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Account of the Sixfold Angel

Sacred text of the Disciples of the Sixfold Seal.   And, as the holy seals were opened unto me
It came to pass that my spirit was translated
And it ascended into the heavens
And I saw the holy Sons of God.
  They were stepping on flames of fire
And their faces shone like snow
And the light of that fire shone like hyacinth
And I fell on my face before the Maker of All.
  And the angel Shamsiel seized me by my hand
And lifted me up and led me forth into all the secrets
And he showed me all the secrets of righteousness
And he showed me all the secrets of the ends of heaven.
  And I saw angels who could not be counted
A thousand thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand
And these are they who sleep not
And guard the throne of His glory.
  And upon that throne was the Lord of Days
His head white and pure as wool
And His raiment indescribable
And he translated my spirit into the stuff of heaven.
  And I fell on my face
And my spirit was transfigured
And I cried with a loud voice
And blessed and glorified and extolled.


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