Wyvern Tor

Wyvern Tor, a craggy hill located just north of the Sword Mountains and not far from the Triboar Trail, has a long and storied history. Named for the wyverns that once nested upon its heights, the Tor has seen many inhabitants and numerous battles throughout the centuries. In ancient times, it was considered a sacred site by the local druidic circles, who believed the winds atop the hill whispered secrets of the earth. As time passed, the site became a strategic military outpost due to its elevated and defensible position. It changed hands many times, from the orcs of the Many Arrows tribe to the invading forces of distant kingdoms.   It has become a desolate and ominous place, largely avoided by travelers and locals alike. Recently, it has been occupied by bandit raiders lead by Brughor, who uses the location as a base from which to raid the surrounding countryside. They have hit several shipment caravans headed for Phandalin.   Harbin Wester has pleaded with the Owl Friends adventuring party to clear the place out, for a fee of 140GP plus whatever loot they can plunder. Brughor is directly affecting the town supply and, more importantly to him, Harbin Wester's personal income and fine foods deliveries.   On 13 Kythorn 1491 DR The Owl Friends attempted to besiege the location, injuring the Bugbear guard Grack and unsuccessfully negotiating with Brughor. Which led to an explosive ambush from above featuring the use of the Fireball Spell Scroll they picked up earlier. After dispatching the bandits they recovered a very rare bottle of Starlight Veritas as well as Hew.  


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