BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


XP, or "Experience Points," is an abstract measure of a character's growth in power over time. It is awarded by the GM for Adventuring in The New World. The amount of XP awarded is determined by what challenges the Party faced during their trip into The Wilds and how effectively they overcame those challenges. Successfully Exploring uncharted areas, slaying Monsters in Combat, or discovering Resource Nodes are all achievements which normally merit an XP reward. XP is only awarded for an adventure after the Party returns to a Sanctuary and submits at least one Adventure Report. XP may also be awarded for minor achievements, such as authoring quality Adventure Reports, roleplaying effectively, and bringing errors in articles to the GM's attention. When a character accumulates enough XP, they advance in level, thus becoming stronger and gaining new abilities (see


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