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Outer Systems Alliance

The Outer Systems Alliance is a confederation of star states in the centre of the Outer Systems region of human space. It is not itself truly a state, but rather contains numerous star states, the largest of which is Rukwa. It was originally founded the defend the interests of the smaller star states from outside powers, notably the Federal Republic of Zeta Tucanae, and later the Congressional Republic of Orizont. In recent years, the OSA has begun to fracture, as various star states within it align themselves with either Zeta Tucanae or Orizont in the ongoing cold war in the region. At the same time, politicians on Rukwa have been pushing for greater centralisation in the OSA, nominally to help protect it from potential future conflicts between the great powers.  


Rukwa is the de facto leader of the Outer Systems Alliance.


The people of the Aeneas Directorate are largely grateful to the OSA for protecting them from Avastus.


Tinia appreciates the OSA's protection and economic support.


The DRM approves of the OSA's neutrality, but many in the OSA dislike Morobe's dictatorship, reliance on Earth, and military buildup.


New Hainan is a member of the Outer Systems Alliance.


Nuragia is a member of the OSA, but many of its citizens resent being under an additional layer of government.

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