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Fallen Aasimar

Fallen Aasimar are a Sub-Race of Aasimar native to The Old World. They are the rarest type of Aasimar and do not occur naturally. Rather, they are created when a Protector or Scourge Aasimar turns their back on the deity who gave them their power and, thereby, becomes corrupted. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their great self-assurance and lust for power, such as Paladin or Sorcerer (see

Basic Information


Fallen Aasimar are easily distinguished from other Aasimar by their gaunt frames, pallid skin, and unnaturally-colored eyes.  Humans tend to find their appearance unsettling, even frightening, and often feel uncomfortable in their presence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unlike other Aasimar, Fallen Aasimar are often social outcasts, their rejection of the gods plain for all to see. Nonetheless, they retain their Race's strong conviction and magnetic personality, often finding success in business, military, or criminal pursuits. They are actively shunned by most mainstream religions, but are occasionally found in the service of cults and heretic sects.

Facial characteristics

Most Fallen Aasimar have sharp, sunken facial features which tend to unsettle those around them. They have grey, black, or red eyes and black or silver hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fallen Aasimar may be found in any nation with a large Human population, including Dunlagh, Eisen, Hellada, Karstadt, Montaigne, Sarmion, Vaticia, Vestenjar, and Vodacce.

Average Intelligence

Fallen Aasimar are no less intelligent than others of their kind, but tend to direct their faculties toward less benevolent pursuits.  They often have vindictive dispositions and can be exceptionally cunning in plotting revenge on those they feel have wronged them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Sanctus (Lapsus)
Average Physique
Fallen Aasimar are often gaunt, almost skeletal, by Human standards, though deceptively strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ranges from pale white to grey.


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