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Riordan MacClachlan

Riordan MacClachlan is the Rí of Eirin, the kingdom of Oileán Fiáin that hosts the court of the Ard-Rí and the Fearainn an Ard, the High Court of the Fae. He is the senior member of the Coiste Ríochta, the council composed of the five Rís of Oileán Fiáin, and the only member who was a part of selecting the current Ard-RíCianán Líathdhuine. He was opposed to Líathdhuine's appointment to the throne of the Ard-Rí, but he was the only dissenter and Líathdhuine was elected over his objection. This is a fact which has rankled MacClachlan for the last twenty years, turning a dislike for both Líathdhuine and the office of the Ard-Rí into a true and deep hatred.


He has held the throne of Eirin for nearly thirty-five years, inheriting it from his father. He has never married, and has no children of his own; he has named his sister's son Finn as heir, requiring him to take the MacClachlan name over that of his father. Riordan is very proud of his family name, and resents that he is in any way required to treat the low-born Líathdhuine as an equal in any capacity. He also detests how the Ard-Rí's court overshadows that of Eirin's Rí, and will become angry and sharp-tongued when the Ard-Rí is mentioned to him. His courtiers know to avoid speaking of the Ard-Rí or his court if they wish to remain in MacCLachlan's favor.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

MacClachlan is an extremely thorough and methodical planner, taking care to lay every aspect of a plan into place before beginning a project, and having contingencies prepared for every situation he can envision. When things do not proceed according to his plans, he does not handle it well - improvisation is anathaema to him, and he hates surprises or spontaneity. He has become very skilled at being prepared for almost any contingency that may arise, but if the unexpected does occur, he cannot bring himself to make a quick decision. In the past, projects have been rescued by someone who stepped in to make the decision in the moment, but this has proven to be a quick way to earn MacClachlan's enmity. He holds grudges, and has been known to make long-term and detailed plans to remove those he dislikes quietly and discreetly.


Riordan MacClachlan

Enemy (Vital)

Towards Cianán Líathdhuine



Cianán Líathdhuine

Colleague (Trivial)

Towards Riordan MacClachlan



Current Location
Aligned Organization


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