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Bounties are missions sponsored by NPCs which players may complete in return for a specified reward. Completing a Bounty may be the explicit goal for an Adventuring Party, although players are also encouraged to pursue their own personal goals and need not have accepted a Bounty in order to enter The Wilds. They are distinguished from Tasks in that they are self-contained, rather than being minor steps in a larger mission, as Tasks typically are. A Crisis is a special type of Bounty involving an existential threat to a Sanctuary.

In order to complete a Bounty, a Party must fulfill all of its specified objectives, return to the Sanctuary in which the Bounty was posted, and publish an Adventure Report detailing their exploits. They then receive the Bounty's pre-arranged rewards in addition to gaining XP for the adventure, and may divide the rewards however they choose. A Bounty may only be completed once, meaning that, once a Party has received the reward for a particular Bounty, neither they nor any other group of characters may undertake it in the future. Players may review which Bounties are currently outstanding at the List of Bounties, Tasks, and Crises.


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