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Founder: Monty Silverbane   Purpose: to exterminate or exile all Elven kind from the outer layer, and to open the door at Mt. Uur to allow Monty to return and create the Eternal Montian empire.   Organization: The banner lords are divided into sects based on how the leaders wish to go about their purpose. The largest sect is the House of Witnesses under the Montian religion. The banner lords in the main sect are, at worst, just intolerant to elven kind on the continent of Fromata, or Montia according to them. The Montian religion believes that their promised land is Monty's layer and strives to die honorably whether that be in a war or for one's belief. The more radical Bannerlords take on their name in violence toward elven kind. Such violence can range from hate crimes of assault and vandalism to outright murder and genocide.   Description: The banner lords have influence in most if not all of human civilization. They are human supremacists and have been responsible for some of the most heinous acts on elven kinds besides the Vathmirian Empire. The organization has a massive influence on human politics with a majority of human local politicians and leaders being either secretly or overtly in the organization.
Military, Knightly Order

part of the Southern PRF military


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