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United Colonies of Columbia

The United Colonies of Columbia, also known as the Perpetual Union of Columbia, is a star state with control of a single class-G star system, Jefferson, which houses its sole habitable world, Columbia. The UCC's government is modelled loosely after the 18th Century American Articles of Confederation, and as a result the individual Colonies that make up the Perpetual Union have significant autonomy, while the confederal government mainly only manages commerce, diplomacy, and defence.   The people of Columbia are generally free-spirited and staunchly democratic, particularly ever since they repelled an invasion from the Union of Interstellar Communes in 2579. Due in part to the decentralised nature of the UCC, the nation ‘s economy is a mixture of manufacturing, service, extraction, and agriculture, though the latter is the most prominent. The UCC is considerably more religious than most star-states, and is the foremost bastion of Protestant Christianity.

Political System

The Perpetual Union is comprised of 32 Colonies throughout Columbia and the Jefferson system, each of which is legally sovereign and manages its own internal affairs as though it were an independent state. While there are some constitutional restrictions on the Colonies, such as their being required to maintain democratic systems of government, only a select handful of powers are delegated to the Interplanetary Congress, the governing body of the Union. In general, Congress only has powers relating to foreign diplomacy, commerce, defence, and the management of interplanetary space. Congress elects and is headed by the President of the Interplanetary Congress, who acts only as the head of government, and is not a chief executive or commander-in-chief. The President is elected for a one-year term, and no one person can be President for more than one out of every three years. While each Colony is constitutionally required to elect its own senate and governor through elections with universal suffrage for all adult citizens, they are each free to determine their representatives to Congress as they see fit. Each Colony, regardless of size or population, recieves one vote in Congress.   Per the confederation's constitution, Congress recieves 10% of the tax revenue collected by each Colony, primarily in order to support a small standing navy and maintain space infrastructure. The Congressional Navy is expected to be supported by Colonial militaries in times of war, as it was during the Pressburger-Columbian War. Colonies can only maintain limited standing militaries, relying largely on reserve forces, converted civilian ships, and even mercenaries in times of need. Congress can elect a commander-in-chief with support of 28 of the Colonies, who temporarily acts as the head of the combined Congressional and Colonial militaries, as was done in 2579. Columbia also possesses an independent judiciary in its Supreme Court, which ensures that neither Congress nor any of the Colonies violates the constitution, and must approve any constitutional amendments.


Columbia has a somewhat advanced and highly diverse economy, spurred on almost entirely by a robust private sector. While the level of government regulation of the economy varies widely from Colony to Colony, Columbia possesses a largely laissez-faire economy. Large corporations such as the Galactic Technologies Consortium and Colonial Development Fund play an integral role in the Union's economy and society, with only a handful of Colonies taking action to prevent corporate interference in the government. Congress, too, is highly reliant on such large corporations to spur on economic development and manage infrastructure, due to its minimal income from low tax rates and tarriffs. This reliance is further reinforced due to the balanced budget clause in the Union's constitution preventing Congress from spending more money than it gains in income.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Perpetual Union of Columbia
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Government Category
Genetic Manipulation
By Colony
By Colony
Inter-Sapience Relations
By Colony

Good Relations

Nuragia and the UCC share a bond due to their similarly devolved governments and shared Christian faith.

Friendly Relations

The CDF protects the UCC, which in turn provides benefits to the corporation.

Ideological Differences

The fiercely democratic Columbian people dislike the socialism of New Hainan, and have not forgiven them for the Pressburger-Columbian War.

Ideological Differences

The UCC is opposed to Avastus' political system, and Evangelical preachers routinely condemn its materialism.

Fierce Rivalry

Columbia and the UIC are ideological rivals, and former opponents in war.


The PRS has not forgotten the failed invasion of the UCC in 2579, and seeks to avenge it.


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