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Ympiirno Soveren Relmino Dai Junjon (ˌɪmpɪˈɜːno͡ʊ sˈo͡ʊvɚɹən ɹᵻlmˈiːno͡ʊ dˈa͡ɪ jˈuːnɪən)

The Ympiirno Soveren Relmino Dai Junjon, translated as the Greater Imperial Union of Sovereign Realms is a hybrid Theocracy that integrates blended elements of Communism, Fascism, and Imperialism. The Union was officially founded on at 2359 13/09/2171 CE at the coronation of Ympiirist Norishige Kuzmoto. The Imperial Cult grew from the superstitions of space. As the precursor to the Union of Sovereign Realms, the Preservation of the First World drifted aimlessly through space away from old terra after being evicted by force of arms by the newly formed United Federation of Nations, the newly formed exodus fleet would mix the right ingredients into a pressurised fleet under the thumb of an authoritarian regime. The fleets population was a strange mix of Shinto, Hindu, Maori, and new age Greco-Roman pagans all under the authoritative protection of PFW patriots who were avid worshippers of Communist Russia, Fascist Germany, Isolationist America, Imperialist Japan, Britain, France, and Russia of old. Under the autocratic rule of worshippers of Imperialist monarchies, coupled with their totalitarian hold on the fleet and a slew of miraculous events and horrors that the burgeoning exodus fleet would encounter during their deep space expedition the Kaisarno Kult would be borne.


The Union is a curious melting pot of ethics and values of ethnically Japanese, German, Russian, French, English and American. Subtler cultural influences are noted from Maori, Indian and South American traditions, customs, and cultures. With the hybrid influences of Imperialism, Fascism, Communism, as well as Shintoism and broader Pantheonism. The Junjon's core cultural customs are a peculiar amalgam of cultural norms. This is further complicated by the interaction of the state as a Theocracy that codified many-core cultural beliefs as canon doctrine making the separation of culture and state difficult to define.   Core Beliefs   The Junjon derives several core values from its theocultural traditions
  • Humanity as biologically Male, Female, and Intersex are made equal participants in the world and to be afforded equal opportunity to serve in all valuable capacities.
  • Sentient Aliens are valuable tools of creation that live to serve humanity and point all back to the Lort, Lati, and Latos.
  • Station and Service are good expressions of an ordered, healthy creation.
  • The cultural, linguistic, physiological, spiritual, and mental health of the individual directly impacts the greater community and is of absolute importance.
  • Customs
  • Communal bathing
  • Public Agenda

    The Union's central agenda continues to be the mandate laid out by its forebearers, to protect the ethnopolitical purity of its member nations and to continue to bring creation under the authority of Humanity.

    Demography and Population

    The population is spread over 22 planets with each planetary governor a national leader in their own right.     Imperial Citizens Komin Kanko: Citizen Officials Komin Zako: Citizen Tradesmen
  • Citizen Technical Tradesmen
  • Citizen Military Tradesmen
  • Imperial People Ryoko: Imperial Servant People Farming Peasants Kanko: People Officials
  • Religious Officials
  • Government Officials
  • Zako: Tradesman
  • Technical Tradesman
  • Military Tradesman
  • Kenin: Imperial Servant (non-human)

    Foreign Relations


    Despite being a caste-based nation the Union has poured a lot of effort into creating a technically competent country. Children from a young age are brought through generally standardised schooling that teaches a broad range of topics from theology to ethics. By the time of secondary education, they will spend a third of their study in their apprenticeship.

    Cosmological Views

    When time began and the great explosion subsided, what was meant to be an ordered creation fell into chaos: gravity appearing where it shouldn’t, stars vanishing, day and night were barely concepts to the mortal world. In this chaos, Lati Gaia, of nature, and her consort Lort Gede, of death and fertility, began assigning the Lorts and Latis of Takahara to the roles of correcting the broken world. As they came to the orbits and the stars, they assigned Lort Helis and Lati Suna to the light, but as they tried to assign a Lort or Lati to the night they discovered all were committed to another of the mortal coil’s needs. In an act of desperation, they took four of Takahara’s Lukistno Andjels and five of Lati Freja’s Valkiris, and reforged them as four Latos and five Latis of the Night, holding the collective power of a single Lort or Lati. Five Valkiris were chosen by Takahara to ensure the dead and the newborns of the night would begin life and end life in true peace. In fact, at the birth of the Union, the connection between Lato and Man was made perfect on Kiln. As First Emperor Kuzmoto was being birthed, Lati Devna of the Hunt carried his divine spirit in her womb, causing thunder, lightning, hail, and hurricanes that rocked the very foundations of Kiln. It was the Nine that delivered Emperor Kuzmoto.

    Tenets of Faith

    - The Ympiirist/a is the mortal expression of the Lort, Lati, and Latos
    - All Imperial decrees are an act of the Lort, Lati, and Latos.
    - All species are made in the image of the Lords and Ladies.
    - All Sex, colour, and species are subject to the Emperor/Empress's divine authority.
    - All Sex, colour, and species are equally worthy of any work divinely issues.
    - Station is a gift of the Lords and Ladies.
    - All mortal rights are equally earned and given.


  • To worship any other deities is heresy
  • to worship anyone besides the Emperor/Empress is heresy
  • To build AI is heresy
  • To be genetically unclean is heresy
  • All creation is made for a fit and purpose
  • Priesthood

    The Kaisarno Kult is organised with the Emperor/Empress as the supremely divine being in this mortal realm, from there all entities that are a direct political representative of their will is an extension of their will and within the religious hierarchy of authority. A specially assigned priesthood does exist. The Priesthood is organised into an inner and outer circle, the inner circle serves the Imperial Family directly while the outer priesthood ministers to the larger Union.  
    Inner Priesthood Kanushi "God Masters" and Shinshoki "God's Employees"
    Outer Priesthood Shrajnona "Shrine Maiden" and Diikon "Deacon"


    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Country
    Alternative Names
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Leader Title
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Theocratic
    Power Structure
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Legislative Body
    Ympiirno Dajet "Imperial Diet"   Ympiirno Prezidjam "Imperial Presidium"
    Judicial Body
    Komisarno Kaunsil "Commissar Council"
    Executive Body
    The Emperor
    Official State Religion
    Official Languages
    Neighboring Nations
    Related Species
    Related Ethnicities


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