Westkeep Watchtower Building / Landmark in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Westkeep Watchtower

A Beacon of Vigilance

"The wind carries tales of unrest, yet it's in the storm that we anchor ourselves more firmly to our beliefs and to each other."
— Endara the Watcher

Originally constructed as a lookout to monitor for approaching threats, the watchtower has evolved into a multi-functional facility, serving both as a defense point and a training ground for apprentice priests and soldiers.

Strategically positioned on the highest ground within Westkeep, offering expansive views of the surrounding lands and the approaches to the village.

Cultural Significance
The watchtower stands as a symbol of Westkeep's resilience and its people's dedication to safeguarding their homes. It also serves as a reminder of the community's deep ties to the Church of St. Ygg.
Under steadfast leadership of Endra, a devoted Priest of St. Ygg. Her guidance not only fortifies the village's spiritual resilience but also ensures its safety against external threats. Through wisdom and the collective strength of the community, Endra's leadership embodies the principles of unity, protection, and devotion, making the Westkeep Watchtower a beacon of hope in these harsh northern lands.
Endra the Watcher
Character | Jul 1, 2024

Steward of the Westkeep Watchtower.

Robust stone construction, with a narrow base expanding upwards to a wider observation deck. Features a single entrance elevated above the ground, accessible by a wooden staircase that can be removed or destroyed in case of attack.
Current Use
Apart from its defensive role, the watchtower also functions as a monastery where priests of St. Ygg engage in study and prayer, contributing to the spiritual life of Westkeep.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
In the safety of the tower, we waited out the invasion of the mountain men.
— Pig Farmer
Westkeep is the southern and westernmost influence in the Prelacy. It stands on the edge of the frontier; ever vigilant as part of the trinity of the church's power. This tower is a symbol for travelers of safety and welcome in these lands of ever-pressing dangers.
Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

positioned on the western edge of Middenmark, is fortified by a unique watchtower-monastery

Articles under Westkeep Watchtower


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