Pariah Sector

The Pariah Sector is one of the 9 sectors of explored space that have been fully charted and re-charted since the Jred Scourge. As one of the last places sectors to see extensive terraforming, the Pariah Sector is also home to an unusually high number of terraformed, earthlike, worlds. The Pariah Sector was spared the worst of the Jred Scourge, mostly absorbing refugees from the sectors that were being invaded by the Jred. It was not, however, spared the effects of the Great Catacylsm and many of the worlds not directly tied into the Jump Gate network were abandoned and regressed quickly to pre-stellar levels. In the modern era the Pariah Sector has regained some sense of normalcy, recovering faster than most of the other frontier sectors.   The Pariah Sector is politically divided, and now in a state of Cold War. On one side is the alliance between the Cincastrella Confederacy and the Democratic Republic of Yuanjing, prominent Stelsoc States. On the other is the State of Pariah, an oppressive Solist State run by radicalized successors to the original governors of the sector. Between these two forces lie three independent worlds that struggle to keep themselves free of the influences of the two warring powers. Despite the heavily entrenched and divided geopolitical state, free traders do often make good trade smuggling contraband to the worlds of the State of Pariah and plying in trade in Pardian artifacts.   The Pariah Sector has a total of thirty two charted star systems, thirty one of which are currently inhabited. These Star Systems are mostly clustered together towards the coreward region of the Sector. The remainder of the star systems in the sector are scattered relatively thinly throughout it, though no area of the Pariah Sector is nearly as dense as the coreward reaches. The sector is fairly well connected with a number of jump gates connecting the prominent industrial areas of space, all of the Cincrastella Confederacy, and a single route leading from the sector capital back to Sol. The sector is at the fringes of full charted space, on two of its borders lies the Wild Frontier, an expanse of space filled with unsanctioned colonies, and the ruins of the Pardian Civilization, to its rimward reach lies the Fracana Sector, and along its counterspinward border is the Aseni Sector.

Sector Features

Hawker Nebula. One of the most prominent features in the sector, the Hawking nebula stretches from parsec 2532 as far rimward 34 and and counterspinward as 30, covering all the worlds of the Cincastrella Confederacy and a respectable portion of the DRY. This nebula lost much of its Mass during the Great Cataclysm, but sheltered many of the systems in the region from its worst effects.



Cincastrella Confederacy
Organization | Dec 13, 2023

A small, but economically prosperous, and technologically advanced Stelsoc state at the northeastern corner of civilized space

Democratic Republic of Yuanjing
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The most prominent and powerful Stelsoc society in charted space, Yuanjing is a major economic and industrial hub.

State of Pariah
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

A large and powerful autocratic state that is the most powerful state in the Pariah Sector, the State of Pariah is extremely expansionistic pressuring all of its neighbors.

Galactic Organizations

Galactic Surveyor's Guild. The Galactic Surveyor's Guild maintains an extensive presence in the sector, as the region is one of the closest to major Pardian ruins and at the edge of explored space, the Guild has a vested interest in surveying and exploring in the region. The Guild maintains bases on nine systems, and Major Waystations at 3; Nueva Catalonia, Cantobaria, and Renmen de Xiwang.
Opus Dei. The Opus Dei religion has spread through much of the rimward reaches of the sector and has become adopted as a state religion for the State of Pariah. Missionaries have been seen throughout the sector spreading their beliefs. They have had trouble in the coreward regions as their techno-cult is seen by some as an abandonment of progress in favor of a fetishistic treasuring of the past.
Planetary Expeditions. Planetary Expeditions has been stonewalled in the region with all three of the main players in the sector for different reasons. They have therefore setup their regional office on Chang-Er.
Scipion Studio Enterprises: SSE has a relatively limited presence in this sector. Though the State of Pariah has allowed the corporation to operate freely, its staunchly Anti-Stelsoc stance, has meant that in the Hawker Nebula, the company's operations and publications are tightly controlled.
L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica: The Pariah Sector is an area where the Institute finds itself in a position of relatively strength. Friendly relations with the DRY, and to a lesser extent with the Cincastrella Confederacy has brought it a number of corporate partners, and relative freedom of operation in their territory. The Institute has begun to expand into the State of the Pariah, but progress here has been slower.


  • Pariah Sector Map
    A map of the Pariah Sector one of the last settled sectors before the arrival of the Jred.

Articles under Pariah Sector


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