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Stout Halfling

Stout Halflings are a Sub-Race of Halfling native to The Old World. They are the least common type of Halfling and rarely come into contact with other Races. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their outsized bravery and dogged determination, such as Fighter or Ranger (see

Basic Information


Stout Halflings are shorter and stockier than Lightfoot Halflings, with proportions and facial features similar to those of Dwarves. They are further distinguished by their darker-colored hair and rounded ears. Male Lightfoot Halflings are able to grow full beards, which they typically wear short.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Though still nomadic, like all of their kind, Stout Halflings prefer to live in semi-permanent settlements rather than camps, planting gardens each spring to supplement their herds and relocating after the harvest. They are an insular people with a powerful sense of community and rarely leave their clan or interact with strangers if they can help it. Physical labor, particularly farming and husbandry, is considered the only honest work and Stout Halflings tend to look down on their Lightfoot brethren as hucksters and layabouts.

Facial characteristics

Most Stout Halflings have blunt facial features similar to those of Dwarves. They have black or brown eyes and black or dark brown hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lightfoot Halflings are indigenous to the continent of Latia Minor and make up a majority of the Halfling population in Dunlagh and Sarmion.

Average Intelligence

Stout Halflings are sometimes thought to be slow-witted, but this is attributable more to their taciturn demeanor than any real deficiency. They are expert survivors and have safeguarded their unique culture since prehistory, despite their lack of emphasis on formal education.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Pumilus Forctis
Average Physique
Stout Halflings are short and stocky by Halfling standards.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Light tan to dark brown with a dusky complexion.
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