BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

1. The Brothers

When our adventure begins, Ingatius Cogswell & Sir Lesley Percival Benidict Hancock IV had already been renuited and recently they discovered both Lucian Netherheart & Ute, The Many. The brothers all realized they had the same birthmark known as The Mark. The four brothers left Rothevon and headed to the southern edge of the Ashriden Wood to seek out the fifth brother Tim the Enchanter.  

Mysterious Parentage

All of the brothers have compared stories and have come the following conclusions:
  • There father was bearded and wore a red beret
  • All of the brothers have identical birthmark
  • Somehow he was able to father a purebred Bugbear, a Tiefling and Human Children
  • The brothers believe that their father was helping people and is a force for good based on the story from Tim's mother Swaahbeefz
Sir Lesley Percival Benidict Hancock IV
Sir Lesley Percival Benidict Hancock IV was adopted into the Hancock family at birth, but he never knew his real parents. He was raised in a luxurious estate in the heart of Rothevon, with a large staff of servants to attend to his every need.   The Hancock family have been in Rothevon for generations, and are well known in the city. The family has a long and proud history, and are renowned for their skills in business and politics. The Hancock family have always been a powerful force in the city, and their influence and wealth have allowed them to become one of the most respected families in Rothevon.   The Hancock family makes its money through a variety of businesses, including real estate, banking, and investments. They also own a number of vineyards and wineries, which produce some of the finest wines in the region. The family also invests in a number of charitable causes, and are well known for their philanthropic works.   Sir Lesley was raised with the highest standards of etiquette and education, and was taught to appreciate the finer things in life. He was provided with the best tutors and mentors, and was groomed to take over the family business one day.  
Tim the Enchanter
Tim the Enchanter was a unique bugbear in the Ashriden Wood. While most of his kind were known for their ferocity and love of battle, Tim had a different passion - nature. From a young age, he was fascinated by the plants and animals that surrounded him, spending hours observing and learning from them.   His mother, Swaahbeefz, was a powerful Druid who lived deep in the forest. She raised Tim on her own, teaching him everything she knew about the magic of nature. From her, he learned to harness the power of the elements and communicate with the creatures of the forest.   Tim's childhood was idyllic, spending his days exploring the forest and learning from his mother. However, as he grew older, he began to realize that not all creatures shared his love for nature. The imperial city of Rothevon, just outside of the Ashriden Wood, was constantly expanding, and with it came destruction of the forest.   This sparked a fire in Tim's heart. He couldn't stand by and watch as his beloved home was destroyed, and he knew he had to do something to protect it. So, he left his mother's side and ventured into the city, using his enchanting abilities to try and persuade the people to stop their expansion.   He began using his powers to defend his home, manipulating the elements and the creatures of the forest to protect it from the city's encroachment. While his actions were necessary, they also came with consequences. The other creatures of the forest grew wary of him, seeing him as a threat. And his mother, who had always preached using magic for peace, was disappointed in his use of it for conflict.   Despite this, Tim refused to back down. His love for nature was too strong, and he was willing to do whatever it takes to protect it. He became known as Tim the Enchanter, a powerful bugbear Druid feared by the people of Rothevon and revered by the creatures of the Ashriden Wood.   However, despite his fierce exterior, Tim still held onto the lessons he learned from his mother. He always tried to find a peaceful solution first and was constantly observing nature for guidance. And even though he had never known his father, he still held a strong bond to his family and clan, always thinking of them even when they were far away.  

Lucian Netherheart

  Lucian Netherheart sat alone in his small, dimly lit room, the only source of light coming from the flickering candles scattered around the room. He ran a hand through his jet black hair, the same color as his horns and tail, and let out a sigh. He had just returned from a difficult mission for his patron, Alysara Windwhisp.   As a tiefling warlock, Lucian's heritage marked him as an outcast in most societies. His demonic appearance often caused fear and distrust among others, making it difficult for him to fit in anywhere. That was until he made a pact with Alysara, an archfey known for her beauty and cunning.   Lucian's encounter with Alysara was one that he would never forget. It was a dark and stormy night, and Lucian was seeking shelter in a nearby forest when he stumbled upon Alysara's glade. The archfey was intrigued by the tiefling and offered him a pact in exchange for his unwavering loyalty. And thus, Lucian became a warlock, wielding the powers of the fey at Alysara's command.   However, along with this newfound power, Lucian also gained an eerie affinity with the supernatural. He seemed to have a deeper understanding of the mysterious forces that resided in the world, including death and the Mists. This made him even more of an outcast, as people were both fascinated and afraid of his abilities.   Lucian's personality reflected this isolation. He was quiet, often brooding, and kept to himself. He had learned to keep his guard up in order to protect himself from the judgment and discrimination of others. But deep down, he yearned to know more about the world and the mysteries that lay beyond.   His patron had promised him knowledge and understanding, and Lucian clung to this ideal of revelation. He was determined to uncover the secrets of the world and the afterlife, even if it meant delving into the darkest of places.   But there was one secret that Lucian was not willing to share with the world. A great evil dwelled within him, a darkness that threatened to consume him if he let his guard down. It was a constant battle for control, and Lucian was determined to fight against it for as long as he could.   The tiefling had gained a reputation for being a hero, someone who had defeated a great evil in the past. But this was all a lie. The wicked force that resided within him knew the truth, and it constantly tormented him, reminding him of his true nature. This secret weighed heavily on Lucian's conscience, and he lived in constant fear of it being exposed.   Yet, despite all of his struggles, Lucian remained determined to use his powers for good. He had seen firsthand the destruction that evil could bring, and he was determined to protect the world from its clutches. For as long as he could, he would fight against not only the great evil within him but also the other evils lurking in the world. After all, he was not just a mere tiefling, but a tiefling warlock, with the powers of an archfey at his disposal.  

Ignatius Cogswell

  Ignatius Cogswell was always fascinated by machines and all things mechanical. As a young boy, he spent countless hours taking apart clocks and toys, determined to understand how they worked. His parents, who were simple farmers, did not quite understand their son's obsession, but they supported him nonetheless.   As Ignatius grew older, his passion for machinery only intensified. He was drawn to the art of alchemy, a branch of science that combined his love for mechanics and magic. He spent every spare moment studying and experimenting, determined to unlock the secrets of this ancient craft.   But it was his quest to create a dragon's breath potion that would ultimately change his life forever. Ignatius became obsessed with the idea of harnessing the power of fire and unleashing it with a simple potion. He poured over ancient texts and consulted with other alchemists, determined to crack the code.   As he delved deeper into his research, Ignatius became reckless. He ignored safety precautions and took dangerous risks in his experiments. One fateful night, a catastrophic accident occurred in his laboratory, resulting in a massive explosion that left him critically injured.   Ignatius was rushed to the nearest healer, but it was too late. The explosion had damaged his legs beyond repair. He was left confined to a wheel chair, unable to walk again. The guilt and regret of his actions weighed heavily on him, but he gave up his alchemical pursuits and turned to tinkering.   Determined to find a way to continue his studies and accomplish his goal, Ignatius returned to his childhood home in Rothevon. With the help of his mother, who had always been supportive of his dreams, he converted their barn into a makeshift laboratory. He spent hours tinkering and experimenting, using his limited mobility and his brilliant mind to create incredible inventions.   Despite the hardships he faced, Ignatius never gave up on his dreams of using his knowledge for good. He became known as the 'Iggy Wheels' in his neighborhood, using his skills to create gadgets and contraptions that helped his fellow villagers. He may have lost his legs in pursuit of knowledge, but he gained a new sense of purpose as a an artificer.  
Ute, The Many
  A Life for a Coin   It has been said truly that the great Market District is the beating heart of Freyburn. And so, too, is it true that gold coins are its lifeblood, carried through the major thoroughfares leading to the market that are its arteries and veins. Most of the coins flow to the wealthy merchants and nobility. Some of it, of course, flows to the guards and police who protected the wealthy. And some flows down less prominent capillaries, at least delivering a pittance of sustenance to the tradesmen who perform the lesser tasks of producing the goods and performing the services necessary for a city to exist at all.   But the poor and the unproductive? Those who have fallen into debt and those who cannot or will not produce more precious coins? They are treated as clogs in the system. Damage that needs to routed around. Or removed entirely.   Ute's parents were one such obstruction. Ambitious entrepreneurs who took risks far larger than they were capable of handling, Ute's mother and father were left with few choices. Indentured servitude was their least objectionable option. And so at the age of seven, Ute was sent to live and work in the Minor House of Cliffmere. He was to be fed, cared for, and given an education, though he would not see his family again. It was considered a generous offer.   But what does a boy of that age understand of such things? Not a week had gone by and Ute ran away from his new life. He was caught by the guards almost immediately, of course. His new masters were not pleased. Such a violation of his parents’ contract could not be tolerated. He would run away several more times, each time eventually getting caught. And each time, after being punished in various ways, he would be told that the fee paid to the city guards would just be added to his parent's debt. It was only a few months before his masters decided he wasn't worth the effort, and Ute was sent to serve in debtor's prison until his family could pay the debt that Lord Cliffmere had bought.   Incarceration   For seven long years, Ute lived in that prison. Escape was much more difficult from there than some rich man's house, though that didn't stop Ute from trying a few times. He never did see his family again. Most of the children who spent enough time in those prisons eventually resign themselves to their fate. Ute was not like most children. While he had long given up hope of seeing his family again, Ute was sure he would one day be free. When he looked through the bars of the cell or over the walls of the prison, he would visualize himself escaping, seeing it in his mind's eye. He'd daydream, and sometimes for a second he felt as if he made it - as if he was looking back at himself from the other side of those bars or the tops of the wall.   And then one night, in a way he would never be able to explain, it happened. He was dreaming once more of being on top of the wall, looking back at himself in his cell... And suddenly there he was on top of the wall, looking back a glimmer of his former self, which then vanished. Ute didn't know whether it was some sort of magic, fate, or the whims of a god that put him on that wall, but he put off worrying about such things. With no one looking, he just dropped off the other side and slid off into the darkness.   Tunnel Rat   Freyburn has a long and storied history. Those rich people Ute lived with - he remembered how much they loved to talk about it. The city had been razed in ancient wars, always rebuilt, and renamed quite a few times. People like to remember and recite the stories, but they really don't think about the all consequences, about everything that gets left behind by history. As Ute's friend Ulf tells it: "Just as the wealthy built this city on the backs of those they've forgotten, the city is built on top of the history it's forgotten. And that's who we are and where we live, Ute. Forgotten people living in a forgotten piece of history."   Ute's and his adoptive tribe live in the catacombs, sewers, and caverns that exist under the city of Freyburn. Originally dubbed "Tunnel Rats" as a pejorative by those living on the surface, the term has become a badge that they wear with pride. The Tunnel Rats are a diverse set of misfits of many races. They do not tend to have the normal sort of racial biases of surface folk, but tend to view people along the lines of where they live and how they make their wealth. Those living in cities are viewed as less worthy than those living under them, or in the wild. And those wealthy living up on their balconies looking down on the poor are to be despised most of all. Merchants who make their wealth through trade are better than bankers who merely loan money, but those who make their wealth through toil will be given the most respect.   They are ruled, loosely, by an old woman named Agaread and her devoted sons. Ute felt very lucky to have been found by one of those sons shortly after escaping prison. A boy of only 14 years of age, the Tunnel Rats took him in and raised him as one of their own. While Agaread leads the Rats, she preaches a philosophy of communal ownership. She instructs Rats to reject the materialism of the world above and teaches that personally owning more than one needs is a sin. Members of the Tunnel Rats habitually keep little in their own "nests", and share what they have with the group as a whole. Very little is done in a way of physical coercion, though a communal system of shame and shunning tends to bring individuals in line with her philosophy or drive out those who horde too much material wealth.   Today   Ute has grown into a strong and capable young man. At twenty-one years old he has served as one of the Wardens, a sect of guardsmen trained to defend the tunnels of Lower Freyburn from unwanted intruders. While it has been many years, he still cannot bring himself to forget how he came to be where he is today. He still daydreams, but no longer has visions of escape. He dreams of revenge on the house of nobles who took away his family and of revenge against all the nobles or Freyburn. He dreams of their blood, running through the streets.
  The five half brothers had a mysterious birthmark that was a perfect circle and two inches in diameter. It was a deep golden yellow in the center, outlined by a deep burgundy red. It was located in the same place for all five brothers, just below their left collarbone. They never understood why it was identical for all of them, and the curiosity kept them together. Although they weren’t the same age, their birthmark made them feel like they were all brothers and joined in a special way.


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