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Drikdarok's Wrath

As if frozen in time, the ruins of Drikdarok's Wrath once previously called Farshear Citadel, tells a tale of tragedy and courage. Moss-covered stones and crumbling walls are encroached upon by thick and sprawling ivy that envelops the broken remains of the city. The remains of simple dwellings and structures, once home to proud families and merchants, are now reduced to ruin, with roofs caved in and windows hollowed out. The silent stones stand mute as monuments to the valor of the citizens who refused to surrender in the face of danger.   The ruined fields surrounding the city still bear the scars of the wrath of Drikdarok; a testament to the passing years that have etched blackened lines into the once fertile land and the cursed waters that now barely trickle forth from their poisoned wells.   The ruins of Farshear Citadel are a melancholy reminder of what once was, a place of strength, courage, and defiance, lost to time.


Alternative Name(s)
Farshear Citadel
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