
This magical Battleaxe once belonged to Bart, who wielded it during the battle with the Wyverns at the now infamous Wyvern Tor location east of the town of Phandalin. Hew was discovered by Brughor, leader of a group of bandits who have been disrupting the eastern trade route of goods. His crew is part of a Peace Treaty which also includes "The Spider," Iarno “Glass Staff” Albrek, and King Grol.   Timbercleave Battleaxe Weapon (battleaxe),
rare (requires attunement)   Description:
Forged in the deep mountain forges of the Dwarves, Hew is a +1 Battleaxe that gleams with a metallic sheen, reflecting a spectrum of colors.   Properties:
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Plant Bane: When Hew strikes a plant creature or an object made of wood, the target takes a critical hit if the attack roll would hit the target, bypassing the need to roll for a critical.   Attunement:
To attune to Hew, a user must spend a short rest handling and examining the axe while in contact with a natural wooden object or plant.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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