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Disciples of the Sixfold Seal

The Disciples of the Sixfold Seal are a Religious sect active in the remnants of the Archaean Empire. They worship the god Zarus alongside a being known as Shamsiel, whom they believe to be his chief angel. The Disciples believe that Zarus sent The Plague-Death to punish the Empire for its sins and that only by showing their devotion through ritual self-mutilation may they be spared. They, themselves, are apparently immune to the Plague and cannot be raised as undead even through necromantic magic, though the source of this protection remains unknown.

Each member of the Disciples bears a magical brand on their chest consisting of five runes arranged in a pentagonal pattern, which explodes if defaced. These runes match those found on the pyramidion atop the Gatefall Obelisk, though their full significance remains unknown.

The Disciples of the Sixfold Seal were discovered on 11/16/213 by Lyudmila, Nilivander, Ranaghar, Sigrid, Stigr, and Wolfram. Their sacred writings include the Account of the Sixfold Angel, the Prophecy of the Castigation, and the Sign of the Blood.
Religious, Cult


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