Barony of Crowmur Organization in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Barony of Crowmur

Crowmur is a barony of the Dutchy of the Johnslands located to the West of Deep Harbour

The barony is ruled by Forvevis Crowmur. Unlike other ruling Johnsman families who rule baronies in the Moorlands who strictly wed within other Johnsman nobility--such as Barony of Thornmur, the Barony of Dairgarn, the Barony of Shealroh, and until recently the Barony of D'arcy-- Baron Forvevis was wed to Tuhura Olgeno, the daughter of a high status Malaki merchant, in order to integrate the growing Malaki populations in Harborwash. Though the original motives for the marriage were cynical, The marage worked extreemly well. Forvevis' easy going nature and undeniable charisma making him a popular, while Tuhura's head strong business savy leading to Corwmur flurishing economicaly. The baron and baroness have 9 children; Alphonse (16), Irena (15), Rachelle (14), Nhabin (13), Shepley (11), Alondra (11), Maisie (10), Merrick (7), and Nadina (2).

As the eldest son, Forvevis Crowmur inherited rule of the barony ahead of his younger sister Loryne Thorn who resides in Greywold Keep and his twin sister Wilfrieda Chilam who occupies Redhand Hall. Both sisters are supported by Johnsmen who see Forvevis as weak and not a true Johnsman. Wilfrieda's husband Oliver Chilam is a pushover and capitualates to his wifes demands in everything, whereas Loryne's husband Latimer Thorn has his own designs to bring Greywolf Moors under the influence of the Barony of Thornmur, and with the recent death of his brother Gotthard Thorn he also has designs on ruling the Barony of Thornmur itself.

"It's generaly bad business to pick a side, unless you can control who wins."

--Dimitri LeVask



Crowmur is bordered on the west by the Canburg brook and Islington Rush, on the east by the Golden Rush River, the north by the Thornpass and in the south by Lake Nerroth.

The lands within the borders can be devided into three areas, the watershead of Crowmur Lake, the watershead of Emerald Lake, and the Greywolf Moors highlands. The south is dotted with fertal valleys and several forests, where as the lands become flatter and farmland more common around Emerald Lake. The Harborwash is a uniquely flat area, created when Ovgilbek dredged the Golden Rush River in order to make shipping easier. The left over dredge is very furtal, and makes for some prime crop areas just outside of Deep Harbour

Weather in Crowmur is usualy failrly mild year round, though due to it's proximity to Lake Nerroth it recevies large amounts of snow.

Geographic areas

Islington Rush -- Canburg brook -- Golden Rush River -- Emerald Lake -- Kernet Brook -- Crowmur Lake -- Arrdberg creek -- Mudguard Fen -- Crackrock Shore -- Lake Nerroth Kingfisher Dells -- Crowmur Dale -- Echo Valley -- Grimkros Hills -- Harborwash -- Blackdog Hills -- Black Badger Meadows Blackwood -- Old Witchwood -- Bearded Willow Wood -- Deadfor Moors -- Redhand Woods -- Greywolf Moors -- Hanswell Thicket


Thornpass -- Greywold Keep -- Redhand Hall -- Keep Kernet --Buxtham Bridge -- Kings Crossing -- Weiven Bridge -- Grimkros Castle -- Kingfisher Monastery -- Crowmur Castle -- Citadel of Echos -- Eye of the Storm



There are several fertal valleys within Crowmur, allowing for the growing of wheat, oats, peas, beets and other veggitables, and Harborwash producing large fields of pumpkin, flax, and oats. Orchards are uncommon, but sour plum trees and hearty pear trees can be found within most villages. Common livestock include the Crowmur swine (a large but docile black and white pig), Grimkros goat (a small, shaggy goat with long downturned horns), and Loren cattle (Large, black, hornless beef cows). The Crowmur Grey is a war horse raised on the Greywolf Moors and is a favorite breed for nobles and knights in the Dutchy of the Johnslands. Domesticated poultry is uncommon, though game birds like goose, pheasent, swan and duck are plentiful. Rabbit, boar, and deer are commonly hunted for food, and many animals such as beaver, mink, rabbit, wold and badger are trapped for their furs.

Large decidus forests of elm and oak dot the country side, full of hazelnuts, berries, and mushrooms. Some commercial logging is done in the Kingfisher Dells and Redhand Woods due to their close proxemity to waterways, but most loggin is done for local consumption. Tin can be found in the Blackdog Hills, and coal in the Grimkros Hills.

Crowmur boasts many skilled wood carvers and carpenters, and Rocdale is know for it's ship building. villages near Deep Harbour and the Golden Rush River are also renowned for their cartwrights, saddle makers, coopers and crate makers. many merchants make hold large and elaborate estates in Harborwash and the Black Badger Meadows.

  • Exports include;Fur, Oats, Pork, Horses, ships, carts, barrels, tin
  • Imports include; Iron, wool, wine, salt


Crowmur is predominently made up of Humans of Johnsman hertiage, though there is a large Malaki population along the shore of Lake Nerroth and Harborwash, and up the Golden Rush River to Dornfurt. Some Halfling and Hill Dwarves have settled into the more tollerant southern areas of Crowmur, while Firbolg and Elves can be found in the Blackwood.



Aardberg -- Bridge Hill -- Amsterhoff -- Fisher's Dell -- Crowmur -- Rosebury -- Muddgarde -- Tullkenny -- Regensnacht -- Rocdale -- Ærhollow -- MacLin -- Zendri's Hole -- Glowworm Dell -- Weiven -- Loren -- Spirit forest -- Greenstone -- Frelliers -- Courlimar -- Blankenlohn -- Ghostdell -- Warchester -- Muggard -- Dornfurt -- Dawnburg -- Kernet -- Hardtetten -- Willowhall

Most homes in Crowmur are built of either timber or stone, though often they are at least two stories with second story access for when the snows get deep in the winter.

"Never know what you are going to get with folks from Crowmur. From the kindest child, to the most bigoted noble, they always got some kind of angle"

--Lucious Tiny, Tavernkeeper


Unique Customs

Apprenticships are are started with a large celebration where a Master provides his apprentice with his first tools, and the aprentice swears an oath on those toolsUsing & Joining, Fame & Favor

Roughhousing & Feeding, Place & Masks

Waiting & Chanting, Passion & Power



winter festival

spring festival

summer festival

autumn festival



general description. Common ingredients. Common flavours. Staples

noteworthy dishes



--Barmus Ambleside, cleric of Dagdah



material. Colors. Patterns

common clothes. Traveller clothes. Noble clothes. Costumes

jewlery, pearcings and tatoos

hair and beards



Dragons, Giants, Hags. Devils and other thinking monsters

owlbears and other "dumb" monsters

armies, raiders, & Bandits

Never Darkens

Geopolitical, Barony
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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