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Lightfoot Halfling

Lightfoot Halflings are a Sub-Race of Halfling native to The Old World. They are the most common type of Halfling and the most likely to come into contact with other Races. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their charm, swift reflexes, and carefree nature, such as Bard or Rogue (see

Basic Information


Lightfoot Halflings are taller and slimmer than Stout Halflings, with proportions and facial features similar to those of Humans. They are further distinguished by their lighter-colored hair and pointed ears. Male Lightfoot Halflings are typically unable to grow full beards, but often have thick bushy sideburns.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lightfoot Halflings are so-named due to their strong sense of wanderlust. Most live in camps made up of a few dozen tents or wagons and rarely stay in one place for more than a few weeks. They are also more willing than their Stout brethren to strike out alone, seeking their fortune as merchants, performers, or thieves. Nonetheless, Lightfoot Halflings retain a strong sense of family loyalty and those who live within a clan are expected to contribute, with haggling, herding, and medicine being some of the most sought-after skills.

Facial characteristics

Most Lightfoot Halflings have moderately sharp facial features similar to those of Humans. They have brown or hazel eyes and brown, auburn, or red hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lightfoot Halflings are indigenous to the continent of Latia Major and make up a majority of the Halfling population in Eisen, Montaigne, Tymanther, and Vaticia.

Average Intelligence

Lightfoot Halflings are often underestimated by members of other Races, who view them as either harmless vagabonds or annoying vermin. They are, however, cleverer than they look and have become adept at outwitting "tall folk" over the centuries.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Pumilus Pernix
Average Physique
Lightfoot Halflings are tall and slender by Halfling standards.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pinkish-white or light tan with a ruddy complexion.


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