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Session 27 - Zeitspringer

General Summary

Zeitspringer's Labratory

  Lat'num Leng | Githzerai Artificer snuck through the labratory of Zeitspringer | Human Artificer, the man who carried the Orb of Time and Space. Lat'num needed the device for only a moment, and hoped he would be able to bargain instead of things getting... messy.   He was taken by the huge conspiracy theory that covered one of the lab's walls. On it were documents and notes in many languages, but Lat'num understood most of what he could see. Zeitspringer had developed a timeline using red string. The timeline had many dozens of branches which may have represented deviations or excursions into alternate realities. Several of the branches were circled, highlighting the importance of those epochs.   The githzerai wished he could study the theories in more detail, but knew he must press on. A thrumming noise came from the other side of the lab and he went to investigate.   There was Zeitspringer, a human male, older than Lat'num expected. He busied himself around the laboratory as if he were simultaneously preparing for a trip and conducting an important science experiment. Lat'num tried some casual banter but Zeitspringer had no time for it and would not be interrupted. The thrumming sound eminated from the orb. It was right there, next to the human yet unattended, hovering in mid-air.   The human's mechanical assistant rang in alarm as Lat'num approached. Zeitspringer pleaded with the gith to step back out of the orb's radius, but it was too late. The human artificer's calcualtions were thrown off by the magic emanations of Lat'num's armor.   Lat'num and Zeitspring were thrown through time and space. Lat'num struggled with the timeflux but the human seemed unaflicted when they reached their unintended destination, a dark subterranean hall.   "Oh no, it's already here!" Zeitspringer said as he busily reset coordinates in the orb. "There can't be two in the same place at the same time or they will tear a hole in the fabric of spacetime and consume everything."   While the device charged up, he powered up the laser attached to his left arm and inscribed a message in the wall. Then the human and the orb disappeared, leaving a very confused gith in a strange time and place.  

Hall of the Ancestors

The party, led by a group of gully dwarves, descended the staircase under the temple of the blind woman. They met Bupu, who offered to take them to the dwarven king via "the secret way", avoiding a queue of dwarves and at least one draconian in the hallway ahead.   They snuck through a large, dark subterranean hall where Bupu cautioned them to be careful and quiet. In places throughout the chamber, the floor was missing. Pebbles dropped into the holes fell so long, their landing was not heard.   After barely escaping the draconian's notice thanks to Bupu's quick thinking, the party arrived at the eastern end of the hall. There was a flash of light and a cry from Bit before they saw a Gith gathering himself. They made wary introductions, then Lat'nam offered to see what was wrong with Bit.   A lasso wrapped around Lat'nam's neck and ingnited in magical fire. The Whisperer and his two bodyguards had followed the party and somehow cut them off. Whisperer wanted to keep Lat'nam and Berov for questioning but the others could die. Combat started.   Berov cast Sunlight using Aufklarung and the Whisperer immediately cried out in anguish. The battle did not go as expected. Whisperer, even while taking damage from the party, attacked and killed his own guards. The party made short work of the other two draconians, then captured the crying/wailing interrogator.   He removed the enchanted belt and the human illusion disappeared. The Whisperer was not a draconian afterall, but a dark-scaled dragonborn. He knew Berov, Red and S'thom from the Night of Proclamation in New Frontier all those years ago. They had played together in the Illimine Aufklarung library before it was burned.   He claimed that he was Orion Dragovic. His father Cormacc was the librarian and his mother Perpetua was a cleric of Bahamut. They were charged with heresy against The Queen Mother and were staked against the library's fountain and burned alive. The child Orion received burns on his hands trying to save his doomed parents and was taken by Preceptor Rodimus to a "re-education center".   The propaganda did not work on Orion and he had his tounge cut out to prevent him from influencing other kids. Eventually he was transported to the Crvena Vale where he "disappeared" into the role of the Whisperer. Ever since, he has been helping foment a resistance against the COMPMOD and the rule of the chromatic dragons.   Although Orion does not venture into the undercity (afraid that Sephadex | Adult Black Dragon will see through his disguise), he knows much about the goings-on below. He told the party that there are two factions of dwarves, the Glups and the Sluds. The Glups have more political clout ( keeps the "important treasure", but that their treasure is mearly "superior" dwarven-made common items. The Sluds are lower-class (by Gully Dwarf standards) and are required to store the "inferior" magic items. If the party is looking for Erathis' Charter, they would be wise to seek out a Slud.   Sephadex himself prefers a treasure pile consisting only of coins.
Report Date
23 Oct 2022
Primary Location


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