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Session 45 - Payback

General Summary

Lumen gave Gorgoroth a journal written by "BDV" about The Platinum Nexus, a forge built to create magical artifacts. S'thom believed the author to be Bhaskar Distan'Vwaje, creator of the Hexabeyance. Gorgoroth, S'thom and Lumen studied the diagrams and maps in the book to determine the best place to lay a trap and lure Allseeing.   After much deliberation, the party decided to infiltrate Alleeing's lair to try to regain Avandra's Lot. Working with Wulfhilda Crumley | Necromancer, the team set up a trap in the pipes near the Forge.   S'thom took out Aufklarung and cast Daylight in the tunnel. The beholder sensed the powerful magical artifact and came to investigate. He didn't come close, at first, preferring to fire at them with his multiple rays from 100 feet down the tunnel. The heroes charged him. His drow Unblinking surrounded them.   The battle was fierce. Two of Wulfhilda's allies perished, but the party made a new, tenuous ally. One of the Unblinking drow broke free of the beholder's charm spell and exacted revenge on his former master. He called himself Sorn Daevion'lyr | Drow Rogue and helped S'thom activate an ancient control panel marked with draconic symbols. After doing so, a psychic pulse resonated through the area and the charm spell was broken on all of the remaining drow.   It seemed like everyone got a hit in on the monster, but the killing strike went to Lumen Tan. Wulfhilda searched Allseeing's remains and found a half-digested grung arm and the Cube of Luck.   Gorgoroth lay still on the ground. His friends ran over and tried to heal him, but his body was lifeless. He looked similar to Lumen's friend Xiph, desicated and blackened, as if all the life had been syphoned from his body by necrotic magic. Red cast Gentle Repose, to prevent anyone (including Wulfhilda) from raising Gorgoroth's body as an undead servant.   Lumen picked up the body of his fallen companion as the team headed towards the heart of the draconic Forge. Sorn told them about the treasures that littered the beholder's lair and guided them to the top floor, where Allseeing kept his magical treasures. After gathering the loot and defeating a mimic, Lumen went to pick up Gorgoroth again. The body exploded at his touch and a massive fireball engulfed them all.   When the flames disappated, they noticed that the factory was operational.   "Hello my friends," said Bhaskar.

Rewards Granted

  • Avandra's Lot
  • a magic hat
  • 2 potions
  • a magic gemstone
  • a magic raven figurine
  • a magic belt
  • Report Date
    30 Apr 2023
    Primary Location


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