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People's Republic of Shamlan

The People's Republic of Shamlan is an authoritarian socialist star state within the class-K Therthar system, centred around the habitable planet Shamlan, which was named after the Arabic explorer Rushdi al-Shamlan. Shamlan declared independence from the Union of Interstellar Communes in 2581 following liberalising reforms within the UIC. The leadership of Shamlan declared that the UIC had become corrupt, and no longer represented true Marxist principles. Since its independence, Shamlan has been ruled by Paramount Leader Nabeel el-Yassin, whom its impoverished population have largely come to revere with an almost religious loyalty.

Political System

The People's Republic of Shamlan is among the most authoritarian states in human space, with Paramount Leader Nabeel el-Yassin wielding near-absolute power. While the state possess a legislature, the Assembled Soviets, and a Supreme Court, all branches of government have been fiercely loyal to el-Yassin since they were purged in 2583. The state regularly holds elections, in which the Paramount Leader has never failed to achieve at least 99% of the vote, which are universally considered blatantly undemocratic. The members of the Assembled Soviets and Supreme Court have been directly appointed by the Paramount Leader ever since constitutional reforms in 2588.

Cult of the Spirit of the People

Shamlan is known for its large number of state monuments, many of which bear the likeness of the Paramount Leader. Most of the remaining monuments were built to honour the "Spirit of the People", a concept which has morphed over time from a metaphor for the desires of the working class, to a pseudo-religious object of worship in the People's Republic. Nabeel el-Yassin has publicly promoted reverence for and even worship of the Spirit of the People, even going so far as to informally declare himself its prophet. While mainline Marxists have universally condemned these actions, el-Yassin has on several occasions responded by calling down anathema upon his critics, and declaring them traitors to the revolution.


Shamlan is exceptionally poor, and despite the governments insistence to the contrary, is considered to be among the poorest states in all of human space. Despite this, the People's Republic maintains one of the largest standing militaries in the Outer Systems, and the government invests heavily in mining and heavy industry, at the expense of agriculture and civilian industries. Famine is common on Shamlan, and the government rarely allows foreign aid or investment of any form. There is no legal private sector, with the state operating a pure command economy, directed by the Paramount Leader himself, though there is a large black market.

Foreign Relations

The People's Republic of Shamlan is an international pariah, and nearly universally considered a rogue state. Despite this, and its intense isolationism, militarism, and authoritarianism, the PRS does allow foreign tourists to visit, though very few actually do so. Additionally, Shamlan formally signed a Pact of Eternal Friendship and Mutual Prospoerity with the Democratic Republic of Morobe in 2599, resulting in some limited trade relations between the two states.\


The Therthar system contains three major terrestrial planets, one gas giant, and one ice giant, in addition to numerous smaller planetoids and asteroids. The second closest planet to the star, Shamlan, is believed to have beenterraformed by the ancient Cetians and is considered habitable. However, Shamlan has a relatively low population of only 350 million people, due to its hostile environment. Shamlan is extremely dry, with no oceans to speak of, and only a handful of large lakes. Most of the planet's surface experiences very little to no rain in a given year, and temperatures fluctuate wildly. There are no seasons on Shamlan due to its regular orbit and lack of a significant axial tilt, and average daily temperatures reach up to 50 degrees celsius during the day, and drop below -10 degrees celsius at night. The planet experiences very high wind speeds and regular dust storms due to its large temperature variations. Shamlan is relatively small, and has a surface gravity of 0.67g.
Founding Date
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy

Pact of Eternal Friendship

Morobe and Shamlan have signed a Pact of Eternal Friendship and Mutual Prosperity, and cooperate despite their ideological differences.

Poor Relations

The ULE does not consider the PRS a legitimate state.


Shamlania views the New Hainan as having bestrayed Marxist principles, and New Hainan views Shamlania as a rogue state.


The PRS has not forgotten the failed invasion of the UCC in 2579, and seeks to avenge it.


Shamlan views the UIC as having bestrayed Marxist principles, and the UIC views the Shamlanans as rebellious secessionists.


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