Feral Fridays 2024 | The Copper Coin of Change

There's no plague on this side of the Anvil that can stop the feral energy from flowing.   So, let it flow! Read these incredible words!
  My, how things change, whether in the day-to-day or so slowly it takes an age to even notice what's different. With a theme like change, it's a wide, wide world to think of what a collection of worldbuilders can invent for their worlds to represent it.   We know change in the real world to be a right challenge in the short and long term alike — those who go out and embrace change truly have a superpower I cannot fathom.
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

Mannasurge Sandstorms
by Keon Croucher
Natural disasters can be devastating, and it's always beautiful to see that quality portrayed through prose and quotes highlighting their effect! What a cool, brutal disaster!  
Mannasurge Sandstorms
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 13, 2024
by Catoblepon
I have an appreciation for mundane things in a world, the less-than-spectacular creations people employ to live their lives. These get the job done, even if they're not perfect.  
Vehicle | Sep 6, 2024

A haphazard vehicle to travel between floating islands in Adea.

Planktonic Storm
by Mochimanoban
Another chilling quote to lead us into a uniquely dangerous phenomenon! Guess that breath of fresh air wasn't quite so fresh, after all? The plankton art is deceptively cute :)  
Planktonic Storm
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 30, 2024

A deadly storm, invisible to the eye.

Plague of Names
by Kitoypoy
Noting that this plague goes both ways was a fun detail and I love the microconflicts it can bring, and the end note as well was unexpectedly wholesome!  
Plague of Names
Condition | Aug 3, 2024

After the Hell Week Accords came and went the inhabitants of the Zone were afflicted with a strange condition that made them hear anytime someone said their true name.

by Callyxtus
Theatre is truly a window into the hearts and minds of cultures, and this article gave us so much insight into this art in Yeia! Lovely art, as always!  
Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024

One of the main sources of entertainment in the Blatian, Oronai and Seris cultures.

Zeppelin Class Transport MK II
by CrazyEddie
I love getting to know the history behind creations like this vehicle! Why was it made, and where did it begin? The Bob Ross mention was a stellar touch.  
Zeppelin Class Transport MK II
Vehicle | Jul 1, 2024

The Burning Light
by ElijahHemlock
Seeing the way an affliction could alter the way of life for an entire population is harrowing and intriguing! So devastating, but so easy to contract!  
The Burning Light
Condition | Jul 12, 2024
by sunnybirdboi
I'm always hungry for more of the lore behind Visctheria's pantheons. I love this introduction to the historical shattering of the gods and the world!  
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 6, 2024

And when the Titans Shattered the Gods into pieces, the Continent was soon to follow.

by oaster2000
Truly a dark affliction! I loved the inclusion of some notable examples of victims, exploring some of the horrors they faced, showcasing its effects.  
Condition | Jul 21, 2024

A strange dark sickness that has infected and changed people around the world.

Mapek Gens
by AsterVela
It's so fascinating to see cultures who diligently maintain their own isolation, in spite of terrible events which drive them from their homes and into need!  
Mapek Gens
Ethnicity | Jul 10, 2024
Mirah Al'kadir
by Tyrdal
A character who changes on two different fronts! Tyrdal has such a delightful voice when writing prose, and this article told me so much about the world through story!  
Mirah Al'kadir
Character | Jul 23, 2024

Mirah Al'kadir, the prince of beasts - a tale of a love that was not to be and the plights of mortal minds.

The Underground Stage
by Satrium
I'm a big supporter of the indie scene, whether in games, music, or art, so I love to see fictional spaces serving such a purpose and bringing people together!  
The Underground Stage
Building / Landmark | Jul 28, 2024

An underground music bar in Okodranous, famous for providing a stage for up-and-coming artists.

Intrusive Thoughts
by DreamCartographer
Have you ever read something that inflicted you with a deep horror unlike any you've known? This is a wild cool twist to the prompt and I love/hate it!  
Intrusive Thoughts
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 12, 2024
Leyline Emergence
by Strixxline
My pick from week one! A follow-up to my Leylines article, and soon to be another pillar article for Malkora! I have a lot of exploring to do, to flesh this out.  
Leyline Emergence
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 21, 2024

Fancy a Feature?
Jumping in on Feral Fridays is as easy as sending over your favorite submission of the week to me via Discord, or in the comments of this article. For the next showcase, we will be reading only Silver submissions, so get to writing! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!   Next Feral Friday is expected to run on my Twitch channel at 2pm EST on Friday, July 19th! See you there!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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