefits from the exchange of goods and commodities passing through its bustling markets. Traders, both local and from distant lands, converge within the city's well-coordinated Tregaron District, facilitating a thriving economy and fueling the city's wealth.   3. Metalworking and Craftsmanship: Caer Eiddyn boasts a small yet esteemed metalworking industry, where skilled artisans forge exquisite works of art, armor, and weaponry. The city's craftsmen are renowned for their precision and attention to detail, producing intricate pieces that garner high demand and bring further prosperity to the city.   4. King's Collection of Magical Artifacts: One of the most renowned treasures of Caer Eiddyn is the formidable collection of magical artifacts amassed by King Guortepir. Obsessed with the Clarati, the previous ruling group in Ynys, the king has diligently acquired their relics over time. Some of these artifacts are believed to possess potent magical powers, making the collection not only a symbol of prestige but also a source of fascination for scholars, enchanters, and adventurers alike.   Within the heavily guarded confines of the royal palace in the Pendref District, the king's vast collection of magical artifacts is carefully preserved. Each artifact holds a story of its own, representing a tangible connection to the ancient Clarati and the mystical heritage of Ynys. The king's obsession with these relics adds an air of mystique and allure to Caer Eiddyn, attracting visitors from distant lands and bolstering the city's reputation as a haven for magical treasures.   The convergence of wealth from the thriving sheep farming industry, bustling trade and commerce, exceptional craftsmanship, and the King's unparalleled collection of magical artifacts cements Caer Eiddyn's status as a city of opulence and prestige. Its assets are a testament to the power, prosperity, and enchantment that reside within its walls.

Guilds and Factions

Within the social fabric of Caer Eiddyn, guilds and factions hold significant influence, shaping the city's cultural and economic landscape. These unions of expertise and camaraderie play pivotal roles in various aspects of the city's life.   Metalworking Guilds: The metalworking guilds of Caer Eiddyn are renowned for their mastery of the craft. These guilds serve as both professional organizations and social communities for blacksmiths, armorers, and metal artisans. They regulate quality standards, provide training opportunities, and ensure fair trade practices, bolstering the reputation of Caer Eiddyn's metalworking industry.   Merchant Guilds: Merchant guilds hold considerable power in the city's economic affairs. These associations bring together merchants and traders from diverse backgrounds, overseeing trade regulations, setting market prices, and safeguarding the interests of their members. Through their collective influence, merchant guilds shape the commercial landscape of Caer Eiddyn.   Clarati Scholars' Society: A faction of scholars, historians, and enchanters has formed the Clarati Scholars' Society, dedicated to studying and preserving the ancient legacy of the Clarati. This influential faction conducts research, organizes lectures and symposiums, and collaborates with the royal court in matters related to Clarati artifacts and their magical properties.


Caer Eiddyn weaves a rich tapestry of history, shaped by legendary figures, conquests, and cultural influences. The city's past is closely intertwined with the kingdom of Dyfed and the ancient heritage of Ynys.   Ynyswyr Warlord and Founding: Caer Eiddyn owes its existence to the Ynyswyr warlord Teithi Hen, who founded the city centuries ago. Teithi Hen, a revered figure in Dyfed's history, united the local tribes and established the stronghold as a symbol of Ynyswyr power and resilience.   Conquest of Seisyllwg: King Guortepir, the current ruler, expanded Dyfed's borders through the conquest of the neighboring kingdom of Seisyllwg. This military campaign brought tension between Dyfed and the kingdom of Bernicia, which provided refuge to Seisyllwg's displaced population.   Clarati Influence and Fascination: Dyfed's history is deeply intertwined with the enigmatic Clarati, the previous ruling group in Ynys. King Guortepir's fascination with the Clarati has driven his relentless pursuit of their artifacts and magical relics, solidifying their influence on Dyfed's culture and heritage.

Points of interest

Caer Eiddyn is a city teeming with notable landmarks and captivating points of interest, offering a glimpse into the kingdom's illustrious past and vibrant present.   The Royal Citadel: Standing proudly atop the city's hill, the Royal Citadel serves as the seat of power for King Guortepir. This magnificent fortress, meticulously maintained by the Rheolwr, is an architectural marvel that reflects the city's grandeur and authority.   The Clarati Archive: Housed within the Royal Library, the Clarati Archive contains a vast collection of texts, scrolls, and manuscripts chronicling the history and knowledge of the enigmatic Clarati civilization. Scholars and sages from far and wide journey to Caer Eiddyn to study these ancient texts.   The Wool Market: The bustling Wool Market showcases the kingdom's thriving wool industry. Here, merchants gather to trade the finest wool and related products, creating a vibrant atmosphere with colorful stalls, lively bargaining, and the rich aroma of lanolin.


Caer Eiddyn's architecture exhibits a unique blend of grandeur and functional elegance, reflecting the city's rich history and cultural influences.   Castle Keep: Dominating the skyline, the castle keep serves as the focal point of Caer Eiddyn's architectural landscape. With its imposing towers, sturdy walls, and intricate detailing, the castle keep embodies the city's strength and power.   Noble Residences: Within the city's upper echelons, noble residences stand as magnificent examples of architectural prowess. These stately mansions showcase intricate stonework, elegant courtyards, and finely crafted details, serving as symbols of status and prestige.   Craftsmen's Quarter: The craftsmen's quarter displays a distinct architectural style, characterized by workshops with large windows to let in natural light, communal spaces for collaboration, and small courtyards where artisans showcase their craftsmanship to passersby.


Caer Eiddyn is situated amidst a picturesque landscape, nestled within the embrace of rolling hills and lush greenery.   Hilltop Location: The city's position atop a hill offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The strategic elevation grants natural defenses and provides vantage points for both defense and admiration of the breathtaking vistas.   Verdant Countryside: Caer Eiddyn benefits from the fertile lands and verdant countryside that envelops it. The agricultural bounty and pastoral landscapes make the city an idyllic setting, supporting the kingdom's sheep farming industry and providing sustenance for its inhabitants.   Caer Eiddyn's industry and trade, guilds and factions, history, points of interest, architecture, and geography interweave to create a captivating and vibrant city that stands as a testament to the legacy of Dyfed.
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